"Last Time With You"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

I thought of the plan tomorrow, I felt sad that I had to leave everyone. I felt sad that I had to leave Oppa, Yunah, Umma, Appa, Nana, Aunt Sira, Uncle Teuk, and everyone I met along the way. Thinking about how nice everyone was to me, made me cry. I didn't want to leave any of them.. not even one bit. But for Ahlis's and Oppa's happiness, I'm willing to. As I was deeply thinking, my door started to open again. I laid down in bed quickly and pretended to go to sleep. The person stepped inside and closed the door behind the person. I don't know who it could be this time. The footsteps got closer and closer. It finally reached my bedside. It reached for my hands. Its hands were big, yet warm and comfortable.

"Hunni.. I know that your alseep." his soft voice began to speak. It was Oppa. He came back.

"Oppa's sorry that Oppa let Ahlis hurt you and our baby." He said. I'm not going to cry.. I told myself. Just pretend to be asleep. You have to be strong and not give in to this.

"From now on, Oppa will never let anyone hurt you and our baby." He said. I felt his tear drops fall on my hands. Oppa, why are you crying? Are you acting? If you are Oppa, your a very good actor. I can almost fall for your words again. But I'm not going to let myself believe you like I did before. Oppa sighed. He walked over to the couch and laid down. He's going to stay here? I asked myself. He can't! If he does, than I can't get out of here! This can't be happening.. Oppa, get up.. go! Go anywhere. I turned the other way, so I looked outside the window. It was already dark. Oppa must be tired. I'll just let him stay here then. It should be snowing over in Seoul Korea right now.. I really miss the snow. I wish it was snowing here. I looked over to Oppa. Oppa was fast asleep. He crossed his arms, trying to keep himself warm. I bet he was cold. I carefully got out of bed and grabbed a blanket from the closet. I walked over to Oppa and place the blanket over him. He snuggled the blanket and was still asleep. He looked so adorable.. If he's this adorbale, I wonder how our baby will look like? I thought to myself as a smile appeard on my face.

"Oppa, tonights that last night that you'll be seeing me and I'll be seeing you. At least we get one last night together before everythings all over." I told Oppa softly walked back to bed. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from the dresser and began to write. After I finished writing the letter, I folded it and put it on my pillow. I only have an hour left before I leave. I should leave the hospital before Oppa wakes up, I told myself. I quietly walked over to Oppa.

"Oppa, I'm sorry.. I love you.. Goodbye." I told Oppa as tears ran down my cheeks. I changed into my normal clothing. I can't believe I'm really doing this. I walked out of the hospital room quietly and checked out of the hospital. Yong was already waiting for me at the enterance.

"Are you sure you want to leave everyone like this?" Yong asked me in his soft voice. I nodded.

"Hunni.. I know you don't want to leave. I know that you love Yukwon. Just stay with him and us." Yong told me.

"I want to, and I wish I could. But I can't." I told him. Yong shook his head and we drove off. We got to the ocean and got on the boat and we were headed off, out of this island. I didn't really get to say thank you to everyone here and goodbye. They must be mad.

"Hunni, you should just go stay inside the rooms in the boat. It's cold out here, you're not fully recovered yet. If anything happens to you, I'm dead... It's not safe for both you and your baby." Yong told me.

"Hmm.. thank you Yong. Thank you for everything." I told him with a smile and walked into the room. The whole boat ride, I stayed in the room and cried silently to myself. After a couple hours, we finally reached land. Now it was time for the long car ride.

"Are you tired?" I asked Yong

"No, I'm good. I'm used to this." Yong smiled.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"I'm doing okay, thank you." I told him. We continued with our journey back and the whole ride was pretty quiet. We were both pretty tried.

(Yukwon's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes and pulled a blanket up to cover more of my body. The room was pretty cold. Then I realized I had a blanket over me. When did I get this blanket? I asked myself.

"It must be Hunni." I thought to myself and smiled. I sat up and was going to go see her, but when I looked over to her bed, she was gone. I began to panic!

"Hunni!" I called out for her. But there was no answer. I looked inside the bathroom, but no one was in there. I looked carefulling on her bed and there was a note with Hunni's wedding ring there. I picked it up and unfolded the note. The note was from Hunni.

"Dear Oppa, I want to thank you for everything. I want to thank you for all that you've done for me. You've given me a warm family. Since I lost my family and have nothing left, your Umma and Appa became my family. Yunah became my little sister. And you, you became my husband. My husband that never needed me, never wanted me, never loved me. But it's okay. I'm not mad at Oppa one bit for that. But, I'm sorry I came into your life and ruined it. I didn't know that you were happily in love with Ahlis. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. I never knew how much Oppa hated me, but I know now. Oppa, you don't have to worry about our baby. I promise that I'll take good care of her or him. I'm sorry that I didn't keep the promise that we made. I'm sorry for not staying with you for a year, but I can't let you take my baby away from me. My baby is the only thing I have left. Oppa, I know that you never wanted me to come into your life, so now I'm doing you and Ahlis a favor. I'm finally leaving. You must be happy now right Oppa? I'm happy for you and Ahlis. I'm happy when ever your happy Oppa. I've been hurt too much in this thing called life. I'm tired of it all. I thought that I could bare with everything, but I couldn't take the pain anymore. I'm not as strong as I thought I was. Oppa, you'll be single again. Yong will send you the divorce documents to you, all you need to do is sign it and you'll be free from me. Goodbye Oppa, thank you for everything. I'm sorry...

love, your wife

Moon (Kim) Hunni."

While reading this letter, all the words, every sentence.. cut through me like razer knifes. Her words, did I really hurt her that much? I cried and asked myself. I held on tightly to the ring. I'm not going to lose you or our baby Hunni. I don't need any one or anything else, as long as I have you two in my life. I'll get you back Hunni, this I swear! I told myself and ran out of the hospital room.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)