So Why Are We Talking to Each Other Again?

Mirror on the Wall


“You’re okay, Chan?”

The voice of vegetables being cut was seized the second the question was said.

“Why do you ask, Yongguk?”

Yongguk scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and let his eyes warily glance to the living room, where the booming sound of Junhong’s video game and the laughter (and grunts) from the rest of their band members can be heard.

“It’s just that…” he started, but then Himchan raises one of his finely shaped eyebrows up and he figured out he should probably shut his mouth up this instance.

“Okay forget it, nevermind,”  he smiled a hesitant smile and waited for the younger’s response.

“If you say so,” the former ulzzang resumed his work and the leader was left speechless and helplessly worried.

“You know… you can talk to me if there’s anything wrong. Or to one of us. Jongup has been asking about why you’re acting this way for the past month… he just wanted to be close to you, you know. You’re his favorite hyung.”

A silence crept up for while until the visual spoke again.

“… I did. I talked to you guys about my problems and my day right?”

Yongguk wasn’t sure himself of whether he heard wrong or the blonde haired man sounded like he wanted to convince himself. He can only sigh and dragged the chair from the dining table and sat right in front of Himchan across the counter.

“You did, but you closed yourself again. Again, Himchan. How many times has it been?”

Himchan stayed quiet and Yongguk heaved another sigh.

“I just want you to be able to open up to us, Chan. Let us in, like we always do for you.”

Another silence washed away and Yongguk began to feel uncomfortable and wondering why in the first place did he said yes when Jongup asked him to talk to Himchan and bring him back.

“I did. You know I did,” it was whispered. Yongguk instantly knew that he crossed the territory too far already. Himchan needed more time. Again. But he won’t give up now. If Himchan hating him equals to bringing Himchan back to the world again he’d take all of the hate he can.

“Yes you did, but you didn’t let us in again. Remember what happened a few months ago? You succeeded! I was devastated like you when the black ocean happened, all of us did. Youngjae cried, Daehyun was angry, but it’s over now, Chan. It’s been almost two weeks… We have to move on, Chan. It’s not the end for us.”

“… You don’t understand. So don’t make me understand you because you don’t understand me, Bang Yongguk.”

The younger dropped the knife on the kitchen counter and walked past him to the bathroom. Even the rest of the members didn’t bother to pause the game and helplessly staring at their second oldest hyung entering the bathroom. Yongguk joined them and sit on the couch; face on his hands.


“So he’s locking himself again, Youngjae. Yes he did, and I can’t talk to him to get out, I don’t know why, it always works before–”

“But Channie hyung didn’t lock the bathroom door hyung.”

Junhong was met by four pairs of dark glares and he mumbled a weak “I’m just saying…” while pouting. Daehyun wanted to roll his eyes at the giant baby but instead he drift his gaze back to the oldest hyung.

“What did he say hyung?”

Yongguk let out another sigh (for the God knows how many times already), “That we can’t understand him.”

“It’s my fault to ask you to ask Himchan hyung… I’m sorry hyung,” Jongup nearly cried out of guilt.

“We all wanted to ask him, Uppie. It’s not your fault…” Youngjae tried to calm the dancer down.

“The black ocean hit him hard I think… You know he’s a perfectionist and he worked too hard in everything,” Daehyun plopped himself beside the leader and leaned his head back, “but it’s never been this hard before.”

Yongguk nodded in agreement and glanced at Junhong, who stared at the bathroom door, in worry.

“Do you think he’ll ever be okay again, hyung?” his voice was raspy and everyone in the room can feel the tears that b on the maknae’s eyes.

“He will right? He always did, why can’t it be like that now?” Jongup meekly whispered and look at the bathroom door as well.

“Let’s just hope he will.” Youngjae weakly smiled, hoping to bring up the atmosphere again, but he knew nothing can except for their beloved hyung’s return to their life again.






I'll post the next chapter if i get at least 5 comments (to know if there's anyone who will read it lol)

so till next update!



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Chapter 3: Your plot is good. I love this kind of fictions *^^* keep it up! :)
Chapter 3: Happy ending :) kekekeke. I thought Himchan would hurt himself or maybe ended up killing everyone. keke. You know, since he was talking to himself. Gosh, I tend to over think and here I am, building my own plot. keke.
Nice one. Thanks for the story!
Chapter 3: well this is nice. i thought the man in the mirror would mock him or something. but i'm glad it didn't. and awwwwh, the big group hug in the end. haha XDDD
Chapter 3: I really like it ^^
really really like it (:
Keke, nice :)
platitudinous #6
This is cool! :O
daebak300 #7
you will updated if you get at least 5 comment. you have 2 already. 3 to go... ^^
keep updated.
The begining is very intrique.. i kinda like that.
desaparacieron #8
Nice beginning - very intriguing! Please update soon :)