Chapter Two

Return of the Bullied


I made sure to arrive seconds before the bell rang next day, so I had to use as little time as possible in school. If Micky is as popular as he says he is (though it's probably exaggerated), then I will probably get a lot of attention for a while. Which isn't exactly something I want. But my hooded self still got looks and stares from everywhere. And when I entered the classroom it became totally silent. Now that's a new thing. The only times where nothing has been said in this classroom, is when no one's there. Well these s. I don't care. The bell rang, the teacher came, the hum of whispers started. And from what I could hear, it was about me. Well so much for my plan of laying low. Not that it was success to start with, but I still had a chance.


The bell rang again and I put my head on the table, trying to push out reality. It seems more possible in the darkness of my hood.


Hey Minhee, I'm Sohee.” one of the es say in front of me. I take a quick peek and yes that's the that with the help of some others drenched my clothes with different yucky things repeatedly. Plus her tongue is sharper than a knife. “How do you like it here so far?” she asked. If I ignore her will she go away? Please. This is the former queen of es. I met one that was worse overseas, but after I beat her up she stopped messing with me. “I know you've only been here one day, but we really want you to fall in nicely here.” she continued nicely. Fall in nicely? Please, I can smell the fake off your breath. It's funny how everyone's quiet again. They're expecting something. I can feel it in the air. If they do anything like they've done in the past, then all promises. I'm going to beat her up and hand it back to her if she does. “You know it seems like you're not good with crowds maybe? We once had a girl in our class that was a very lonely type, but she fell in very nicely here as well.” she chattered. You once had a lonely type in your class? One that fell in nicely. That little . She's talking about me! I know how that girl didn't fit in. I can feel the lie through my hood. Imagine the smirk on your face you ing . “But hey, how do you know Park Yoochun?” she asked as innocently as possible. And there we have the real reason for this one sided conversation. Slowly I sat up with my best glare in my eyes and the most bored expression on my face. I hate this .


I highly doubt that the lonely girl fit in here, seeing as you were lying quicker than a horse can run and quite frankly, it is none of your ing business how I came to know Yoochun. Now go with someone else. I know a when I see one, and you could earn a ing crown.” I told her as calmly as possible. How am I able not to strangle this girl? Respect Minhee, you're doing awesome. The class had it's usual immature 'ooohhh's and once again I'm left to wonder if they matured even a day since I left. Well at least I haven't seen them beat anyone up, but there's probably someone in this school going through the hell I went through. And the bell rings as Sohee's eyes are on fire. She didn't like that. But she isn't looking at me. She's looking behind me. At the king of jerks. Yup, she wants to take me down. I read her body language. It's tense and suddenly slouches slightly. Hahahahaha. She didn't gain permission. I see she's still afraid of him. Well he does cast a mean punch if he's kept up with his hobbies. Her angry self removes from my strangling radius and she heads over to her seat. Well I don't think she'll be nice to me anymore. Only if she wants Yoochun really badly. Well if he's as famous as he said, then there's a chance.


I went through 'til the lunch break without communicating with anyone. And when the lunch bell rang, I hurried out of the classroom towards my corner in the library. The footsteps of the s could be heard behind me, and once again, I can't help but fear them a little. Someone bumps into me harshly and I almost loose my balance. The boy who bumped into me landed on his though.


S-sorry.” the boy stuttered and stood up. I don't think I've seen him here before. I shrug my shoulders as if to throw it away and help him up to his feet. Something in his eyes changes to fear when he looks behind me. I follow his glance and I see the king of s with his little disciples. Looking back at the boy I study him. And that's when I see it. A slightly blue mark on his cheek that looks familiar as hell. The fear in his eyes. This is king head's new target.


Come with me.” I order him. I know how it feels. I have to help him where no one helped me. He looks at me with fear. Trust isn't easy for someone who has lost all friends and basically lives in constant fear. “Now.” I order with a glare. He nods and follows me to the library.  Poor boy is scared of me. When we reach my corner I motion for him to sit. He hastily does as he's told. I feel bad for the poor guy. The look in his eyes clearly tell that he's afraid of what I might do to him.


Relax, I'm not going to hurt you.” I say as I sit on my bench across from him. “You're afraid of the king of s Bang Yong Guk.” It wasn't a question. I can recognize all those feelings miles away. He nodded slightly. “What did you do to deserve something as cruel as him?” I ask curiously. He let out a small laugh. I can see he has come upon the black sarcasm that I found in that time. Not that it ever left.


I told him to back off a girl that used to be in my place.” he answered with a dry emotionless smile. “At first he just gave me a black eye. But when she left... well someone had to be the object that took away that class' boredom.” I nodded with a smile. He had told them to back off. It warmed my heart. He had actually said something. Even though I never knew of it, even if it didn't help, he still did it. “There are times where I almost regret it. But then I think that she must have gone through these exact same things. No one should be treated this way.” he confided in me.


I'm sure that it would mean the world to her that someone actually cared.” I told him with a slight smile. He laughed a little in return. That humorless laugh of someone who's in pain. I'm going to help him.


