You Make My Life Complete

You Make My Life Complete


  It was December 31, 2012. Every single year Taeyeon would just walk down the streets alone, looking at couples that were holding hands, pecking each other's  lips, spending Christmas and New Years together, loving each other. She sighed, all she could do was watch other people be happy, while she was sad. 'Why didn't she just find someone to love and date?', you ask? Well, for Taeyeon, it wasn't that simple. 
She was in love. But the problem was.. Well, the problem was that.. She was in love. At least, that's what Taeyeon thought. You see, this wasn't any type of love. It was love for a girl. 
Every single year she would walk the same streets, with the same feelings, with the same thoughts. 'Why can't Korea be different? Why do they think it's wrong for a girl to have feelings for another girl? Why can't Korea just accept the fact that love is love?' 
I know what you're thinking, 'How comes she's not with her family?'. Well, she would be but her mom worked day and night to support herself and Taeyeon. Her dad died a couple of years ago. And she was an only child. Her mom would apologize every year, "I'm sorry that I can't spend Christmas with you Taeyeon. You understand right?" Taeyeon just nodded in response and replied with a simple "Dae Umma.." 
She looked up at the giant screen on the building playing a video clip. 'Another video about love?' She thought and sighed. The video showed boy-girl couples kissing and cuddling. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and kept walking, bumping into a few people. 
'I'm kind of hungry..' Taeyeon thought as she walked by the many stores, selling duboki, kimbap, skewered meat and more. Every line was filled with at least 20 people, no surprise since it was Downtown Seoul on New Years Eve. She got into the shortest line she could find, which wasn't short at all. She looked up at the menu board on top of the shack. 'Luhan's Chicken Feet', it read. Scanning across the menu, she realized all of the items were chicken feet. "Damn.." The short girl muttered under her breathe. She turned around looking for other short lines, just to see that all the lines have lengthened. Taeyeon let out a noticeably loud sigh, “I guess I’ll have to settle for chicken feet..”, She mumbled to herself.
“But Tae you hate chicken feet.” She heard a familiar voice say in her ear. ‘Tiffany..? Gosh.. I miss you so much that I’m starting to hear your voice in my head.’ Taeyeon thought as she hit her tilted head. “Tae Tae, why are you hitting yourself?”, the voice called again. “Why won’t you get out of my head?” Taeyeon said, this time using her knuckles to knock on her skull. “Who’s in your head? Taeng?” The girl grabbed Taeyeon’s arm, giving her a small shake. “Tiffany?” Taeyeon finally turned around to see her best friend eye smiling at her.
“You were hungry?” Tiffany offered Taeyeon some of her skewered chicken, at the same time munching on her own piece. “Am I allowed to have some?” Tiffany had a ‘are you stupid?’ expression on. “Of course not. I offered you some because you cannot have any. Babo.” Taeyeon gave Tiffany a glare, not liking Tiffany’s sarcasm. “A simple yes would have been nice.” Tiffany took a piece and stuffed it in the older girls mouth. 
“Miyoung ah.. Why were you alone on New Years Eve?” Taeyeon asked in confusion. “My parents are working tonight, and my sister went to spend the night with her boyfriend... So I was left alone. Now, Kim Taeyeon, why are you alone on New Years Eve?” “Mom is working.” She answered nonchalantly. In all honesty, she wasn’t even that sad that her mom had left her. Because every single year, she left. Taeyeon had already learned to deal with it and move on. “Ah...” Tiffany nodded. They continued to walk down the street hand in hand.
Skinship was common between them. Holding hands, hugging each other, pressing their foreheads together, even kissing each other on the cheeks. Having been friends for 9 years, it wasn’t weird. Frankly, Taeyeon loved their intimacy with each other. She loved it when Tiffany leaned her head on her shoulder. She loved it when Tiffany played with her hair. She loved it when Tiffany kissed her on the cheek for doing simple things like buy her ice cream. Taeyeon would buy as much ice cream as Tiffany wanted, just to keep getting those sweet and love-filled kisses from her. 
