Chapter One

Return of the Bullied


I'm back. For some reason I am back in this hole of a school. The place where I was bullied. The place where people hurt me with their words and occasionally fists. The place that was hell on earth for me. Why do I come back to this place then? Well my parents were only supposed to work over seas for two to three years. And now three years later, they thought that I shouldn't have to start all over again so they put me back in my old school. Plus, as they told me excitedly the other day, there was room in my old class. In their defense, I never told them about it. And every time I got physically hurt I just told them that I fell, walked into something or whatever. Which resulted in them thinking I'm really clumsy even though I'm not. Ok, I might be a bit clumsy but not to that extent.


The only thing I hope for is that no one recognizes me and that the same things won't happen again. I mean, most of my old teachers either teach the smaller classes or have stopped altogether. And there's a new principal as well. Plus I have changed a lot. I used to have long hair that which I made sure fell forward into my face, so as much of me as possible could be hidden. Now it's short and I've dyed streaks in it. My glasses have been hidden away and I wear contacts instead. Before, I was dressed up for sports almost constantly, while now I still wear baggy clothes but it's the kind of baggy that you will find on hip hop freaks.


And these clothes are the ones I'm standing in right now. In the office of my old school. Waiting for my new homeroom teacher to come get me. Because “I don't know where I'm supposed to go”. Big hallelujah for them not remembering me right there. And with my hands buried in my pockets and my hood pulled over my face I wait for the chance to see what has become of my old classmates that I've missed so much. Not.


Park Minhee?” someone asks in front of me. I leap to my feet and bow at the man in front of me.


Ahnyonghasaeyo Songsaengnim” I say pulling a smile out on my face. Despite my current looks, I do have manners. For some people.


My name is Lee Kibum. I'll be your homeroom teacher.” he said with a smile and indicated for me to follow him out. I quickly grab my bag and follow him out into the halls. How I've missed them. Note the heavy sarcasm. “You've missed the first two months of school, so you have a little to catch up on but it shouldn't be too bad. If you need anything you can come to me, or if I'm not available, then one of your other teachers.” he started explaining as we walked through these cursed halls. I'll admit, I've stopped listening. He stopped in front of my old classroom. Well isn't this great. They haven't even changed classrooms. I'll be in the same ing place where I got most of my bad memories. I can hear them through the closed door. It's almost the same sound. I bury myself deeper in my hood as we walk in. There's one good thing about this place. They don't really give a damn about how you look, as long as you're wearing clothes and enough of them. I trudge over to the teacher's desk, that stood at the exact same place three years ago when I left.


As my teacher tries to quiet down the class, I scan over them. They've changed. Their faces have changed. They're older. Which is a good thing seeing as it is three years ago I saw them last. There are two faces missing. And a new one. But otherwise it's almost completely the same. In the back right corner we have the ultimate idiots and heads. Next to them and in front of them we have the sports idiots and jerks. To the left around the middle we have the two Miss' I'm-so-hot-and-everything-evolves-around-me-everybody-loves-me and their posse spreading out from there like a fan. There is one empty seat. Right in front of the king of jerks and s. Oh please do not make me sit there! The teacher succeeds in making the heads quiet down and throws his head to indicate it's time for my introduction.


Hey, my name is Minhee.” I quickly introduce myself with a nod of my head. The class is starring at me now. Please don't recognize me! I feel like they're eying their prey. It's as if they're ready to eat me. My teacher tells me to take the seat in front of the king of s and I trudge over there, trying not to show that I'm extremely nervous and scared as . How I love my hood.


My teacher started teaching, I found out I was taught this last year, the class started humming with whispers and I put my head in my arms.

“ my life” I whispered out to no one. my life indeed.


The lesson was over faster than I would've hoped. That meant ten minutes before the next class. Which meant that my naturally curious s classmates would come talk to me, instead of just whispering about me while “listening” to the teacher. And true enough, before the teacher was out of the door, sports jerk in front of me was pushed away by the king of s and everyone basically crowded around me. Did I mention I love my hood?


