Sweets for the Heart

Sweets for the Heart

The atmosphere was cold and damp as the snow and ice were slowly melting to make way for the spring. Choi Junhee walked down the busy streets of Seoul with her hands buried deep inside her coat pocket, one hand the library card she had as she had just returned from returning books to the library. It was nearing the end of her winter vacation, and she had no one to spend it with.

Her stomach grumbled slightly, indicating that it was time for a snack. As she looked back and forth for a place to buy food, she heard a faint melody coming out of her pocket, barely heard in the midst of the noisy crowd.

Upon opening her phone, Junhee smiled beneath her thick scarf as she stared at her latest text message. ‘Just in time,’ she thought. ‘I was getting hungry.’ She spun around and started walking the opposite direction.

Soon, Junhee reached a small green cafe. Pushing the door open, a little ‘ding’ was heard, and she scanned the small place before sitting at a nearby table.

There were few customers at that time of day, so the only noise heard was the soft humming of the cooks and workers in the kitchen. A few seconds later, the door’s ‘ding’ sound was heard once again, and Junhee looked up at the door and smiled. Walking in her direction, a tall, lean boy with short brown hair grinned at her before taking a seat at her table.

“Xiumin!” Junhee greeted. “You’re just in time. I was getting hungry~”

Xiumin gave her a look and his eyebrows rose. “Really? I must be psychic then!” Junhee giggled. “Man, we need to hang out more. Winter vacation has been so boring.” Xiumin emphasized the last word and let it drawl out.

Junhee pouted at him. “Yah, Xiumin, I just saw you yesterday! You’ve been spending the whole vacation with me!”

“Is that so?” Xiumin attempted to raise his left eyebrow coolly but failed. “I need a life,” he dramatically sighed and threw his hands up in the air.

Junhee rolled her eyes. “Idiot. You should get more friends. Maybe you’d be popular if you weren’t so weird,” she grinned.

“Weirdness is an understatement!” Xiumin exclaimed. “I’m a freak and I’m proud!” He raised his fist up in the air before his stomach started growling loudly.

Junhee laughed and they both got up to order something to eat. Soon their orders were delivered to their table, and Xiumin gasped at Junhee’s order. “Junhee! How many sweets did you order?!”

She just gave him a toothy grin in response and picked up her fork. In front of her were an assorted number of cakes; chiffon cake, cheesecake, strawberry shortcake, in different sizes and colors. “You know how much I like sweets,” she retorted before taking a bite out of a rose shaped cake.

Xiumin groaned. “I know, that’s why I-” He was cut off when the waitress came by with his order, which was tripled of what Junhee had ordered. He made a funny face as he watched the waitress unpile the plates off her serving platter with an amused smile then leave.

The two eyed each other before breaking into a hearty laugh. “Xiumin, what the heck?! Why did you order so much?!”

Wiping an imaginary tear from his eye, Xiumin replied, “I should ask you the same thing! But….” he trailed off. “I bought them for you.”

Junhee gave him a questioning stare. “Eh? Why?”

"Sweets for the heart?" he offered. Then his face turned serious. “You haven’t been yourself lately. That’s why I asked you to meet up with me here, since, as your best friend, I know that sweets cheer you up when you’re down.” Xiumin’s serious face was replaced by his usual goofy grin. “Pretty thoughtful of me, eh?”

Junhee giggled and shook her head. “I’m not feeling down! I just….”

Leaning across the small table, Xiumin lifted her chin and stared her in the eye. “Don’t lie to me. I can tell something’s wrong. Wanna tell me what’s up?”

Junhee’s face turned red as she shook off Xiumin’s hand and looked away. “It’s nothing.”

“I know there’s something. Why can’t you tell me?”

Avoiding his gaze, Junhee picked up her fork and started taking small bites. ‘Should I tell him? It’s sort of…’ she pondered to herself.

“I like someone.” Her own voice surprised her, and Xiumin’s eyes widened.

“Let me get this straight. You have…love problems,” he questioned. Junhee nodded, face blushing. “So…?”

She pouted. “So…he…” she ate her cake again. “He doesn’t like me back.”

“What?! What kind of idiot doesn’t like a great girl like you?!” Xiumin demanded. His cheeks puffed in frustration, and Junhee couldn’t help but think he was so cute like that.

“Stop it, Xiumin. Maybe some things just weren’t meant to be…” she sighed.

Xiumin leaned back in his chair dejectedly before grabbing a fork and eating one of his many cakes. “Honestly…but how do you know? Did you confess to him already?”

Picking a strawberry from one of her cakes, Junhee shook her head. “No…but I can just tell. I mean, I don’t get that kind of ‘I like you’ vibe whenever I’m with him, so-”

“Junheeeee!” Xiumin ruffled his hair. “You can’t just assume! Some people are really good at hiding their feelings, you know?” He nodded to himself before attacking another plate of sweets.

“I guess so.” They ate in silence for a while.

“I…” Xiumin murmured, trailing off before urging his voice into his usual volume. “I’ll support you. So, go confess! Then you’ll know the answer, and I’ll get my happy Junhee back!” A grin appeared on his face.

Junhee’s eyes widened and she shook her head furiously. “No, I- I couldn’t,” she stammered. “I’ll just…give up on him. If I can…”

Xiumin gave her a smile and brushed the hair out of Junhee’s face gently. “If that's how you feel, then I think you should give up on him.”

He raised her chin again, causing her heart beat to quicken. “And…”

Leaning forward, Xiumin winked. “...like me instead.”

Junhee gaped at him, and he gave her a smirk before eating another one of his cakes. “Xi-Xiumin- you... I-”

“I like you, okay?” Xiumin averted his eyes as he ate his cake. “So give up on that loser you like who doesn’t see how good you are and fall in love with me.”

He grabbed her hand, and they both felt sparks coming from the contact. Junhee blushed as she stared into Xiumin’s bright eyes before replying.

“Xiumin…did you just call yourself a loser?”

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candyapplez #1
Chapter 1: cute! write another one shot!
LOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! OMG!! "Xiumin.. did you just call yourself a loser?" THAT CRACKED ME UP. OMG I JUST CAN'T!! XDDD
btw, loved the oneshot it's so cute and fluffaaaaaayyy~~!! <3 >w<
dayahrawr #3
So cute!