I've never been here before.” he said and looked around.


Not many people know of this place. And if they do, then they don't really come here. The only ones I know is myself and the king of turds. But it's safe here when there's a librarian around.” I tell him. He needs to know that there's somewhere he might be able to be free for a while.


How do you know? I haven't seen you around school before yesterday?” he asked curiously. I'm going to have to tell him. Later. The library door was just opened.


Even though my first day was yesterday, this isn't my first time walking these halls.” I confide in him quietly. His eyes widen a bit.


What's your name?” he asks in a whisper.


Minhee. Park Minhee.” I answer quietly holding out my hand. “Yours?”


Himchan.” he answers and takes my hand. “Kim Himchan.” he gives me a small suspicious smile. I think he might have caught on.


Well it's nice to meet you Himchan.” I smile at him and stand up. “Now I'm going to go stop the king of s and his disciples. You look like you need some peace.” he smiles a genuine smile that reaches his eyes. The pain and fear he lives in that I know so well is still evident, but it lights up his whole face. His eyes are beautiful. I nod at him and walk towards the steps coming closer by the second. And true enough, turning the corner I find king with some of my classmates and some others from the school.


Minhee!” the king of jerks exclaimed as he saw me. A bright smile on his face. “You're back in the library.”


No Sherlock.” I replied dryly.


Have you seen someone in here?” one of my classmates asked. Can't remember his name, but he needs a facepalm.


Yeah, I've seen someone in here.” I answer in a mockingly excited voice. “Actually there's a whole bunch of people in here, a bunch of idiots who happen to stand right in front of me.” My comments do not please the crowd. Well, they weren't made to do that anyways so, it.


We could take her instead” one of the guys I couldn't recognize whispered. Oh hell no ! I rolled my shoulders a couple of times and stood up straight. As the teenager I am I usually slouch around.


Do you want me to beat your ?” I threatened the boy. Nobody messes with me anymore.


No.” King answered for him. “You're a very interesting person.” he commented and looked at me as if he was searching for something. I rolled my eyes at him. He really fills me with aggressions. I ing hate that . “I saw you bump into Himchannie. He followed you in here.” That is trying to coax me into 1) tell him where he is and 2) get me to move.


Yeah, he looked like he could use some help. And I'm actually a decent and nice person.” I answered airily. He chuckled a little. I hate him.


I seem to have gotten another impression of you though.” he said thoughtfully. “I'm a nice person myself, but you don't seem very welcoming towards me. I've never done anything against you, yet you snap and insult me every time I talk.” Hah. He wants to know why I'm this y towards him, while I'm nice towards “Himchannie”. I can't help but laugh at him. All the pain he has caused me, and he says he's nice? no.


Nice? You're a ing . Never done anything against me? Anyone can see the hell you people cause for 'Himchannie'. Anything done against my new friend is something done against me. Which means years of hate for you and your disciples King head.” I snapped at him shooting daggers at him with my eyes. “And you don't ing mess with me face.” I threatened him with a growl. It angered them. Especially King . After saying Himchan was my new friend, his eyes were throwing lightning in anger. But I'm not afraid of him anymore. I was taught how to fight in my years over seas. I gained confidence. And my hate towards him just grew a thousand times worse. Revenge. I was going to get revenge. For Himchan and me. We'll teach this that you don't mess with Park Minhee.


You should be glad I don't hit girls.” he growled threateningly at me. I laughed. Hard. I couldn't help myself. Doesn't hit girls? Bull. I can feel my self control slipping. I'm shaking.


Don't lie to me. Everyone here knows that's a load of crap you let loose there.” I sneered at him. What a douche.


I'm the last person you want to mess with.” he growled stepping up in my face. head doesn't like someone threatening his position.


No, you're the first.” I growl back at him. that for having grown taller than me. The bell rang. But no one moved. I prayed that Himchan was smart enough to stay put.


Kids! Get to class!” the familiar voice of the librarian called. So they hadn't changed her. She would be a threat to my new girl facade. I'll have to speak with her. “Bang Yong Guk and company! Move it!” she ordered turning the corner. She was standing behind the group of boys now. They moved as ordered, walking off to class. I stayed there, letting the group of boys file out of the library, before looking up at the librarian that I knew so well. “Aren't you going to go?” she asked me impatiently. The door to the library closed behind the rows of bookshelves and I let out a small laugh and pulled down my hood.


It's nice to see you again Bommie-seongsaengnim.” I said with a smile. A confused look came upon her face.


What? No one's called me that in years, no one but...?” she looked at me questioningly. I waved my hand at her and nodded my head. “Minhee-ah?”


The one and only.” I answered.


Minhee, I thought you moved? What are you doing here? My, you've grown. You look so different. What did you do to your beautiful hair? And your clothes!” she rambled on gripping onto my shoulders. That's the Bommie I know. She wasn't able to stay in the library every time I came here to hide, but she tried as hard as possible. Which resulted in a couple of days every month where I could have the whole lunch break for myself.