So Minhee, where are you from?” one of the sports jerks ask. You know, it's quite funny. I don't remember most of their names for some reason. Which is weird, seeing as I was in the same class as these idiots for four years before getting my three year break. Which reminds me, should I answer. And if I do, should I answer truthfully or a lie.


None of your business.” I reply. That works a lot better. It gives off the vibe that I don't want to communicate with the given person. Which I don't. So it's perfect. The king of jerks laughs at my comment. Well no surprise there. He didn't get the title undeservedly.


You're a feisty one aren't you.” he says with a low chuckle. Oh how much I haven't missed that voice. I can feel my body tense involuntarily. It almost expects a hit. Or a crude remark. But this isn't the same. I'm a new person. But these big clothes help conceal my tensing quite nicely. “I like that.” he almost whispers with a teasing note on his voice. It's flirtatious. And it makes me want to puke. If he likes feisty, then he'll love me when I hit him square in the face if he says something like that again. Plus the most stupid thing of all. He calls me feisty after that one freaking sentence. Well at least I know he's as stupid and dumbstruck as before. Despite him getting older and his voice deeper. “But I really want to know where someone like you is from.” he tells me. Which is basically an order to tell him where I'm from and generally give out every piece of information he wants.


Too bad because it really is, none of your business.” I reply emphasizing the last four words in my sentence. Before I left, I was a really timid person. But now you could say I've grown a pair of balls and my temper flares quite easily. Especially now that I'm back in this hell hole. Well it earned some immature 'oooh's from the others. Yup. They haven't really changed at all.


I don't think you're Korean.” a girl said. Ah yes. Jieun. Very smart girl. Never knew if I should hate her, love her, like her or just not like her. She never joined the others when they bullied me. Not once. But neither did she stop them. She just looked away as if nothing was wrong. Which makes me feel a hate towards her. On the other side, she never did anything against me, which made me love her. I do know what I think about her now though. A very clear and simple: I don't like you. “You have an accent. A small one, but it's still there.” she explained. That was true. I haven't spoken proper Korean in basically three years, so I have a slight accent. Not much though. I choose not to answer. A simple eye roll is my only answer. They really don't recognize me. Either it's because I've changed as much as I have or because of the hood. I'm hoping it's the first.


The ringing of the bell saved me before anything else was asked or happened. I've always had a love/hate relationship with that bell. It marked the beginning and end of my torture. And they left me somewhat alone for the entire class. Sadly they got to know what they wanted. Somewhat. Seeing as the teacher noticed my accent when he asked me who I was. And I told him that I was Korean. And when he asked about my accent, being the nice person that I am, I told him I lived over seas for a while. Thankfully he was satisfied with that, and didn't ask exactly where seeing as going out of the country generally is over seas or for how long. But class was fine. So far, none of the teachers had asked me to take my hood down which I'm grateful for.


When the bell rang for lunch, I knew that I had to move fast before they could get to me. I just want to be as far away from them as possible. Which is why I headed for that one place that occasionally was a safe place during my earlier years here. But of course. Luck isn't on my side at all. An arm wrapped itself around my shoulders not even a meter from the door. A look at the owner of the arm confirmed my suspicions. The king of s. Again.


Where are you going?” he asked with a smile that told the world he owned it.


None of your business.” I replied and shrugged his arm off me, before trudging away at a faster pace. But nope. He had an arm around me again in seconds.


Can you say anything other than none of your business?” he asked with a sigh. Mocking me.


Yeah.” I answered thoughtfully before continuing. “Piss off!” I growled at him threw his arm off me and trudged away. Pushing anyone in my way away with a simple glare at them. A howl of laughter and 'ooohhh's followed me. The king's disciples really have matured. Note the heavy sarcasm. I reached the library. It wasn't big, but the high shelves filled with books gave one the impression that you're in a whole new world. Kind of like it a small labyrinth of books and peace. Following the footsteps I once took in this place, I went to the farthest corner from the door. A small bench, a table and a couple of chairs decored this little corner of the library. This was the place where I would pull down a book and read myself away until hell caught up with me again. Funny how I'm back again. For almost the same reasons. Pushing away those thoughts I lay down on the bench and closed my eyes. A small nap would be nice.


