
The Cure

You need to save this man and get him out of this hospital.

Yoseob sighed on the couch as he had sprawled himself after his father had left.

Without bidding his son goodbye he had left the room, leaving an awkward Dongwoon to stare as his doctor slowly sank into his own mind.

Did he really have such little faith in his recovery? Or was it just a reaction to his father’s absurdity? Should he say something about the situation?

“Yoseob-hyung?” Dongwoon whispered causing the man to lift his head slightly just to have it thrown back down.

“Mmm. . .“ Yoseob groaned. “Im sorry for acting this way Dongwoon. Its not you or my unfaithfulness. I know I can do it. I just need . . . .” He shut his eyes and tried to even out his breaths. His father always had his conditions. Everything had to be given under his terms. He wasn’t necessarily a bad man, just very stubborn and over protective. Especially of Yoseob, who looked like his mother.

Dongwoon got up and decided to get his hyung something to drink. He walked to the nursing lounge where he overheard some voices.

“Have you seen the new intern?”

“Yeah he’s so handsome.” One of them swooned.

Another one chuckled “No way, that man is the cutest man ive ever seen.”

“Hohoho, what about Dr Yong, eh Hyuna?” Nurse Bomi nudged the receptionist.

Dongwoon narrowed his eyes at her response, “Yah. . .Junnie wont look at me anymore. He has a new boy toy named Jang Hyunseung.” She snarled the last part.

“Anyway, im not an evil woman. I can see that Yoseob belongs to another.” She changed her tone into a loving mother and the rest of the women nodded in agreement.

“Hopefully he falls for Woonieee” Chorong sang and was met with cheers of agreement.

Dongwoon stood rooted to his spot unable to walk further. What. . . . They wanted. . . . He stood looking directly at the wall until he felt a hand cling to his arm.

“Woonie!! What are you doing here? Do you need something?” Chorong smiled at him leading him into the room.

“Wah. . .So handsome Dongwoon oppa!” one of the nurses squeaked.

He looked around the faces who wanted him to fall for a man he had met just two days ago.

“Ah . . . I was wondering if I could make some tea for Dr Yang?” He stood there towering over the women. They really were all beautiful. And one way or another they had all wanted to be with him before learning about his ual preferences.

They giggled and nodded, remembering what they had been talking about.

“Dongwoon oppa, you should make him sweet tea. Put lots of love into it.” Hyuna commented, shoving the can of sugar into his arms.

Dongwoon got to work putting the water to boil and crushing chamomile leaves. The nurses crowded around him admiring his dedication. They loved the way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and the way his lips were pouted.

As he neared the ends of the process he rimmed the edges of the glass with sugar. His nana had shown him how to make the most important details on tea. He had been trained by her in tea ceremony.

By the time he was heading back to the room he noticed his doctor was sleeping. He smiled and set the tea down as he grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and covered Yoseob with it.

Not knowing what to do, he decided to crouch down on the floor and sit cross legged. Dongwoon spent a few minutes watching the way Yoseob slept.

He looked many years younger when he wasn’t worrying about medicine or being a doctor. Dongwoon smiled as he watched his doctor pout in his sleep and slowly open his eyes. He stared as Yoseob caught his breath, realizing he had been watched.

He sat up quickly and looked at Dongwoon in embarrassment, receiving a headache from getting up too quickly.

“Ah. . . . Dongwoon-ah, Im sorry I guess I was more tired than I thought.” Yoseob apologized enjoying the fresh aroma that was filling the room. “What is that smell?” He asked his patient who was getting up and offering him a glass of tea.

“Oh, I made hyung some tea. It seemed to me that you were stressed so I thought I would make some to help you relax.” Dongwoon said as he resumed his position on the floor.

He played with his hands as Yoseob took a sip of tea and sighed in pleasure. Never before had he tasted something so delicious.

“Wow. Thank you Dongwoon-ah!” Yoseob beamed at his patient giving him the biggest smile he had.

It made Dongwoon feel complete to see his doctor smile like that at him and nodded.

“Hyung, aren’t you tired? You should sleep. Im going to be fine. Plus, its extremely late out now.” Dongwoon asked with worry. He didn’t want his doctor to become a patient due to exhaustion.

Yoseob was taken aback at his patient’s worry and sincerity.

