
Detached Defenses

​There was a knock on the door of his office and Yunho quickly set the rainbow heart picture back in its proper place, between the childhood photos of him and his two best friends. “Come in,” he called. ​

The door opened and a boy with cropped mousy brown hair slouched in, hands in his jean pockets as he glanced around the office. Yunho smiled and rose from his desk, holding his hand out to greet the boy. “You must be Lee Jinki.” ​

The boy hastily tugged a hand from his pocket to return the greeting. “Dr. Jung.” ​

"It’s just Yunho,” Yunho replied. “I’m just a counselor, not a doctor.” He seated himself at his desk again, and gestured for Jinki to take the chair in front of his desk. “Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?” ​

"Why ask? My files are right in front of you,” Jinki retorted, nodding to the stack of papers in front of Yunho. He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair.

​“I’d rather hear it from you,” Yunho replied, closing the folder and setting it aside. “Hearing the story from your mouth is more important than reading it on paper.” ​

"I thought you were supposed to help me.” Jinki raised an eyebrow. Yunho could easily read the look in the boy’s eyes: distrust of authority figures, dislike of adults in general. He smiled to himself. Been there, done that. ​

"Forcing my thoughts on you won’t help anyone,” Yunho replied. “You’ll just say that I don’t understand. I want to understand, Jinki. Explain it to me.” ​

Jinki frowned for a moment, before a subtle change flickered over his manner. His shoulders slumped a little further and his eyes fixed on Yunho’s shoulder as he spoke. “Have you ever tried to help someone and failed?” he asked quietly. His voice sounded a little hoarse, like he was choking down a bad memory.

​“Yes,” Yunho said simply. ​

"Why does that happen?” Jinki asked. ​

"Because the other person is the one in control of their own decisions. You can only do your best to direct them towards the right one,” Yunho replied. “You don’t own their life. They do.” ​

Jinki cursed under his breath and ran his hand through his short hair. “My…friend, I guess. Killed himself after I went to prison for him.” Yunho nodded for him to go on. “I did everything I could so he wouldn’t end up like me and instead, he winds up dead! What kind of ing idiot-” ​

"Please watch your language,” Yunho said calmly. ​

"Sorry,” Jinki sighed and passed a hand over his cropped haircut again. “It’s just…I don’t understand why that had to happen.” ​

“You don’t have to understand,” Yunho replied. “He chose what he wanted to do with his life. Or do you not understand why you were the one to get a second chance and not him?” ​

Jinki stiffened slightly and Yunho knew he was on the right track. “Everyone deserves another chance, Jinki,” he said quietly. “Everyone. No one knows why some people don’t get one, but there’s always a reason if you do.” ​

"What’s my reason?” Jinki muttered, eyes lingering on the rainbow heart. ​

“That’s for you to find out,” Yunho replied. He smiled slightly, looking over his patient’s head at the framed objects hanging on the wall. His eyes skipped over his diplomas and awards to a photograph of him and Changmin at their high school graduation. ​

“I want you promise me one thing,” he added, looking back at the boy. ​

"What’s that?” Jinki asked. He looked distracted, and Yunho could only hope the boy was thinking about his words. ​

"You’ve been given another chance. Promise me you won’t waste it,” Yunho said quietly. “Take it, Jinki, and embrace it with everything you have.”

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looks like I logged back just in time xD I approve of the title! and I see you've also broken it down into chapters :P okay this is like the 3rd time I typed this, because I keep on clicking on different parts of the story and then losing my comment. um.

this is a really strong entry ^^ I think you stand a really good chance! Ever since the first contest we entered, it seems like we have a thing for darker stories LOL...even with a prompt like "rainbows" and "inspiration" ._. but in this case, that's what makes your story stand out more. good luck and well done ^^ I always love reading your stories. like seriously haha
oh dear gods this is amazing /sobs
why are you so amazing and godly /sobs
i love you and your writing so much /sobs
/sobs more
/continues sobbing
this is ugh /sobs
This is so good. I hope you win the contest! I love your writing do much! I like how you portray the characters and my personal favorite was Changmin<3 the story was heartwarming and I'm glad that it was a happy ending! You are such a talented writer! ALL of your stories need to get featured. It's too underrated!!!!!
ansson #4
..... to be honest i have no idea what i should say. it was.. amazing.
i was actually pretty lost most of the time, like just wondering what is going on, as i am not usually the best possible reader for stories that need some thinking.
still, i found this absolutely breathtaking, i could feel the emotions, the depression, confusion.
Still, the way it ended, how it was Yunho after all the one lost in his own world came as a bit of a shock to me. And i like the way you made the fifth chapter. it just... lightened things up.
And this fan fiction is absolutely one of my favorites.
So thank you, so much for writing it!!
and i am sorry for a crappy comment, it would be easier if English was my first language... X)

anyways, thank you and keep up the awesome work!!! :))