Tiffany loved their skinship too. In her opinion, it made her and Taeyeon’s relationship stronger. They first started off with hand holding and linking arms. Once they got comfortable with that, Tiffany would up a level, and lean on Taeyeon or sit on Taeyeon’s lap. Once comfortable with that, Tiffany upped it again, and started hugging Taeyeon. Front hugs, back hugs, hugs around the waist or neck. And now they are at another level, the ‘kissing stage’, Tiffany called it. Now they do a lot of kissing on cheeks, hands, foreheads, necks, and a few other places. 
Tiffany always saw Taeyeon’s noticeable blush when she hugged and kissed her. She smiled herself seeing that she could make her longtime crush blush like that. She couldn’t help but think that Taeyeon liked her back. 
“Taengoo.” Tiffany poked the cute girl’s cheek. Taeyeon let out a hum in response. “Why didn’t you call me earlier to hang out? We could have spent the last hour or two together. I was really lonely without you.” The younger girl pouted. ‘Lonely...?’ Taeyeon thought. “Well.. I thought you were with your family. So I just didn’t want to bother you.” “Even if I were with my family, your call wouldn’t have been a bother. I love hearing your voice Tae Tae.” Seeing her blush again, Tiffany kissed Taeyeon’s cheek making the petite girl’s blush even heavier. “You’re really cute when you blush Tae.” 
It was just after Christmas, meaning there were lots of sales. The two best friends walked down the gravel street, window shopping. “Tae Tae, do you want to get couple necklaces?” They looked into each other's eyes. “Couple necklaces?” “Yeah, that pair is on sale, and I kind of want something.. to show that we’re best friends!” Tiffany played with the tips of Taeyeon’s hair. “Sure. Let’s go inside.”
“Hmm.. I like it. Key and lock.” Taeyeon said, nodding together with Tiffany. “And it’s 50% off from regular price. Only 34.99!” The sales representative said. “We’ll take them.” Taeyeon said and smiled. “Great!” The salesman said and he handed them the velvet jewelry box. 
They headed over to the cashier, ready to pay for the necklaces. Taeyeon and Tiffany both took out a fifty dollar bill. “It’s alright Tae, I’ll pay.” Tiffany said with a eye smile. “No! Wae? I’ll pay!” Taeyeon said loudly. “Because Tae, you always pay for all the stuff that we get together! You even pay for all the stuff that I just want for myself. Just let me pay this time.” Taeyeon laughed. “Why are you laughing...” Tiffany said as she started to laugh together with Taeyeon. “Nothing.. It’s just that we sound like ahjuhmmas fighting over who pays.” They both laughed and Tiffany gave Taeyeon a small push. 
Finally deciding that Taeyeon would pay, Taeyeon put the bill in Tiffany’s hand as they walked to the cashier. “Your total is 39.76.” Tiffany handed the tall, spiky haired cashier the 50 dollar bill. “It’s New Years Eve, how come you’re not with your boyfriend?” The man taking the money asked Tiffany. Taeyeon glared at the boy trying to make small talk with Tiffany. “I don’t have one...And I don’t want one either..” Tiffany answered, with a ‘I don’t really want to talk to you’ tone.”I’ll change your mind.” He had an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. “I’m not interested. Can you just please give me my change so I can go?” He grabbed Tiffany’s hand, giving it a small kiss. Both Taeyeon and Tiffany looked disgusted by the annoying male, who was so full of himself. Taeyeon may have looked slightly calm on the outside, but on the inside, her blood was boiling.
“One chance baby, one chance.” Tiffany rolled her eyes and yanked her hand away. “Just give me one chance.” He grabbed Tiffany’s hands again. This time Taeyeon was surely going to yell at him. “She said she’s not interested! Just let her go for sake!” The cashier let go of Tiffany’s hand, he felt intimidated by the girl that looked half his size. “Fine.. There are a lot of pretty girls in Seoul.” He insulted Tiffany, but Taeyeon couldn’t help but feel ultra angry over his rude statement. “Sure, there are many pretty girls in Seoul, but this one.. This one is the prettiest, and you’re not getting her.” The tiny girl grabbed her change out of his hands and left pulling Tiffany with her, not noticing that the taller girl’s face was flushed in a deep red.