“Please don’t worry about me Dongwoon- goon.” Yoseob reassured Dongwoon. “Ill go sleep in the on-call room.”

Before he could get any farther he felt his patient grab his wrist.

Without lifting his gaze from the ground Dongwoon said “Cant you please stay in here? . . . . “

Yoseob felt a hardened pounding in his chest. Should he really stay here? . . . . It didn’t seem right. He knew if he stayed something unwanted would reawaken and he wouldn’t be able to stop it from growing. Did his patient want it to blossom? . . . .

He faced Dongwoon and lifted his chin up. The layer on his eyes darkened looking into Yoseob. He knew if it was gone even for a second, that the answer was yes.

“Of course.” The words left his mouth instantly and he watched as his patients eyes unclouded for a fraction of a second and his heart felt full.

He watched as Dongwoon bit his lower lip and it was a strange feeling. This man that he had only met a day ago was affecting him more than Daniel ever had throughout their whole adventure together. Who was this man going to be to him?

Son. . . . Dongwoon. . .

Double Update ^^ Its prob my fav story ive written . . . .



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ahahahahaha! :D hehehe junhyung was my first love, then kikwang. but it all changed when i saw dongwoon in soom.. damn that guy can pull off any hair and still look incredibly hot.. i love his voice.. and i hope he have more chance to sing solo songs like in the cloud.. hehehe once i saw the title of the song i fell in love with it immediately. hehehe that guy is the best. <3 hehehe i came to love the rest of them equally.. hehehe doojun is sooo awesome.. its soo sad when dongwoon doesnt get the recognition he deserves.. T T
Waow xD thats awesome! I think he grabbed my attention in Bad Girl. lololol loved him and Kikwang and Seobie right away. Took time on the others. Ahh i cant throw them aside lol itd be easier to not spazz out to all xD but no way my fangirl heart can deny. Yeah when i heard in the cloud i was in love all over again! He will be a top idol no doubt. :)

Ahahah sorry ^^' didnt make sense to continue it ><
OHHH Doowoon or Kiwoon. . . Mine are Dongseob, Junseung, and Junseob. xD yapyapyap.
Have a great weekend~~!
hehehe yeah i love dongwoon so much. idk why. after he caught my eye in the soom prac video ive been stuck to him. hehe others have been thrown aside since... :P hehe i still dun get it why the company doesnt give him more chance and exposure... :( but i believe his chance to shine will come, and hopefully it is soon! :D

and u are so mean! left this chappie hang like that.. :( now im very curious. aish.. i kinda ship dongseob, but my opt will be either doowoon or kiwoon... hehehe
@Sayhello thanks! :D i dont want to give it away. But not ending with Dongseob could mean that it just ends with a Junseung moment or something like that. The end is not that far so i hope you continue to anticipate and maybe see some clues or hints in between chaps ^^

@Wolvey , okeeokee you know yourself best lololol ohh thats great! lots of details xD
yaaaay dongwoon fic <3 <3 hes really the best in kpop in my opinion >< my #1 bias. ohhh ok when youre ready ill be waiting xD hwaiting~!
lolx, trust me when i say when im not that smart. :P oh hahaha thanks for the advice! my chappies are quite long, ard twice or thrice the length of this story's chappies.
my story will have dong woon as the main character, and doojun being the secondary role. the rest will appear on a regular basis though. :D heheheh what is BEAST without all of them? ive been writing the story for i think a week to almost two weeks, and i have a lot of chappies in my comp already, but im not ready to put them up here yet.. kekeke

cant wait for updates for this story! <3 <3 <3
lololol yap its the next day xD if i update everyday itll make me go ahead and write more. I decided to start writing on my computer and once i have a good amount of chaps ill be able to update more often. I had around 10 chaps before i started uploading the story on here. I guess i learned my lesson after starting my first story and running out of ideas. >>
This chapter was around 1075 words. It doesnt need to be long ya know xD as long as its interesting it doesnt matter how long or short in my opinion. I like reading a lot of long fics but also short ones. :P

nah probably very smart xD
ohh i hope your story goes along well :D maybe i can read it once its up :) will it be Beast or something else?
and another one! yay! ive read four new chaps today! awesome as always! :D

ahahahaha lolx im not that snart. kekeke hehehe was actually also asking for the wordcount of one chappie.. cos im writing my first sotry and im not sure how long shd one chappie be.. kekeke
i still love this fic! :D