Funny how you found this place so easily.” a voice interrupted me before I could let myself go completely. That damn voice. It fills me with aggressions. The king of turds strikes again. I don't reply. If I don't then he might leave. “It's almost as if you've been here before. And I know you're awake. I'm not stupid.” that . Not stupid my . I sit up slowly and open my eyes. He's sitting on one of the chairs. Alone. I don't know if I should be happy or not. That only happened once. The only time where nothing actually bad happened.


The one time I was in a room alone with him, was a torture of a totally different kind. He never said anything that bad at me. Just called me pathetic. He didn't hit me. Only threatened slightly. The expectation of something that never came was awful. And the next time he saw me with his friends, was the worst. The fact that he hadn't done anything that bad had imprinted on my mind. It gave me hope that it might ease off for a while. But I was wrong. Boy was I wrong.


Well to me you seem like you're ing stupid to me, seeing as you don't seem to get a hint.” I spat at him. This somehow feels really good. Insulting my former personal devil. Just let me beat him up and I might go into euphoria. But no. I promised not to go into a revenge driven craze.


I just choose to ignore it.” he chuckled and smiled. “But please do tell me how you found this place? It hasn't really been used by others than myself for years.” He looked at me curiously. that , he's talking about me. Luckily I keep my bored expression on.


It's called a tour and a sense of directions.” I answer him. “Have you ever heard of it?” I mock him. It feels so good to do it. If I can't avoid him, then I want to do this more. I want to make him feel stupid, useless and pathetic. I want to let my fist adore his stupid face. I want to break him, make this place a hell like he did to me. But no. I'm a better person I remind myself. No fighting or physical pain. Just a slow mental break down for him. He chuckled at my answer though. I'll make him regret every single minute I've been in pain.


You're a very hostile person huh” it wasn't a question. More like a statement. Which I rolled my eyes at. “But where are my manners. My name is Bang Yong Guk, it's nice to meet you.” he introduced himself and held out his hand. I eyed it for a couple of seconds, but made no move to take it. I just gave him a bored expression. After a while he gave up and pulled it back with a small laugh. That same laugh he always laughed when I ran away from them in the past, just to get caught seconds later. My body tensed and I buried myself deeper in my hood as if it was possible. Hopefully he didn't notice the unwanted lingering effect that he seemed to cause. “I'll admit I find you fascinating.” he continued with a thoughtful look on his face.


I've barely met you, and you find me fascinating?” I scoffed at him. Gotta keep up the facade that I've never been here before. He just nodded.


There's something about you that seems familiar. And at the same time it's not often I find someone who will insult and mock me so easily.” he explained still looking at me with that thoughtful look on his face. He bent his neck trying to get a better look at my face. Well ing no Sherlock. Of course I look familiar. We were in the same class for four years, where you constantly bullied me every single ing day. I'm almost insulted that you don't remember the face you made sure was living a hell for what seemed like forever.


Well that's good, because I have a ton of insults for pitiful people like you.” I said almost spitting my distaste out at him. He laughed at the clear display of hate I had towards him. He ing laughed. Why don't I wipe that laugh off with a kick in the balls. The bell saved me. This bell has some good timings today. Props for that. I stood up and walked past him, not sparing him a look. The way back to class, I could hear him walk behind me. It was nerve wrecking. Reminding me of the days he would follow me until I ended up in a corner somewhere where my other classmates would appear and do the things that ended up as “falling” and “walking into a pole” at home. Well so far, my first day of school back here could have been worse. It could be so many ing times better as well. The rest of the day was fine though. I kept quiet through class and insulted every person that talked to me in the breaks. Reading a lot of books has certainly payed off, with the insults and play of words that I can manage. When the last bell rang I sighed with relief, grabbed my bag and hurried out the door. I am so getting out of here. Half way across the school yard I hear the king of trash call out my name. No ing way that I'm going to answer that piece of .


