Getting Used to the Changes

In the Cloud with You

"Yes, Ma'am. I am her boyfriend." Boyfriend?! Who's boyfriend? Hana's eyes widen in surprise. What is this man really trying to do. 

She tried to get her phone back but because he is way taller than her, she didn't succeed.  "Give it b---" He put a hand on to silence her. 

*toot* He ended the call and give the phone back to her. 

"What did you just do?!" She is confuse and angry at the same time.  "You said what? To my Mom?"

"You heard it, right?  Why are you still asking about it?" He put the turtle back again to his pocket and pick up her books. "Let's Go." He walked ahead of her.

"What are you...? Let go of my books!" Confused, she just followed him and walk behind him. "Ouch." He suddenly stopped so she bump on his back. 

"You really don't look where you're going , right?" 

"Me? Aish~  " She cannot understand anything that is happening now. All are happening so sudden, just a while ago she has her own safe, unconfusing world of her own but now... now, what the heck is happening? What are all this changes?

She just happen to bumped to this tall, handsome, mysterious guy who seems to be popular to a group of girls. He is a complete stranger and he is not even her type --- wait a minute, since when did she know about type of guys. She never had any. Who is this guy anyway that made all the things change so sudden?

She wants to be mad at him, yell at him but there is also a strange feeling that makes her want to stay close. A special-strange feeling that she never knew of before. 

"Just give me back my books!" She just have to send him away for now because she feels like she'll go crazy if this continues.

"Will you able to carry them all?" 

"Ofcourse! Now, give 'em!"

"You just bumped on twice because you are so short to see where you're going."

"Who are you calling short?" That's it! No one calls Hana short! 

He looked to his right and to his left. "You." He said innocently.

"Why you---"

"Just tell me where's your house, Shorty!"

"S-shorty?! You, you turtle guy, you..." she wanted to say more insults but she cannot think of any. "Aish~" she just turned her frustration on her ringing celphone. "What?!" 

"What? Hana, what is happening to you?" 

"M-ma? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm, I'm ...I..." I am having my first argument to a turtle guy. 

"You lied to us, Hana."

"I, what? No. When did I lie to you?"

"How come you never mentioned you have a boyfriend?"

"M-me..." she choked on her own saliva. She looked at the guy in front of her for help but he intentionally looked at the other direction. 

"And he has this handsome voice, " Her Mom continues, she sound more excited now. "And he seems to be very responsible and polite. His handsome, right?"

"Eh? You're not mad?"

"Ofcourse not! Finally, you came out of your shell now. Your dad and I will come back as soon as we can to meet him. We are expecting your jagiya for dinner when we come back." 

"Mom, it's a..." 


"Misunderstanding." That conversation didn't happen. "You!" She faced him. "What's your name?" 

"Kim Jongwoon but people know me as Kim Yesung, you didn't know?"

"No. Ofcourse, I don't know." disappointed showed from his face. "You, Kim Yesung, should explain this to my parents. Tell them, it's all a big misunderstanding, got it?"

"No. I don't want to." he said emotionless.

"No?You will. Here." she put her phone on the top of the file of books he's carrying. "Call."

He suddenly put down the books on the ground and took the phone. She thought she'll obey her now but she was wrong, dropped when she saw what he did. He put the celphone in his pants' small pocket. 

"I said, I don't want to." He picked up her books and motion her to lead the way. 

Frustrated as she already is , she jus walked in front of him with heavy steps. A few meters away, she looked back at him. They are now walking up a hill to her house. He is carrying the pile of books with both hands, his hair and shirt swaying with the mild breeze and his small eyes fixed on the road. It's nearly twilight and the sky is starting to turned purplish orange, watching this man, Yesung, walking so elegantly at this time is just so dreamy. 

She might have really enjoyed looking at him that she didn't noticed he's already in front of her. He bumped her arm slightly with the book he's holding. 

"Can..." he slowly moved his head closer to her ear. His warm breath touching her earlobes sends small volts to her body. "help me, please." he sounded so troubled. 

"Huh? What's wrong?" she saw him pointed his chest with his lips. "What? Your chest?" He just nodded while holding his breath. His face is turning red now like he can't breath. "What? Where?" as a reflex she touch his wide chest with both hands, she let her hand gently travel across his chest trying to find the spot his trying to point with his lips. "Here?"

 As her hand reach the bare part of his chest slightly showing from his V-neck shirt, he dropped the books on the ground and grab her arm.

"What's happening?" worry flushed Hana's face. She felt his hand slowly guiding hers to one of his jacket's pocket.

"P-please, take it off..." 

"Ne?" Take off what? Does he suddenly became erted? She is planning to push him away when she felt something hard in the pocket. She then, looked in the pocket and saw his turtle biting a piece of the clothing and probably his skin. 

"Your turtle just bit you..." she can't help but laugh at this moment. 

"Just help me okay?" 

"Okay, okay..." she carefully pull the turtle out of his pocket but she just can't help but laugh again seeing that the animal really have bitten him.

"Yah!Stop laughing already..." He said pouting while rubbing his hurt chest gently.

"Let me see..." she pulled his shirt out out of the way to see the hurt part. It reddened a little, she unconsciously rub his chest gently. She looked up when she felt him took a deep breath. Their eyes meet. 

"Does it hurt that much?" Talking innocently about him talking in his breath when she touched it. 

"Umm..not really." He moved away to pick up the books. She just watch him pick them up. "How about helping?"

"I am holding the turtle, remember?" She raise the turtle up to her face and looked at it. "Is that right, Ddangkoma." the animal moved his head up and down as if he understand her words. "See! He said yes!" she said excitely.

"Yah! Ddangkoma! You bit me to be with her?"

"Merong~ " she stock her tongue out to him and ran. "Maybe, he liked me." she giggled a little and turned to start walking again. 

She turned and he smiled. 

"C'mon! We're almost at my house!" she shouted, she sounded more cheerfully now. 

She might have accept this sudden change in her life.




How was that? I should limit their skinship, right? or else it will be a little rated. 0_0

someone might liked it better that way,ne? 

let me know...write a comment.

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Hey my Sweetcakes! There are a lot of distractions so I could only update one chapie. I really struggle to do this. Twitter is on the top of the list!


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