
The Cure

“How is he now doctor?”

“Stabalized. He was just dehydrated. Yesterday’s outing really took a toll on him. You may leave now.”

Dongwoon’s heart skipped a beat as he heard the familiar voice. He peeked through his right eye and gasped as he realized how close his doctor had been all along.

“Good evening Mr Son” Yoseob greeted him as he changed his IV bag.

“G-Good evening Dr Yang. . . But what day is it?” Dongwoon asked confused. Hadnt he gone to the park during the evening?

He turned to look at Yoseob who had visible dark rings under his eyes. Had he caused this much trouble last night?

Yoseob chuckled at his question and replied “Please don’t worry about it Mr Son. It is the day after my arrival.” Yoseob avoided mentioning the park. He was still embarrassed and afraid of what his patient might say. His behavior wasn’t a normal reaction of any doctor he knew.

Dongwoon let his words sink in after realizing he had slept through a whole day. He shut his eyes and leaned back as he sighed. Remembering the words he had heard last night. . . Were they too good to be true? He really didn’t know. Probably. . .

“If youd like, I can give you more time to rest Mr Son.” Yoseob put in, noticing how his patient looked uncomfortable with his eyes closed in concentration. Perhaps he required more rest. . .

Dongwoon immediately opened his eyes in desperation and shook his head violently, making him dizzy.

“That wont be necessary. And please call me Dongwoon Dr Yang” He added in suddenly feeling shy.

Yoseob smiled happily and turned more bubbly. A side he never showed during his professional time.

“Yah. . . well then if I can call you Dongwoon please call me Yoseob.” He smiled at his patient and added “Hold up tight. I’m going to go get you some food.” He left without allowing Dongwoon to say a word.

Dongwoon sat up trying to stop him but it was too late. He didn’t really feel hungry . . . But this protective and responsible side of his doctor made him feel safe. He had only just met him but he felt so secure around this man. But . . . he would never have a chance with this man. . . He probably didn’t even like men. . . Or him for that matter . . . He was just a patient to him after all.

Feeling suddenly down he slumped back onto his bed staring at his ceiling. Gah. . .Son Dongwoon. . .what are you expecting from this man?

Just as he wondered this, Yoseob walked back into the room holding two trays.

“I hope you don’t mind if I take my dinner break.” He smiled as he set down his tray and gave Dongwoon his food. “I really wasn’t sure what you like and felt foolish for not asking you. But I really like the grilled chicken sandwich from downstairs.”

 He unwrapped the food and fruit, getting a little carried away. He had to stop himself from feeding his patient. He didn’t want to creep him out. . .  .

Dongwoon looked at his doctor appreciatively and thanked him. “Don’t worry about it Yoseob-hyung. . .I actually love the chicken sandwich too.” He blushed as he realized he had called his doctor hyung.

Yoseob picked up on his embarrassment and nodded, “Anything for my dongsaeng!” He bit into his sandwich before he could say anything else.

They ate in silence as they had both become uncomfortable with one anothers actions. Both believed they had gotten carried away. But Dongwoon was still confused about his hyung. And felt the need to thank him.

“Yoseob hyung. . .” He started and stared at the doctor as he left sauce on his chin.

Dongwoon took a napkin and wiped his chin, brushing his hand slightly on his skin, causing them both to shiver.

“Mmm. . thank you Dongwoon-goon” Yoseob nodded trying to control his reaction. “Pretty cold in here isn’t it?” He tried to divert the conversation to justify his shiver.

Dongwoon laughed and nodded thanking his hyung mentally for creating an excuse for the both of them. But he got serious again and started over.

“Actually Dr Yang. . .I wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday. No one has ever offered to go with me on that important day. And although you didn’t really ask. . .it meant a lot to me that you went.” Dongwoon stared down at his hands. A habit he often had when he was embarrassed.

“Don’t worry about that Dongwoon. And stop calling me Dr Yang. Arent we friends now?” Yoseob smiled politely at his dongsaeng.

Dongwoon looked up and smiled happily. The cloud on his eyes flickered away quickly, as if it had never been there and suddenly came back as an idea occurred to him. Its only out of pity. . . .

“I suppose if youd like it that way. . .” Dongwoon sighed at the end unhappily realizing this was all out of pity. Why why why?

Yoseob noticed his change in tone and set his food aside and took his hands. He cupped them protectively and stared at him in the eyes.

“Dongwoon-ah. I mean what I said yesterday. I have now made a vow to the most important person in your life. I will not go back on my word. You will be saved. And it will be me who will be the one to do it.” Yoseob nodded at his patient and let his hands go grabbing the empty tray.