So it really is you.” Himchan said behind me. “I... I... really... Thank you. I... I'm really sorry... I didn't help you yet you've... I.” He was stuttering all over the place.


Dude. Stop.” I said holding my hand up with a small smile.


Who's this?” Bommie asked.


Bommie, this is Himchan. He's been in my place since I left apparently.” I answered. I felt a pang of guilt. Because I left, they found someone new to beat up and bully. And he's the one who has been feeling the pain ever since.


Oh poor boy.” Bommie's mommy side showed up as she walked over to him. She started inspecting his face and turning him in her hands. Himchan looked almost scared. I felt the same when I first met her like this. He winced as she pressed a hand against his back. It didn't go unnoticed by Bommie. “I'm going to call your respective teachers, saying that I need your help with some books, which is why you won't be joining class. Then we're going to take a look at your back and Minhee can show you where I keep the first aid kits.” Bommie announced and went towards her desk at the entrance of the library.


Has she..”


Always been like that?” I interrupted Himchan before he could finish his question. He nodded. “Yeah. She found something I wrote in my corner back there one time and consulted me about it. I told her about my situation after some pressure from her side. And then she went all concerned mommy on me. After that she helped me as much as possible. Like putting some first aid kits around the place that I could find when she isn't here, so I could lap myself up. And those few golden times where she could stay in the library and keep me safe she did.” I told him and turned to look at him. “But she's very limited in what she can do. Remember that. She means well and can turn King retard away when she's here in the lunch break, but her hands are pretty much tied. This will probably be the first and last time you will be able to escape class. She asked for me if she needed someone to carry books for her, but it only happened six times in the four years I was here.” He nodded understandingly. She wasn't someone he could count on regularly, but someone he could trust would do her best.


Did you really mean what you said?” he asked looking at me hopefully.


Mean what I said when?” I asked him confused. I said a lot in the last ten minutes.


The thing about me being your friend.” he almost whispered shyly.


Yes. Us victims have to stick together.” I answered determined looking him straight in the eye. He needed to know that I would be there for him. I know how he feels. The unbelievable moment when you actually get a friend. Someone you don't have to be wary around. It's an incredible relief. It showed up on his face. A bright and thankful smile lighted up his face and a spark of hope seemed to light up in his eyes. He has white bunny teeth. And his eyes are... Beautiful.


Thank you.” he said with a voice swimming in sincere happiness and hope. It makes me feel good. That smile of his really lifts my heart.


Now let's go let Bommie worry about you to her hearts desire.” I say shaking off the weird feeling he was giving me. I'm not used to it.

Bommie took care of him alright. Put that weird cream on his back that would warm his muscles up. Generally fussed about him. And she fed us. I forgot how much I love her cookies. They're brilliant. Then I showed him the places where she kept first aid kits. She hadn't moved them in the three years I was gone. Himchan is nice. Like really nice. The effects of three years bullying and being beat up left their traces in a way I could only recognize way too well. His shy self almost disappeared, though he kept wincing every time I would even slightly touch him. But I know from experience that I have to keep doing it, so he won't be afraid of handshakes and shoulder claps. He'll come around. And I really like his smile. His genuine bright smile. The dude could be on the cover of magazines with that face.


When we parted for class I told him to come to the library in the lunch breaks. That's where I would be. In my little corner. I gave him my number, and he gave me another one of those smiles. He told me he'd see me Monday, seeing as he wouldn't come to school tomorrow. And as he turned to go, I saw a light in his eyes. Hope for better days. Beautiful eyes.



Well... that's chapter two... another four pages...

pretty Bom is a librarian ^^ Himchan has been bullied by Yong Guk the last three years :'(  I'm a huge BangHim shipper so that part is killing me slowly, but it works too well.... Poor little Himchanchan *goes to cry in a corner by myself*

Yong Guk in this story needs a high five... in the face.... with a chair... but that's just me...

I hope you're enjoying it so far (even though it's only the 2nd chapter) Please let me know what you think \(^o^)/

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 5: You are back!!! Finally !!!
I love this story so much :D
Chapter 5: FINALLY! YOU ARE BACK IN BUSINESS! Sorry for stealing your time with mimemd...... :( you just need to get a little further and i can do a lot more ;)
Chapter 4: someones gotta be the bad guys and girls lol..
jgv54321 #4
Oh~ you're such a turd, oh yeah~ a giant turd, and you look like a turd and you smell like a turd~~ xD you can thank me for that xP
it's good, I reckon you are a good writer, you've caught my attention. but sometimes it becomes too cheesy for me, but I guess it's just that I don't work that well with fluff. oh and I am excited to see what happens between king and minhee.
I love thissss :d
next chapter pls :)
do i really have to tell you how much i love your stories?? i see myself so much in Himchan?! and you are right about Yongguk needs that high five in the head with a chair. and i really love the story
I ship banghim too ;~;
*sobs* MY FEELS!!! ;A;
this ____ is gooooood.. update soon