Chapter Three

Return of the Bullied


I found myself in the library again next day. Friday. Just a couple of hours and then Micky would come to get me out of this hellhole. He promised me ice cream. I freaking love ice cream. Especially vanilla. It's plain. It's simple, but made right, it sends you right up to heaven.


Hey.” that deep much hated voice said, pulling me out of my ice cream fantasies. I thought he would leave me alone after yesterday. So much for that fantasy. “You really like this place huh?” I sigh. Really loudly. He should know I'm tired of him.


It has the potential of being quiet and private.” I answer hoping he would get the hint. I don't freaking want him here.


Sorry for disturbing your peace then, but I can't help myself.” he answered with a small chuckle. He just apologized? Well whatever, he's obviously still not leaving. “I'm sorry about yesterday.” He apologized. I shot up from lying position in shock. He just apologized. And he actually sounded sincere about it. I look him into his eyes. And it actually looks like he's sorry. Like he's actually sorry. I'm not going to forgive for what he has done, but he just said sorry. And he was sincere. “I acted like a .”


Yes you did.” I confirmed. I'm still not getting this.


It wasn't nice.” he continued.


No it wasn't.” I agreed. He stayed quiet after that. Looking down at the table. I think I might forgive him. For those words yesterday anyways. Still got in total seven years of hate for the guy. Four for me and three for Himchan.


I... I was wondering... do you like reading?” he asked carefully with a big smile.


Well. Yeah I guess.” I answered slowly. This feels so weird. “Why?”


Oh I was just wondering.” he answered with a shrug of his shoulders. This side of him is really weird. “What's your favorite genre? I really like sci-fi.” he continued. This is getting weirder and weirder.


Uhm, I'm more of a fantasy person. Though I read almost anything as long as it isn't creeper-ish.” I reply hesitantly. He's acting weird. And it's creeping me out. It's making me reply.


Nice. I really like fantasy as well. Fiction really fascinates me. It can draw you away from reality for a while. It's like a breather in one's own problems. Makes it feel like it's going to be ok for a little while.” he looked shy all of a sudden. Why do I feel like he told me something really important? As if he told me a secret. I don't know what to do with that really. At all. He chuckled. “No insult?” he asked.


Nope.” I answer truthfully. No matter how much I hate this idiot, I can't make myself be mean to someone that says something like that. this , why did he have to go and throw something like that in my face?


That's new.” he said with another chuckle.


I'm too a nice person.” I say with a shrug. So true. I'm way to nice. He chuckled again. It's freaking annoying in so many ways. The many times he has chuckled while tearing me down. It makes me so mad. But in these circumstances, it's like he means it in a good way. And it's freaking me out. Did he mean it in a good way all those times he chuckled? Did he really enjoy bullying me that much? It fills me with hate. But now that he isn't bullying me, but just chuckling and talking, it's reminding me of all the pain and at the same time it's a nice chuckle.


What's your-uh, relationship with that Yoochun guy?” he asked almost nervously. Now it's my turn to chuckle.


None of your business.” I answer. “And even if it was, I wouldn't know what to answer.” I add. He looks kind of sad? Maybe jealous? Wait wait wait. King himself jealous of me and Micky's relationship. Now that is hilarious. “Why, are you jealous?” I ask teasingly. His cheeks get slightly pink tint to them.


N-no.” he answered with a stutter. I think I hit spot on. I started laughing. I can't help myself. Oh god this is hilarious. That little head. “But are you together or?” he asked while I was still laughing.


Well that's up for you to find out, isn't it?” I reply in between my laughing. I love laughing at this boy. I can't wait to tell Micky about this. And I think I'll put up a good show for the king of s himself. The bell rings, and I head out of the library still laughing. I fish my phone out of my pocket to text Micky. We're going to put on a very nice show for these heads later. Oh this will be hilarious.



