Super Junior - Sungmin Fanfic


Sungmin:Main character male, as himself

Jessica: Main character female, poor but very beautiful girl

SJ members: as themselves

SJ manager hyung: special participation


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, anyway it’s a fanfic. *peace*



            Jessica really likes Super Junior specially Sungmin. She wants to meet her idol so badly but she needs a job as well. She had just moved to the city and now she is living alone, in able to survive she needs any kind of job, as decent as possible.

            One day, Jessica is walking to the downtown to find a job again, she notice a post sign on the wall that a group of boys is in need of a personal assistant to take care of them. Feeling so lucky she went to the address indicated on the post. She was hired.

            Jessica is so happy that she has job already but what makes her way, way happier is that the group of boys that she has to take care is the SUPER JUNIOR.

            “Omo,omo,omo!!! Eotteoke?? I am with the Super Junior and with my Sungmin!!” Jessica murmured to herself.

            “Yah~” someone spoke from her back.

            “Ne?” she turned around got shocked or should I say, starstrucked – it was Sungmin.

             “Can you help me out with this?” Sungmin asked her holding out a necktie. Jessica continued to stare at Sungmin without saying anything. “Hello? Hello?”

            “A- ye!” she took the necktie and turn away from him.

            “Yah!” Sungmin called again. “ You are suppose to help me put it on not keep it to yourself.”

            “I know, Sungmin-ssi.” Jessica went back to Sungmin avoiding his eyes.

            “You can look at me” Sungmin said softly while Jessica is fixing his tie. Then he lowered his mouth near her ear and whisper, “I won’t bite. Maybe I can control myself to resist such a charming lady like you.”

            Upon hearing this, Jessica was stone frozen again. “This will be okay now.” Sungmin took the tie away Jessica’s hands and turn away. “By the way, Sica, I’m just kidding.”

            Jessica released a big sigh. “Kidding? Wae?” She was startle when she heard someone laughing behind her.

            “Wae? You are asking why?” it was Heechul.

            How could he be so pretty? Jessica is asking herself.

            “Don’t worry, Sica, jokes are half meant.”

            “Half meant? Why not  jokes are always meant?” She thought loudly. Heechul just laugh at her.





            At an event Jessica needs to accompany Heechul and Sungmin in their dressing room. At this time, Heechul and Jessica became good friends that Heechuls started to make her call him Oppa, which Jessica is glad about.

            “Oppa, I think you should wear the red pants. It looks better on you.” Jessica told Heechul.

            “I think so too. Gomawo, Sica.” Heechul replied with a winked.

            Sungmin on the other side of the dressing room is just looking at them. Smirking.

            “Sungmin-ssi, do you need anything?” she turned to Sungmin.

            “NO.” Sungmin answered with an angry tone. Jessica and Heechul just looked at each other puzzled.


            The groups’ event continue and they have to change into the next costume fastly.

            Sungmin so time pressured who is putting his pink tie cannot get it right. “Jessica, help me with this, will you?” he yelled.

            “Okay, okay, don’t yell.” While she is fixing his tie she feels so uneasy. There is something with Sungmin that makes her feel so uneasy that she can’t understand.

            “Sica, eotteoke?” Heechul called Jessica.

            “A-wait.” she turn to Heechul and helped him. Sungmin was left staring at them.

            Jessica is helping Heechul with his costume when they heard Sungmin shout.

            “Aaahhh… How can putting this thing be so annoying?!!” a frustrated voice.

            Heechul pointed at Sungmin and instructed Jessica to help him first. Jessica did.

            “Let me help you, Sungmin-ssi.”

            “No—.” Jessica touched Sungmin’s bare chest that is peeking on his shirt.

            “How did you make this so untidy in such a short time.” she told him while fixing Sungmin’s clothes.

            Sungmin was shoked with the feeling of Jessica’s hand on his skin. It’s a very unfamiliar feeling but surprisingly relaxing.




After the tiring event everybody was happy to go home and take a rest. All prepared to go to bed.

            “Jessica, can you please clean the bathroom while the boys are resting. You know, so they won’t disturb you.” The manager told her. “I know you are tired but can you do it?”