“Try to get some sleep. Ill be taking a double shift tonight so as to make sure youre okay.” He told his patient as he got up and started to walk out the door.

“Wait!. . “ Dongwoon grabbed his doctor’s coat. Yoseob looked down at him with a worried expression wondering what was wrong.

“Will you be here the whole time?” Dongwoon asked his doctor. Yoseob nodded and smiled.

“Im sorry I never even asked if you mind. I hope its ok? Unless you want one of the nurses to take care of you?” Yoseob asked, he had overlooked the possibility that Dongwoon might have a lover in this hospital. His options were pretty limited after all.

“Eh? . .Why would the nurses. . .” Dongwoon stopped as this sunk in. “OHHH. . .” He chuckled at his hyung. “Yoseob-ah please do not misunderstand. I don’t like women. I like men.” He continued to chuckle and didn’t notice the look on Yoseob’s face. . .of relief.

“That’s a relie-. . “ He caught himself before he could say anything stupid. “Really interesting fact Dongwoon. Actually Im also. .. . “

He was interrupted by a panting Hyuna who crashed through the door.

“Sorry to interrupt Dr Yang but theres someone here to see you.”

Before she could finish her sentence a man came in and stood before Yoseob.

“Son. Its been so long.”

Double update today. Didnt make sense to upload tomorrows chaps. :)
Hopefully finished by next week ^^ latest~


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ahahahahaha! :D hehehe junhyung was my first love, then kikwang. but it all changed when i saw dongwoon in soom.. damn that guy can pull off any hair and still look incredibly hot.. i love his voice.. and i hope he have more chance to sing solo songs like in the cloud.. hehehe once i saw the title of the song i fell in love with it immediately. hehehe that guy is the best. <3 hehehe i came to love the rest of them equally.. hehehe doojun is sooo awesome.. its soo sad when dongwoon doesnt get the recognition he deserves.. T T
Waow xD thats awesome! I think he grabbed my attention in Bad Girl. lololol loved him and Kikwang and Seobie right away. Took time on the others. Ahh i cant throw them aside lol itd be easier to not spazz out to all xD but no way my fangirl heart can deny. Yeah when i heard in the cloud i was in love all over again! He will be a top idol no doubt. :)

Ahahah sorry ^^' didnt make sense to continue it ><
OHHH Doowoon or Kiwoon. . . Mine are Dongseob, Junseung, and Junseob. xD yapyapyap.
Have a great weekend~~!
hehehe yeah i love dongwoon so much. idk why. after he caught my eye in the soom prac video ive been stuck to him. hehe others have been thrown aside since... :P hehe i still dun get it why the company doesnt give him more chance and exposure... :( but i believe his chance to shine will come, and hopefully it is soon! :D

and u are so mean! left this chappie hang like that.. :( now im very curious. aish.. i kinda ship dongseob, but my opt will be either doowoon or kiwoon... hehehe
@Sayhello thanks! :D i dont want to give it away. But not ending with Dongseob could mean that it just ends with a Junseung moment or something like that. The end is not that far so i hope you continue to anticipate and maybe see some clues or hints in between chaps ^^

@Wolvey , okeeokee you know yourself best lololol ohh thats great! lots of details xD
yaaaay dongwoon fic <3 <3 hes really the best in kpop in my opinion >< my #1 bias. ohhh ok when youre ready ill be waiting xD hwaiting~!
lolx, trust me when i say when im not that smart. :P oh hahaha thanks for the advice! my chappies are quite long, ard twice or thrice the length of this story's chappies.
my story will have dong woon as the main character, and doojun being the secondary role. the rest will appear on a regular basis though. :D heheheh what is BEAST without all of them? ive been writing the story for i think a week to almost two weeks, and i have a lot of chappies in my comp already, but im not ready to put them up here yet.. kekeke

cant wait for updates for this story! <3 <3 <3
lololol yap its the next day xD if i update everyday itll make me go ahead and write more. I decided to start writing on my computer and once i have a good amount of chaps ill be able to update more often. I had around 10 chaps before i started uploading the story on here. I guess i learned my lesson after starting my first story and running out of ideas. >>
This chapter was around 1075 words. It doesnt need to be long ya know xD as long as its interesting it doesnt matter how long or short in my opinion. I like reading a lot of long fics but also short ones. :P

nah probably very smart xD
ohh i hope your story goes along well :D maybe i can read it once its up :) will it be Beast or something else?
and another one! yay! ive read four new chaps today! awesome as always! :D

ahahahaha lolx im not that snart. kekeke hehehe was actually also asking for the wordcount of one chappie.. cos im writing my first sotry and im not sure how long shd one chappie be.. kekeke
i still love this fic! :D