Twenty minutes left. Twenty minutes and I'm free for the weekend. And this horribly boring teacher. My concentration is long gone and my eyelids are drooping. How can you be this boring? If I ever have problems falling asleep, I just have to imagine being in class with her. Oh god. Got to stay awake. Don't fall asleep Minhee, don't fall asleep.


Loud thuds of knocks pulls me away from falling asleep. Thank you for the distraction whom ever knocked. Micky walks through the door. What is he doing here? Gasps are heard around the room and my teacher has stiffened up. And now everyone's trying to check if they look alright unnoticed.


Excuse me for the intrusion, but can I take Minhee away from you early?” Micky asks the teacher nicely. She doesn't answer. She's stiff in shock.


What the hell are you doing here Micky?” I ask confused. Yeah we were supposed to meet after school and put on a little show. But notice the after.


I'm here to whisk you away sweet Minnie.” he answers with a broad smile. He started the show early. So that people would be sure to know what happened. God I love this boy. The class is quiet. You know, sometimes I think this class has changed. I mean, all the silent moments in a class that has problems staying quiet.


And you couldn't wait 20 minutes?” I ask him dryly as he makes his way down the desks to my seat.


I couldn't bear another second without you.” he answered with a teasing glint in his eyes as he bent down to kiss my cheek in hello. We usually do that when greeting each other. A growl is heard from behind me. I can't help but smirk. King retard is jealous.


You're so cheesy.” I accused him.


And you like it.” he countered with a wink. I grinned back at him. It's true. I love that cheesy side of him.


But first I would like to know if I'm allowed to.” Micky said, pointing his previous question out to my teacher.


Yeah sure” she answered with a breathy voice. Micky thanked her with a bow in return and went back to grinning and smiling at my packing self. I could get out of school quickly.


You know, you have a really nice back.” I tell him when I'm finished packing.


Hop on.” Micky replies with a dry laugh and turns his back to me. With a small jump, I fasten myself onto his back. He picks up my bag from the table and heads through the classroom, trying to get out.


I really do like your back though.” I say thoughtfully as we reach the door.


I know” he answers and I give him a small peck on the cheek as we head out into the hallway. The door is closed behind us, and we stand still wanting to know their reactions. A loud growl and the familiar boom of a table being flipped is heard through the door. Hehe. That would be King flipping tables. Jealous . “I take that that would be the reaction we were going for?” he asked with laugh.


Hell to the yeah.” I replied grinning widely. Oh this is gold! I've got to tell Himchan about this Monday.


What should we do out in the yard?” Micky asked me as he stopped in front of the main entrance. We need something good.


Something with big movements, so it's easier to see from farther away. My classroom has a pretty good view, but it's a bit far away.” I answer thoughtfully. This has got to be perfect.


How about some cheese?” Micky suggested with a grin. I smirked.


Oh yes, some cheese would be nice. In fact, by the attitude of those people, it is obvious that they have never experienced cheese, so we better be nice and give them enough cheese to last a lifetime.” I mentally rub my hands together and let out an evil laugh. This will end in more flipped tables. Muahahahahahhahaaha. But... “Hey what about the media? I mean if you're that famous and all, won't it ruin you reputation and all that shiz?” I ask him suddenly worried.


Nah, not really. Even if it did, I wouldn't mind as long as it's for you.” he answered as he pushed open the door. This boy. I love him. So much.


Ahh, so much cheese!” I yell acting as if I'm suffocating, putting a hand up to my collar, trying to pull it away from my neck. Micky quickly lets me down as I act as if I'm suffocating lets out a dramatic 'Noooooo!'. He lets go of my bag and takes my hood off.


Now lets see that beautiful face of yours.” he says to no one with a voice filled with affection. This is the reason that I have never wondered why I fell for him. I lightly smack him on his chest.


Shut up.” I tell him with a grin. He grabs my hand and my bag and we start walking towards the gates.


You like it.” he grins at me.


