Still my first love? I think so.

Love Again? Imposible.

Sunggyu's POV


I sighed deeply and I thought with myself.

"It's bad. It's really really BAD. No. Sungjong can't come back. If he cames back..."

I was saying it with myself but I stopped when Myungie came in. "Sunggyu hyung do you know where my shampoo is?"

I looked at my brother. My little dear brother. He wasn't happy but at least he was normal. If Sungjong comes back again...

"Ah." I sighed and smiled at him. "No. Maybe mom took it."

"Aha. OK. Hyung?"


"You okay? You seem so... I don't know. Worried?!"

"Yes. I'm worried."

"What are you worried about."

"Ah. I'm worried because my love towards my little brother is increasing day by day and I'm worried that my Woohyun would get jelous."

"Hahaha. Very funny." I laughed and he left while sticking out his tongue.


Myungsoo's POV

I came back to my room. Thinking with myself that my brother is the worst actor I've ever seen. I know what he is worried about.

I just don't understad why doesn't he tell me. I'm not a kid anymore. But deep in my heart I knew that Sungjong comming back to Korea isn't a good event.


"Ah!" I sighed and leaned to my bed.

Next morning I decided go to school with my own car not with Sunggyu's to think. I wanted to think about Sungjong but my mind went to another person all the time. I should be happy that my lo... no my best friend is comming back but I'm worried. I'm worried about that tall guy. Oh Gosh. Why am I being like this? Why can't I say Sungjong is my love? Why am I thinking about this tall guy? What the hell is wrong with me?

I was near school. I saw him. That tall boy. Lee Sungyeol. He was walking to school with Woohyun. Well. Woohyun hyung and Sungyeol were best friends.

"Lee Sungyeol. Who the hell are you. How dare you make me think about you all the day." I said while I pulled over and called Woohyun hyung's name.


Sungyeol's POV

"Hyung." I heard a voice. Woohyun hyung and I turned our heads to face... Oh my God. Myungsoo. I started blushing when I saw him. 'Lee Sungyeol don't be so obvious. You're a big idiot.' I thought while still blushing.

"Yah. Kim Myungsoo. How are you? Are you.... alright?"

I turned my head to Woohyun hyung. Why do I think he's so anxious? Is there something happening with Myungsoo?

"Come. I'll drive you to school. You and your friend. I'll talk to you in the car." Myungsoo said while smiling. Oof. His smile made me blush even more. Damn it.

"Sungyeol let's go." Woohyun hyung said and went to Myungsoo's car. I opened my mouth to say I don't go with them but I thought if I say so Myungsoo will doubt or understand my feelings for him. "Okay." I said and went to Myungsoo's car.

I sat on the backseat and Woohyun hyung sat on the frontseat. Woohyun hyung started talking and I listened to their conversation.

"Now tell me. I know you know."

"I know what?" Myungsoo said and I looked at him but I got him looking at me from the mirror. Oh no. I was making him uncomfortable. But I shouldn't care. I don't want him to understand my feelings.

"About Sungjong."

"How are you sure I know?"

"Because I know you little kid. Now tell me. Are you okay?"

"Ah. What do you wanna hear. The thing you want or the truth?"


"Half of my heart is dying that my childhood best friend is comming but the other half of my heart is sad that..." Myungsoo stopped talking and it made me curious. I could see his eyed from the mirror and there was sadness in his eyes. It made my heart sad seeing him like this. He just seemed so desperate.

"That what?"

"That... Nothing."

"What the . Why the hell can't you just...? Ah. For God's sake. Please Myungsoo. I don't know your feelings but can't you accept your feelings? If you love him just say it. Don't say he's your best friend. Just for once. Accept your feelings. You lost him once because you didn't understand you loved him. And of course you still do love him. He's comming back and you're like this. You wanna lose him again and..."

"Shut up." Myungsoo shouted. "Okay. I love him. I love Lee Sungjong. Okay?!!!!!!!!!!" He stopped the car suddenly. He was so angry. VERY angry. And when I understood the meaning of his words I felt my eyes get wet. And then I didn't understand how I jumped out of the car and ran to school.

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ukissme1991 #1
Chapter 4: are you going to update ? please do >.<
My poor Myungyeol feels......please tell me this'll end with Myungyeol and not Myungjong! Dx
Poor Sungyeol.......I just wanna give him a hug! >///<
Can't wait for your next update~! ^3^
<///3 My heart was </3. I cant accept this. Choding deserves better than thisT^T