“Taeeee Taeeee~” Tiffany sang with a hint of aegyo, as she poked the still pissed Taeyeon. The short girl just continued looking ahead with a straight face, while holding Tiffany’s hand tightly. “Baaaby~” Tiffany smoothly whispered into Taeyeon’s ear. Hearing the cute nickname, Taeyeon quickly turned her head to face Tiffany. “Hmm...?” 
“Does Tae Tae really think I'm the prettiest girl in Seoul?” Tiffany leaned her head closer to Taeyeon’s, and looked into her eyes. Taeyeon looked away from Tiffany, breaking the eye contact. Tiffany shook Taeyeon’s arm and let out a cute whine. “Yes.” Taeyeon mumbled into the scarf wrapped around her neck. “Huh? What did you say baby? I couldn’t hear you.” Tiffany teased. Taeyeon took her face out of her scarf and spoke loudly, “Yes! Tiffany, I think you are the prettiest girl in the universe!” Taeyeon let out a dorky smile as she watched Tiffany laugh. “Laughing?” Taeyeon hugged Tiffany around the waist. “It’s just that I asked you if you think I’m the prettiest girl in Seoul. But you said I was the prettiest in the whole universe!” 
Taeyeon blushed and smiled looking down at her and Tiffany’s feet walking the same steps. “I wasn’t lying, y’know..” She looked at Tiffany’s cheeky smile. “You really think I’m that pretty Tae?” Taeyeon put her finger up to her chin, pretending like she was thinking. “I think you are absolutely beautiful!” Tiffany kissed Taeyeon on the cheek and let out a giggle, “I love you.”
“Key or lock?” Taeyeon asked “Huh?” “The necklaces. Key or Lock? Lock or Key?” Taeyeon said laughing at Tiffany’s slight confusion. “Oh um.. You pick first Tae.” “Wae? You can pick first Pani ah.” They looked at each other. “You paid, so you can pick first. I don’t want to take the one that you want.” Taeyeon shot a sweet smile at her. “Then let’s say our choices on three, okay?” Tiffany nodded in agreement. “One.. Two... Three!” 
“Key!” Taeyeon said at the same time Tiffany shouted, “Lock!”
They giggled together. “See. We are the perfect match.” Taeyeon took Tiffany by the shoulders turning her around, and she put the necklace with the shiny lock charm around her neck. Tiffany was glad Taeyeon did this for two reasons. One being that Taeyeon turning her around was an excuse to hide her blush. Two being, she really loved the feeling of Taeyeon putting the necklace around her neck, she felt like Taeyeon really liked her at that moment. 
Taeyeon put her arms around Tiffany’s neck, snuggling her face into her crook. She mumbled a quiet ‘I love you’. “Let me help you put on your necklace baby.” Taeyeon pulled away and Tiffany grabbed the silver necklace out of it’s box. She laid it on Taeyeon’s neck and buckled the small clasps-and-ring without turning Taeyeon around. She put her arms around Taeyeon’s neck, and Taeyeon put her hands on Tiffany’s waist as if they were slow dancing. 
They looked at each other in the eyes deeply for a while. It was silent, but not awkward. It was a sweet moment. Taeyeon finally spoke up,  “You know I love you...” 
The two girls that loved each other just continue to share their loving stare in their beautiful silence. Until it was broken by the crowd shouting, “10!”
“It’s almost 2013 Tae! I can’t believe another year past by so quickly.” Taeyeon nodded in agreement, but at the same time had something still lingering in her mind. Her thoughts echoed inside her head. 
‘Live every year with no regrets!’ 
‘Life is short kids, use every day as an advantage.’ 
‘Leave every bad thought you’ve had this year behind, don’t carry it on to the next year. For this will become a habit, and the rest of your life you will have to live with bringing your bad luck into your fresh starts.’
Those were just some of the sayings that were surrounding her brain. “9!” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany counting with the crowd. “8!” She looked up at the giant projection of numbers on the wall. “7!” ‘Let’s do this Kim. Let’s live 2012 with no regrets.’ Taeyeon thought. “Tiffany! Tiffany!” 