I can't help it.” I answer with a shrug and a smile. He suddenly stops and pulls me close up to him. We're close. Like so close we can barely get closer. Up in my face close. He has a playful smile on his lips as he leans closer to whisper in my ear.


You ready for the peak of our performance” he whispers. It tickles my ear.


Always.” I whisper back, trying to keep my smile away from my face. He leans back a little bit and cups my face in his hands. There's a small smile grazed onto his lips. We both tip our heads slightly as he leans his face closer and closer to mine. An inch before reaching my lips with his, he stops and behind the hands that cover our mouths he whispers quietly to me.


Close your eyes, and don't laugh.” he tells me quietly. I follow orders, while I struggle not to let my laughter out. I can hear windows being opened with slams. The bang of tables and chairs being flipped and kicked. Oh god it's hard not to laugh. “I'm gonna pull back now.” he informs me and I open my eyes as I feel his hands leave my face. I give him a small smile as we begin to walk towards his car again. Not a word is passed between the two of us. He opens the door for me and I throw myself into the seat, while he throws my bag into the back and then enters at the other side. He starts the car and drives away from the school. I can feel it bubble in my chest and my face responds once in a while, making it twist. The same thing is happening to him behind the wheel. We're both quiet and avoid each others gaze all the way to the little café where we've always went together. They have the best ice cream in the world here.


We enter and slide into our usual seats. At that second I look into his eyes and.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I finally let it out and Micky joins me in less than a second. Holy that was hilarious! Both of us sink into a dieing mess of laughter.


My stomach hurts.” I gasp in between my laughing. Micky has tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. I can feel tears of laughter trickle down my own cheeks. After several minutes we pull ourselves together.


The usual?” an amused voice asks from my right. It's him! I think. Yeah, it can't be anyone else but him.


Ice Cream-ssi?” I ask just to be sure. It looks like him, and kinda sounds like him, but ti's been three years.


Who else?” he answers with a smirk.


Wah, it really is you Ice Cream-ssi.” I mutter with my eyes wide. “You still work here?”


Of course. Though I'm basically the boss now.” he answers with a wink. Ice Cream-ssi as I call him, has worked here the last six years or so. Which is also around the time that I've been going here. Always ordering the same ice cream. He has never told me his name, and refused when I asked, so I dubbed him Ice Cream-ssi. And I think he like it.


Wow. But I'm guessing you still won't tell me your name.” I reply with a smile. It's almost like a tradition that I should ask for his name.


Maybe later.” Ice Cream answers. Like he always does. We went here a couple of days ago, but he wasn't here so I figured he stopped. Besides a couple of days ago, its been two years since I've been here.


I almost want to hug you.” I admit out loud. I mean. It's been years. Ice Cream cringes.


I'd rather just take your order.” he teases me and winks. I scoff and roll my eyes.


Still the same I see. But yes. The usual. As usual.” I reply with a laugh.


Same.” Micky says from the other side of the table.


Coming right up” Ice Cream sings and heads off, but not before ruffling my hair into a mess.


He's still here.” I say in disbelief. I can't believe he's still here. Back before we moved, I would come here every weekend and get ice cream. After tasting every single one they had, I settled for the best one, that I've been eating ever since. With a cup of hot cocoa as well in the winter. Ice Cream was always the one who served me. I later found out it was on purpose. His reasoning was that he makes everyone happy and I looked down. I've never told him the exact reason of why I was “down”, but he would cheer me up none the less. And when I started asking for his name, he refused to tell me. Which led to the nickname Ice Cream-ssi, as he always brings me my ice cream. He's not old. But neither is he young. If I remember correctly, then he would be in his mid-forties now. According to him, and I'm not sure if I believe him, he was a rather big shot in the entertainment business, when he decided that it was time to try something new, quit and got a job here. Which is why he never told me his real name. He says that if he tells me, then I would figure out who he was and then he would have a hoard of fangirls after him in less than a day, because I obviously looked like a girl who couldn't keep shut. Which is the lamest excuse ever, seeing as I barely spoke even when I was talking back then. But whatever floats his boat. I'm just glad he has a sense of humor even though he's so old.


