
Mirror on the Wall


“Hyung try to open it!” Jongup’s whine began to tick his patience off.

“Shut up you Chris Brown dude or I’ll make your burned above your beloved albums because I’m gonna light it up this instance if you don’t shut up,” Yongguk hissed at him and Jongup backed off instantly.

“Why did Himchan hyung talked by himself? Hyung you have to see what’s going on!” Junhong panicked and tugged at his oldest hyung’s jumper.

“Junhong, breathe. He could’ve made phonecalls  or something, don’t think too much,” Youngjae tried to calm down the maknae (why did he had to be the one who do it to everyone? Where’s justice? Equality?)

Daehyun can only sigh at the mini-debate on the couch. He knew that his hyung needed his time but he did agree that the sudden laugh and sometimes sob were a bit too much to handle.

“Hyung just knock and if he answered it, open it. If not let’s just let him be until he goes out.”

Yongguk seemed to think about it and nodded at the suggestion. Junhong’s and Jongup’s eyes practically light up in such a dazzling way that made Youngjae shook his head mentally. Kids.

Walking to the door slowly, the leader raised his hand and knocked the door.  Let him answer, let him answer, let him answer, let him…

A muffled but strong “come in” surprised Yongguk. Even if he wanted Himchan to reply he never expected…. That. But not wanting to pass the chance he opened the door slowly and the sight of Himchan clutching at his cellphone in front of the faucet came into view. His eyes were red, obviously from crying, but his gaze… his gaze told him otherwise. Like the man who locked himself to him a while ago had changed to a man that looked like he had overcome everything. In such short amount of time. Yongguk was dumbfounded. But he shook his head mentally and managed to talk.

“So…” the leader cleared his throat and gestured his head to the cellphone on the younger’s hand, “you called someone?”

Himchan shook his head slowly and flashed him a small smile, much to his surprise, “No, someone called me.”

“Then you… err… You talked well?” Yongguk scratched his neck awkwardly again, it’s been a habit.

Himchan nodded and answered, “it’s been a while since I last talk to my old friend, it felt really nice.”

“So… Are you okay now?”

The same question he asked before. Silence crept up once again, and Yongguk feared that Himchan would reply him in the same way and lock himself up again. He mentally prepared to accept any kind of answer Himchan would give him but the reply came out differently, much to his relief and joy.

“Not yet… not yet… Not that fast of course,” he shook his head slowly, “but I hope…” he glanced at him and the rest of the band, who looked at him with eyes full of care and worry, “I hope you guys can help me to feel better. Would you? But… I mean it’s okay if you guys don’t want to, I can manage to get up alone like I used to and I know I can but you know that sometimes I need to take my time alone and I thought that maybe–”

Jongup was the first to get up and get ready to launch himself to his favorite hyung, but Junhong beat him in a split second to run and give his long-lost hyung a tight hug. The brown haired dancer came along soon (with a complaint of “it should be me first Junhong!”) and joined the hug, followed by Youngjae and Daehyun (which the later let go as soon as he did, Himchan can see his neck turned red). Yongguk just stared at the group hug and crossed his arms. The once broken man looked at him and saw the eldest’s serene smile. So Himchan smiled back in gratitude and look back to the four members around him, who were enveloping him in a bone crushing hug which he gladly returned.

“I’m so glad hyung, I’m glad…” Jongup and Junhong sniffed and hugged him tighter. Youngjae smiled at him silently with his tears and Daehyun nodded at him. He knew that the lead vocalist was dancing samba out of joy internally, but as everyone knew, he’s just too shy to let it shown.

Himchan can only fight back new tears that came to his eyes, but this time, it’s the tears of happiness and realization. That he found what he had lost because he was so blind to the world. But now he can see again, and he knew that he will be alright.



And he’ll happily embraced the time when his old friend will once again visit him and ask him in return,





“So why are we talking to each other again?”






-the end-






and as usual.....




thanks for reading the crappy fic!

till the next story




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Chapter 3: Your plot is good. I love this kind of fictions *^^* keep it up! :)
Chapter 3: Happy ending :) kekekeke. I thought Himchan would hurt himself or maybe ended up killing everyone. keke. You know, since he was talking to himself. Gosh, I tend to over think and here I am, building my own plot. keke.
Nice one. Thanks for the story!
Chapter 3: well this is nice. i thought the man in the mirror would mock him or something. but i'm glad it didn't. and awwwwh, the big group hug in the end. haha XDDD
Chapter 3: I really like it ^^
really really like it (:
Keke, nice :)
platitudinous #6
This is cool! :O
daebak300 #7
you will updated if you get at least 5 comment. you have 2 already. 3 to go... ^^
keep updated.
The begining is very intrique.. i kinda like that.
desaparacieron #8
Nice beginning - very intriguing! Please update soon :)