            “Ne.” That’s okay with her. She knows she needs something to do to forget all the unexplainable things that happened earlier. So, she went on to clean the bathroom.

            On the other hand, Sungmin’s mind was occupied by the same thoughts as well. It’s annoying him so he decided to take a cool shower.

            (side comment: OMO, Jessica is there!)

            Jessica was busy scrubbing the toilet bowl which is separated to the shower room when she heard water splashing on the other part of the room.

            “I didn’t turn on the shower or did I?” she unwillingly stood up to check it out. Water from the shower head is indeed flowing. But that is not what is surprising it is the person under the shower head – SUNGMIN!

            She stood still there because of shock looking at the man splashing the water all over his body with his eyes closed. He is wearing nothing but that small piece of cloth. The water is dripping from his face down to his chest to his abdomen, to his… “OH!” a gasp of surprise escaped from Jessica’s mouth.

            The man with his eyes closed is now looking at her. They are looking at each other’s eyes.

            “Am I really looking at him like this?” She asked herself.

            “Is she really looking at me like th--- ? “ he asked himself. “Ahhh….” he started to scream.

            “Oh, no…why are you screaming? I’m the one who’s suppose to scream!” she can’t focus. She tried to cover his mouth with her hand but the sound can still escape from her little hand. What should she do? “I said, don’t --- .” He has left her no choice. She tip toed, grab her nape and sealed his mouth with hers. Silence.

            “What is going on?” Sungmin ask his mind.

Something is wrong, something has happened but he can’t remember or he refuses to remember? His surroundings started to swirl, he feel dizzy but in a good way. He can’t think nor see anything now, all he can smell is her sweet breath. He kissed her back. Now, Jessica is the one who got surprised.

“What is happening?” she asked her mind. She gathered all her strength and tried to get away from him but it’s too late, she is now under his spell. The kiss went deeper and deeper. She can’t think of anything now, all that in her mind is his lips. She just found herself wrapping her arms around his neck.

Neither of them doesn’t want to let go. It wasn’t their first kisses but it feels different from the others. It’s like a paradise after a lot chaos. So free and peaceful.

“Hyung! Can I use t---?” Ryeowook get in the room without knocking, he didn’t expect to see what he is looking at right now. “Ahhhhhhhh…..” he screamed out of surprise.

Jessica and Sungmin separate from each other but it already too late. Everybody, as in all the members are already there too peak in what’s inside the bathroom. Nobody said anything but their resounding gasp is enough to tell how surprised were they.

The manager came in. “What is th---?” the manager’s eyes widen. “Wh—what is this Lee Sungmin?!” he stormed in the room and throw a robe to Sungmin then he dragged both of them to the living room.


Everybody was gathered around them. No one dare to speak but their eyes were fixed on them.

“What do you think you are doing, Sungmin?” the manager.

“Yeah, you can’t do this.” Heechul sounds sarcastic. There is something with his smile.

“Why, Hyung?” Sungmin replied with a steady but firm voice. “What can’t I do?”

“What? We just saw you with a girl inside the bathroom and what to our surprise it was, Jessica!”

“I can bring Jessica wherever I want.”

Everyone was surprised.

“What?!” The manager was puzzled.

“ Heechul Hyung, do you like Jessica?”

“What if I say yes?”

“I can’t let you like her” Sungmin look at Jessica’s eyes. “Because she’s mine.”

Jessica was surprised and she still can’t understand what is going on.

“Wait” It was the leader Euteuk. “Sungmin, do you like her Jessica?”

“No.” he said looking at Jessica’s eyes. “ I don’t like her, I love her.”

They all cheered! “Really?” Jessica asked. Sungmin nodded. “ But you said you don’t like me.”

“Yes. I love you. I don’t like the sound of that. And that’s for sisters.” Sungmin explained.

“Exactly.” It was Heechul. “ I like her as my sister. And I’m her Oppa, so Lee Sungmin, do you have anything else to say?”

“ Yes.” Jessica and everybody else waited. “Jessica, will you marry me.”

Tears started to fall down Jessica’s cheeks but they are tears of joy. Finally, she’s with the man of her dreams.


^ ___ ^

my first time to write a fanfic.

hope you’ll like it.



Jessica is just trying to find a job not knowing that she will find the love of her life...


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