The Sudden Change

In the Cloud with You

"How could they do this to me? On the day like this?" Hana murmured to herself while walking home that day. She is carrying a mountain of books on her arms, trying to balance them all while keeping an eye on the street. 



"Hello?" She answered her phone.

"Hi, sweetheart." It's her mom.

"Hi, mom. It's about time... are you coming now to pick me up I am at the gate now." Her parents always spare time to pick her up from school even though how busy they are. She is the only child so she gets all her parents love and attention.

"Oh, yeah, sweety, about that... " She can hear her mother stammer a little. "umm...we can't pick you up today."

"Like, you're for real? I'm not twelve anymore mom, that's not gonna work to me no more."

"Well, I am not kidding this time, honey. I'm really sorry honey bear, we are on the airport now."

"Airport?!" Oh, right. They have a business to attend in China. "I can call the driver. Don't worry about me." She smiled. She knows how hard it is for her parents to be away but this business they have is also for her, so she'd understand. 

"Umm..well, you better just take a cab, baby. The driver is sick."

Oh great! 

She hates taking cabs. She has a phobia due to a bad experience she had when she was four. She got on a cab thinking it is their car and was locked there without the driver knowing until she cried. And because of that whenever she heard of cab, she just can't breath. 

"Umm... I will just walk, maybe...ehe-he-he" he laughed awkwardly. 

"Are you still afraid of taking cabs? I thought you told us you're not anymore." Worry filled her mom's voice.

"No, no, I - I am okay. I'll take the cab... don't worry about me. I'll send a message as soon as I get home. Love you, bye!" she turned off her phone as fast as she can. 

*end of flashback*

She looked at the road ahead of her, she's already half way to her house. She is now at the center of the town where a lot  of store and people are. She has never used to be with a lot of people, she like to be alone most of the time. She took a deep breath and start to walk across the street to the other side walk where lesser people are. 

"Almost there, almost there ---- aww!" She felt a big object hit her, since she couldn't see anything in front of her because of the books so she have no idea what had happened. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" One, two, three - three books hit her head as her hit the ground. Just my luck! 

"Oh, I'm very, very sorry miss... " She stopped cursing inside her head when she heard a baritone voice. His voice is deep and manly with a little hint of sweetness and pitch to it.  Just like a sweet lullaby calming you to sleep. "Are you okay?"

She looked up and saw a hand in front of her, she took the hand and help herself to get up. Hmm..his hand feels funny. She looked at the hand, it's small for a man's hand. 

"Ahem...if you are done admiring my cute hand, we should pick up your books now."

"Ehh?" He pointed a finger on the ground. Her books!! "Oh, no. Look what have you done?"

"Me? You're the one who is not looking on the road."

"Really?" She crossed her arms on her chest. 

"Well, you are carrying a pile of books taller than you are."

"That's right. But I wonder who hit me so hard and my almost got nailed on the pavement." She said, sarcastically, a smiled showed on his lips  upon hearing this. His eyes are smiling too. 

"Whoa! I got defeated! Alright, I owe you an apology then," He squatted on the ground and started picking up the books. She's about to pick some books too when he suddenly looked up. Their eyes meet.  "How many are these exactly?" 

She was taken aback a little with the sudden eye contact. Well, no one can blame her, she has never had an eye contact with any man before in the whole 20 years of her life. "Ahh..umm...t-ten?"

"You're not sure?" 

"Ten, there are ten." She looked at the ground and pick up some books too.


"Cha~ there you go, all ten books." She is carrying five and he is carrying five as well.

"Please put it on the top of these books now." She is motioning the top of the books she's carrying with her lips.

"That's cute but----" Kyaaa~~  he is interrupted by a loud screams.

Another unnie told me that she saw Yesung Oppa near here.

Oh my, I wonder where he is now.

He looked worried upon hearing these conversations while she is puzzled. "The books, plea----" she couldn't finish her words anymore when she is almost practically dragged by this mysterious guy to the corner of the small alley near the side walk. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Shh..." He pushed her against the wall and lean towards her closing the gap between them. They are very close that she can feel his breath brushing on her cheeks and she can smell his cologne. She panicked to the sudden situation that she is not used of, not knowing what to do, she dropped the books on his feet.

"Ahh!" He grunted a little while trying not make any noise. "You..." He caught her eyes and move his face closer to hers. 

She hold her breath and clenched her fist to control herself.  She wanted to look away but she can't, there is something inviting in his stares. It somehow calms her nerves. She continue to look at his eyes and she looked at his eyebrows to his nose to his lips... He is indeed, a very handsome man. Her eyes continued to wander until hers met his eyes again. it seems that he is also looking at every part of her face. She hold her breath again when she saw the expression in his eyes.... Is that admiration? 

A smile curved on his lips and then slowly widen the gap between them. She wanted to protest and pull him back to their previous position but she can't even move a finger at the moment. "They're gone, at last..."

"They? Gone?"

"Yeah. ELFs."


"Are you for real? You don't know me?" She just slowly shook her head. An amused smile showed on his lips and slowly he begun to laugh.

"What?!" He carefully put his hands inside the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a - a turtle!! "We almost got caught Ddangkoma. Were you scared?" wide open when she heard him talk to the turtle lovingly.

"Ddangkoma? Turtle's name?"

"Turtle? No, ddangkoma is my son." He answered seriously then he grinned playfully. 

Aish, this man. There is something to him that made her doesn't want to stop staring at his face. 

"Phew! Thanks, that's a good laugh."


"By the way, I am JongWoon, everybody calls me Yesung." He extended his hand to her.

She took his hand, "H-hana." 

"Nice to meet you Hana." his smiled reached his eyes. 

"OMONA!" she almost jumped out when her phone started to ring. "Hello? MA?! Where? Me? I am okay...really.Ahh---"

"Hello, Ma'am." What-are-you-doing? , she mouthed. He put a finger on his lips to shush her. "Oh, I am sorry for this... ahh..yes, yes, Hana is fine. Don't worry about her, I will not leave her until she gets home. Yes, yes. My name is Yesung... well, yes Ma'am." She just keep on listening to him even though she doesn't even know why she is obeying this man. 

She feels frustrated beacause she cannot understand what are they talking about so, she tried to snatch her phone back but since she is much shorter than him, she didn't succeed. 

"Yes, Ma'am. I am her boyfriend." 




Did we hear it wrong? Oh, no my dearest...he said it. Now what? Just wait a little bit and I'll tell you.

Thank You for reading!! Please leave a comment it'll encourage me to update more... 


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Hey my Sweetcakes! There are a lot of distractions so I could only update one chapie. I really struggle to do this. Twitter is on the top of the list!


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