No regrets


A oneshot when a girl truly realizes the real meaning of life, and finally understands how easily it can be taken away. With her eyes wide open, her heart and mind matures as one. Tragic, but enlightening.




Hey. It's me, flamer808. Well, I'm typing out of an urge. I need to get things out of my mind and off of my chest. This oneshot is dedicated to my boy, who I had lost today. His inner deamons, sadly, proved to be stronger. Never take your life as a joke, because it can seriously be taken away from you in a split second. I loved him so much, he was like my little brother. Hell, he was my little brother. People may have said some seriously negative things about him, but at the end of the day, everyone had at least one happy memory with him. I love you Jay, and if you're reading this, although I doubt it since you barely read anything, I just want you to know how badly everyone misses and LOVES you.


Forever in our hearts, and will never be replaced.

July 2, 1997 - August 23, 2012


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Chapter 1: wow, this was really touching and sad. I'm sorry you are suffering and can empathize to some extent (I have also lost others). I hope that writing offers you some peace. Thank you for sharing with us.

Oh my gosh ;~; R.I.P
I'm sorry about your loss, got me balling my eyes out ;~;
Totally cried while reading this. This was beautiful. ♥
Ah, so heartfelt and emotional. I am looking forward to this and I send my condolences. <3