So there's someone I want you to meet.” Micky interrupted my thoughts from across the table.


And who might that be?” I ask. That sounds interesting.


A friend of mine..” he answered airily obviously avoiding the question.


And when should I meet this friend of yours?” I ask suspiciously. There's something he's not telling me. He's nervous right now. Damn, I've known him for too long.


Tomorrow. If you don't mind?” he replies.


But it was only supposed to be the two of us tomorrow.” I whine teasingly at him. I put up my best pout.


Yah. Act your age.” he reprimands me punching my should lightly over the table. I grin.


But all the girls in the Korean dramas whine and pout. No matter how old they are.” I argue. Micky winces.


Dude. You yourself say that it's ridiculous. And if you literally start acting like that, then I will unfriend you on facebook!” he threatens me.


Noooooooo! Please don't!” I act like I'm affected by the threat. The truth being that none of us use facebook any more. “Anything but that!”


Then stop ac...” Micky stops mid-sentence. What's wrong with him? “Ice cream's coming.” he answers my unspoken question. Yay! Seconds later Ice Cream arrives with my ice cream and Micky's cake and coffee.


Enjoy~” Ice Cream sings as leaves my ice cream with me.


Oh, you know I will.” I reply eying my ice cream. My delicious mouthwatering heavenly ice cream. Ice Cream laughs and walks away. I grab my spoon and dig into this piece of heaven.


So he'll join us for coffee, cake and ice cream” Micky says after taking a sip of his coffee.


It's a he, huh?” I ask wiggling my eyebrows at him.


Shut up and eat your ice cream.” he replies rolling his eyes.


Ay ay Sir!” I say saluting him with my spoon in hand. He laughs as I eat my little precious. There's a reason why I fell for that guy.



Ah, chapter 3 already... I'm slowly running out of prewritten chapters...

So Yong Guk has a nice side apparently... and my BangHim heart is yelling at me for Yong Guk being so mean to Himchan while suddenly showing a nice side to Minhee... the part of my brain that's responsible for this story is yelling back at it, for not understanding the story and the importance of this conflict... and also for thinking that they will go gay for each other no matter what... My BangHim heart is very stubborn...

Well, anyways... Minhee found her Ice Cream-ssi... he is freaking awesome ^^ and Minhee's and Micky's complicated relationship is slowly being uncovered... Btw... a big plea from my side... please please please oh please comment after the next chapter... which will be up around wednesday, if I can wait that long... I seriously wanna know if you get cliché thoughts... after the next chapter... I don't know why I'm talking about the next chapter in this chapter?? Oo

whatever... I shall go satisfy my BangHim heart now, so I can write on this story afterwards ;D

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 5: You are back!!! Finally !!!
I love this story so much :D
Chapter 5: FINALLY! YOU ARE BACK IN BUSINESS! Sorry for stealing your time with mimemd...... :( you just need to get a little further and i can do a lot more ;)
Chapter 4: someones gotta be the bad guys and girls lol..
jgv54321 #4
Oh~ you're such a turd, oh yeah~ a giant turd, and you look like a turd and you smell like a turd~~ xD you can thank me for that xP
it's good, I reckon you are a good writer, you've caught my attention. but sometimes it becomes too cheesy for me, but I guess it's just that I don't work that well with fluff. oh and I am excited to see what happens between king and minhee.
I love thissss :d
next chapter pls :)
do i really have to tell you how much i love your stories?? i see myself so much in Himchan?! and you are right about Yongguk needs that high five in the head with a chair. and i really love the story
I ship banghim too ;~;
*sobs* MY FEELS!!! ;A;
this ____ is gooooood.. update soon