Hearing the girl calling her name so loudly she turned to face the shortie. “Tiffany. No regrets.” 
Tiffany blinked a few times, “No.. Regrets?”
“4!” The crowd got louder as the number got closer to 0.
“I-I...” Taeyeon stuttered. She was wondering.. What if Tiffany doesn’t love her back? What if this ruins their friendship? “You....” Tiffany waited for Taeyeon to finish her sentence. 
‘If I never take this risk, I’ll never know if she feels the same way.’ Taeyeon thought. Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hands, pulling her close so that they were touching. She put her arms around Tiffany’s slim waist and pulled her in even closer, so that their faces were literally 1 centimetre apart. 
“I love you, Tiffany. I love you. I love you with all my heart.”
With the last count, Taeyeon pulled Tiffany into a kiss.
“0!” “HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!” “WOOO!” The crowd cheered for 2013, as Taeyeon and her one love were still kissing. After a few seconds Taeyeon pulled away and looked into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany’s eyes were filled with tears. Taeyeon didn’t know if they were happy tears, or sad tears. 
“I love you too, Taeyeon.” Taeyeon was so happy she got the response that she wanted that she started shedding tears of her own. Tiffany pulled Taeyeon into a hug. “I am so glad that you love me. But you’re a babo.” Tiffany pulled away from the hug and took a step away from her lover. “ Why am I a b-” Before Taeyeon could finish her sentence, Tiffany interrupted her. “You’re a babo because you made me cry! Now look at my makeup! It’s all runny and I look like the grudge!” Taeyeon giggled wiping the black tears from Tiffany’s face. “You still look beautiful though.” Taeyeon kissed Tiffany’s stained cheek. 
“Wow.” Taeyeon awed. “What?" Tiffany laughed at Taeyeon’s sudden ‘wow’. “This is amazing. I’ve had the best end to 2012, and the best start to 2013, because I started kissing you at 11:59pm and stopped kissing you at 12:01am...Your lips taste like strawberry.” Taeyeon smiled and her lips. “Cheesy much..?” Tiffany joked hearing her lover’s remark. “Can’t help it. I’m in love.” 
They turned to one another, looking at eachother eye to eye. “Kim Taeyeon..” Tiffany whispered as she took her index finger and traced a small ‘X’ on the area on top of her heart, with her eyes closed. 
“There.” Tiffany opened her eyes and looked up at the starry midnight sky. “Hm?” Tiffany looked back to the confused Taeyeon. “I just permanently indented your name into my heart.” Tiffany eyed smiled and Taeyeon’s confused look turn into a faithful smile. “Well in that case...” Taeyeon took her index finger and did the same thing her lover did just a minute ago, but instead this time she said Tiffany’s name.
“You make my life complete.” 
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Chapter 1: this is too sweeeet!!!
myflows #2
Chapter 1: Cute story author. Read this late at night when i was in need of a oneshot.
Chapter 1: Please update soon
Chapter 1: Please update soon
chomichomichomi #5
Great one shot!
lyanalex26 #6
Chapter 1: This is the best fluff I've read so far... It was really nice, though the word nice is probably a wrong choice of word to describe such a great story and that makes it beyond that. I had to admit I felt envious just by reading the story. I guess everyone here does. :)
Chapter 1: Omo! Really love this one shot! Seriously!
It's like,I'm really watching a movie. Especially the counting part,where Taeng will gonna confess to Tiff.
I really love this! I love how Tiff has a crush on Taeng and Taeng also is single and likes girls.
I like how she said she love how Tiff do things to her,aka kissing her cheeks,NECK (omg,that's hot!) and etc. And finally!
The kissed!and it's on the lips! Woohoo!
Tiff also love what Taeng do to her. Meaning they love each other's company,care and love. *heavenly sigh* I truly love this shot.
Hope you'll make more TaeNy shots!
Suhoscort #8
Chapter 1: awwwwwww :D TaeNy is so sweet!!!!! <3
OMO! This was sooo cute! I was smiling like an idiot the whole time! ^^ I love it!
ooooooooooooh so flufffffyyy~~! *.*