He’s not into

My Fiancé in Disguise


I want to thank HanneyYuri for her pretty poster.:D



Jong Hyun’s POV

“Hyung, do you know Kim Jin Young?” Key asked me as he slung his arm over my shoulder as I entered the class.

Kim Jin Young. Hmm. If he’s referring to the weird guy I saw yesterday, then he could be. “He’s a second year, right?”

Key waved his right pointer finger to me. “No. He’s a third year irregular.”

Oh. Okay. Maybe he’s not. Unusual for a ZSUN High student. He must be an above average guy. “So? There could be a lot of Kims with same names too.” What’s wrong with Key?

“I just thought you know. Because he’s a new student. We met him yesterday at Onew-hyung’s room.”

“Maybe I don’t. What’s with the questioning anyway?” Key grinned. He pointed our classmates looking outside the window.

“If you’ll see what’s outside, you would see Onew-hyung…and his roommate.”


“Hyung,” Minho cut me off, huffing. “Onew-hyung’s picking on the new student.”

“What?” Oh no. Onew?



I don’t get it. It’s very unusual for Onew to lose his temper.

“Faster, hyung. Jin Young might be in pieces now.” How original, Min Ho. So much concern for the newbie.

We reached the school backyard, Jin Young was pinned on the wall, Onew-hyung is holding unto his collar.

“I’m not gay, sunbae.” Oh. That was the Jin Young I knew.

“Then what’s with the attention seeking scheme?” hyung was angry as hell.

“I am not—“

“Stop it hyung, you’re making a scene.” I need to stop them or else they will be thrown to the Principal’s Office.

I look over the new student’s face. He seemed relieved with my intervention.

“Don’t interfere, Jong Hyun. It’s not your business.” I was surprised with that but I pulled Jin Young’s left arm.

“Remember, you’re in the honor roll.” I warned. He lost his color.

Any honor student or top-ranked student that would commit violation at school rules will automatically be disqualified even if he reaches the qualified/top score at each examination.

He pushed Jin Young to the wall then left.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

I swear I saw his eyes misted as he looked Onew walking away. For whatever reason, I found the gesture of him comforting. That could possibly mean that he’s really apologetic.

He nodded. “I’m okay, sunbae. Thank you.”

Min Ho on the side looked at him too. “Next time, don’t ever provoke Onew-hyung, okay?” I smiled at him.

“I will not do that.” He promised, smiling to me, showing his dimples.

What a cutie for a guy. Too bad Onew-hyung finds him gay; they should have been best buds since they are roommates.


Min Ho’s POV

I stared at Jin Young’s face.

Damn. I remember that face so well, but I’m betting that it would not be the same face that it should be now. The Kim Jin Young I’m seeing now looks feminine. Even his hands looked lanky and I think he should be as tall as me after five years of not seeing each other.

I am observing Kim Jin Young since yesterday when I first met him.

And I was hoping that he would recognize me.

But to no avail, he didn’t.

I was truly disappointed.

Even if it has been years already, the Kim Jin Young I knew would still remember me. He’s not the forgetful type of person.

I wonder what happen to him.

“Kim Jin Young, can we talk?” I asked as we walked back to the classroom.

I think something’s really wrong in here.


Onew’s POV


Why did I ever let my temper win over my sane self? Geez.

“Hyung,” I look back and saw Jong Hyun at my back, following me. Why does he need this time?

“You know, you should keep your cool when you’re here at school, okay? “

“Okay,” I answered, so just he can stop pestering me. I’m still thinking of how could I get back at that guy.

“He seemed sorry,” he added. Well, he should be. He messed up with my under things, he doodled on my face and he set the alarm at the wrong time, which made me absent at my morning classes.

“Poor guy, he messed up with ZSUN high’s number 1 student.” Jong Hyun continued his monologue, chuckling. “Try to be kind to him, okay? Min Ho seemed to like him anyway. Knowing Min Ho’s judgment on character, Jin Young must be something.” He tapped my right shoulder then left.

What ever, Jong Hyun.



I went out of school.

What’s the use of attending my afternoon classes when I didn’t attend my morning ones? Classes there are connected so I might not understand what the lesson is due for today.

I’m just stayed at the coffee shop near the school and brought some books. Midterms are scheduled two weeks from now and I need to review.

(Cell Phone ringtone)

“Mom?” I stared at my phone’s screen. “Hello?”

“Jin Ki, you don’t need to come home this weekend,” she said, which surprised me. Why? She was really pushing me to come home last time we talked. I even asked permission to our school director for that. We students are not allowed to go home except for the twelfth and twenty-seventh of the month.  It’s the reigning rule of our school, that’s why we’re staying at the dorms. And it’s not the time of the month to go home.