Minhee!” someone calls out in front of me, and I stop up. It can't be. But it is. There at the entrance to the school grounds stands none other than Park Yoo-ing-chun!


Yoochun!” I yell out in disbelief. And I'm running towards him in seconds, my hood falling back from the wind, dropping my bag along the way to jump into his arms and wraps arms and legs around him so I can hug the life out of him. After a while I loosen my arms and pull myself back to look at his face. “What are you doing here?” I ask. I can't believe he's here.


I can't let you face scary Korea on your own can I?” he asked with a chuckle on his voice and kissed my cheek. I laughed. If I get to be with him, then being here won't be that bad.


You have no ing idea how happy I am to see you.” I tell him all smiles.


I have a slight idea seeing as you still haven't let go of me.” he laughed.


And I have no intention of doing that for a while.” I stuck out my tongue at him.


Let's go get your bag and go out for ice cream.” he suggested with a smile. I nodded happily. That's the reason this guy is my most favorite person in the world. With me still clinging to him like it meant my life, he walked over to my bag. “Hold on tight.” he warned me as he bent down to grab my bag off the ground. I hang like a koala on him laughing. I've missed this guy so much. With my bag in hand, he turns back and I hug him tightly as we walk towards his car just outside the entrance. Over his shoulder I see the king of s, my classmates and a whole lot of other students with open mouths and surprised eyes. I can't help but laugh. Ok, we might look a little weird. Sour and bored girl with baggy clothes turns into a smiling monster and jumps onto a guy dressed in very chic and nice clothes. Then proceeds to smile, laugh and hang onto him like a koala, while nice guy returns the laughs and hugs.


Micky they're starring at us.” I laugh using the nickname I gave him a long time ago.


Well no wonder, they're wondering why a monkey is hanging onto the famous Park Yoochun.” he answered with an evident laugh in his words.


Famous my .” He always has been delusional.


No seriously. I'm all over the magazines and commercials.” he replied seriously. I pulled back to look him into his face.


Seriously? Like they want your ugly face on all that ?” I asked. He nodded.


Yup, and I'm one of their favorites.” he told me. “And now you have to get down if you want to drive somewhere to get ice cream.” I let go and hopped down. While I climbed into the car, he threw my bag in the backseat and went in on his side.


Miiiiickyyyyyy.” I made my best puppy eyes and looked at him. “Will it be your treat then?” I looked at him as pathetically cute I could.


My Minnie is so cute” he cooed and squished my cheeks. “And yes I will you little greedy ungrateful piece of manipulative cuteness.” I did a small dance in victory.


I can't help my awesomeness.” I smirked.



Well this is the first chapter.... three characters somewhat introduced....

sadly, I've made Yong Guk King Retard... it wasn't supposed to be like that, but Bang Yong-ing-Guk sounds too perfect to let it pass by....

I'll update sometime this week, seeing as I've got around twenty pages of this ready, and this first chapter only filled four of them ^^

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 5: You are back!!! Finally !!!
I love this story so much :D
Chapter 5: FINALLY! YOU ARE BACK IN BUSINESS! Sorry for stealing your time with mimemd...... :( you just need to get a little further and i can do a lot more ;)
Chapter 4: someones gotta be the bad guys and girls lol..
jgv54321 #4
Oh~ you're such a turd, oh yeah~ a giant turd, and you look like a turd and you smell like a turd~~ xD you can thank me for that xP
it's good, I reckon you are a good writer, you've caught my attention. but sometimes it becomes too cheesy for me, but I guess it's just that I don't work that well with fluff. oh and I am excited to see what happens between king and minhee.
I love thissss :d
next chapter pls :)
do i really have to tell you how much i love your stories?? i see myself so much in Himchan?! and you are right about Yongguk needs that high five in the head with a chair. and i really love the story
I ship banghim too ;~;
*sobs* MY FEELS!!! ;A;
this ____ is gooooood.. update soon