“Why?” I bet my marriage meeting is cancelled.

“Your fiancé is missing.” She said worriedly.

“Why?” did she not like me in some way? But she’s not the only—

“Hold your thoughts right there, Jin Ki. I know you’re celebrating there for your missing fiancé, but this isn’t a joke. She’s the only one fitted for you, you understand? We will find her as soon as possible.”

“Alright mom.” Why do I need to agree just to make some people shut up?

“Good. Better be ready still. You need to be presentable for her, okay?”

Like I ‘m not. I’m always presentable. “Okay. You see mom, I’m reviewing right now.”

Just like that, she turned the call off. Whatever, mom.

Missing fiancé? Now? What the heck. I never met her but she’s already missing. Nice move you got there, future sweetheart. How original.



I decided to go back to the dorm, since it’s getting late.

When I opened our dorm room’s door, it’s still dark in there.

Well, who cares where he could have gone.

I the lights and I was surprised.

There are boxes at my bed, and at the same time, my notebooks are neatly piled up at my study table.

I opened the box and I laughed my heart out.





Can’t help laughing.




He really bought me new boxers huh. There are three boxes of them.




What the heck. Spongebob?

Does he wear that stuff so he bought me some too?

Spongebob boxers are not my thing.

Thankfully its only one of the boxes.





Dolce and Gabbana? For a boxer?

He must be really rich to buy this huh. Well, that’s nice.

I inspected my notebooks at my study table. There’s a note on top of it.

Lee Jin Ki.


I went over the line, sunbae. (Can I call you sunbae too?)

Please accept my peace offering.

Kim Jin Young.

PS: you won’t be seeing me for a while. Have a goodnight. ^^

Also, I have included the notes for today’s lesson.

And also put lotion on your face for the doodle marks. I bet rubbing them was harsh.

You will hurt your skin. I left a bottle of men’s face lotion at the bathroom.


I opened my notebooks and there was lesson, neatly written, even illustrations. I can’t help but smile.

I went to the out bathroom and saw the lotion he’s talking about, because it’s the only one in there.


I immediately went out and check out his cabinet. The clothes are still there.

Where could have he gone at this hour?



Author’s Note:

What DO you guys think happened between Min Ho and Jin Young’ (aka Chae Young) conversation?

Of course, we will find out at the next chapter. :P

Mianhe. I was supposed to update this last Saturday but I was too tired at the week’s work and I decided not to update it because:

1. I thought the chapter I was thinking was lame.

2. I am too busy at home during the weekend that I didn’t even touch my computer.

Anyway, SORRY for the explanations. My fault as always.

Drop me some of your comments. Gif.gif


By the way, I tried writing a oneshot. Hope you'd try reading it. It just came out of my randomness.

Here's the story: Her Downfall; His Chance .

Subscriptions, Views and Comments are welcomed and loved.Gif.gif




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Chapter 2: Plans Chae Young! Good. You're giving me nice idea for that brief thingy. ! <3
Chapter 1: Okay. This is so cool! I am really looking forward for the next chapter!<3
Chapter 8: Unnie? When will you update? :( I LOVE THIS. I LOVE KEY! ASDFGHJKL!
Chapter 8: YES! Reverse harem! I love that genre too! <3 Update update! I miss reading this!!
onewswifey #5
Chapter 2: LOL with the ____ thing...
onewswifey #6
Yes! an update!

Seems like a love...square?
Chapter 7: Unnniiiiii!!!! You finally updated \o/ can I call you unii?? And omg Onew likes Yoo Rin!!!! NNNOOO!! I'm shocked he likes the best friend of the girl he's forced to marry... I wonder what will happen!! So curious!!


Unniii update sooooon I can't wait any longer!!! <3<3
ZeRynna #8
Chapter 7: Truthly saying.. I'M HAPPY YOU UPDATED! :DD

Ok.back to the story..it seems like both Onew and ChaeYoung have their own love..Onew with Yoorin and Chaeyoung with Jonghyun..
I believe Onew's heart shattered into million pieces because of that..Poor Onew..
I hope he won't bully Chaeyoung though..
Chapter 6: OMG will jinki find out so soon??? :o this story is getting interesting :P

Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon <3
ZeRynna #10
Chapter 5: Finally the question is answered!So..Minho is her brother's best friend..and will be the person who will protect her from now on.
Why do I sense that Minho will have feelings for her? Don't know why..maybe just my feeling..
Her brother died because he was protecting her :'( WHY MUST HE DIE?!?!
NOW,I just can't wait for some action between Onew and her! *wicked laugh*
Hwaiting on writing the next chapter! :D