Chapter 7


TaeNy's condominium

Taeyeon was feeding MiYeon as she watch TaeYoung feed himself.

"TaeYoung-ah, don't play with your food now."Taeyeon look at TaeYoung's food keeps trickle out from the baby bowl.

TaeYoung eat it once awhile and play with his food more.

"MiYeon, please eat up baby.. Open your mouth now."

MiYeon shut tight.

Taeyeon sighed.

"I tell you what TaeYoung-ah, if only you finish your food.. I'll give you jelly."

Hearing the word jelly TaeYoung's eye immediately lit up. He give a toothly smile and eat his food like a good kid.

Taeyeon chuckled.

One problem solve! Eventhough its have to work in wrong way.. I can't believe i am using bribe method! >.< -Taeyeon

Taeyeon look at MiYeon this time.

"Why are you refused to eat princess? Are you got bloated stomach?"Taeyeon touching MiYeon's stomach.

The latter giggled. Perhaps its tickles.

Taeyeon laugh seeing her daughter reaction. She happy with her new role right now. Its fun but Siwon offer still lingering in her mind. She didn't forget about that matter.

"Aish.. Okay, fine. You didn't want to eat then don't alright MiYeon-ah, we will do this your way. But.. No next time missy~"Taeyeon tap MiYeon's nose playfully.

MiYeon laugh and showed her pretty eyesmile.

"Okay, lets heading to the shower now both of you."

TaeYoung pouted and look at Taeyeon.

"I promise i'll give you jelly after you shower okay.."Taeyeon look at TaeYoung.

TaeYoung shake his head and begins to break loose.

"Okay, okay.. You win."Taeyeon quickly open the fridge and give the jelly to TaeYoung.

"Yumyum~~"TaeYoung said as he happily munching the jelly.

Must be inherit the Hwang's.. -Taeyeon


Soshi Quarters

All the soshi squad gather at the meeting room after successful solve the unfortunately little girl murderer case. Siwon and the TeukSora couple not yet arrived yet.

Tiffany was talking about the case with her co-worker. She was extremely pissed off.

"Can you believe that 8 adult sit on a two years old toddler and the mother said that suppose to be a joke? What kind of mother is she!"Tiffany hissed.

"What an evil!"Jessica add.

"My gosh.."Sunny, Yuri, Soo Young, Yoona and Seohyun gasp.

"Thats crazy woman! She is not eligible to be called a mother!"Hyoyeon snapped.

"Exactly!"Tiffany agree.

"Woah.. What's with the noise? Inspector, are you okay? I heard about how that case end and yes, i felt sorry for that unfortunate little girl too. But please don't let your emotion gets in the way people."Siwon look at the squad.

"What Senior Inspector said is right. Honestly, this is the simply case you ever handle Inspector. You been through much worst than this before."LeeTeuk look at Tiffany.

"I know sir. I am just.."Tiffany sighed. "I am sorry Senior Superintendent."

LeeTeuk look at Sora and the latter nodded in understanding. She then give the files to each one of them. The squad open the file and begins to read through it.

"Wow.. Interesting."Soo Young said.

"The husband is a gigolo and the wife is the waitress at the club? Thats new.."Hyoyeon.

"Now both of them is found death."Yoona.

"Well.. What are you waiting for? MOVE!"Siwon command.

"YES SIR."They react and quickly go to the crime scene.

Siwon and TeukSora are the only one who stay in that meeting room.

"Someone plan this isn't it Senior Inspector?"LeeTeuk look at Siwon.

Siwon nodded. "Yes, Senior Superintendent. They will do anything to gain Taeyeon interest. This little case is just a distraction, so that other party won't suspect anything. My question is where they found a willing death follower? They sacrisfied their live for them and we are still clueless about their origin."

"Whatever it is. They are obviously insane. This is just like some kind of grudge. I hope Taeyeon aware of this situation."LeeTeuk add.

"We still try to track them down."Sora assure.


TaeNy's condominium

Taeyeon put MiYeon in baby crib once she finish dressing her.

Then she about to dress TaeYoung up but she heard a certain noise downstairs.

Taeyeon was panicked, afraid that 'they' finally after her.

"Sshhh.. TaeYoung-ah, stay here and don't move. If you be a good boy then i'll give you my dukong to sleep tonight okay."

TaeYoung give a toothy smile. Taeyeon just put on the baby bathrobe onto TaeYoung then put him into his baby crib too. She put some toy inside there so that TaeYoung will play with it. Taeyeon also didn't forget to give MiYeon her favourite dolls and play the toy that upper the crib.

Taeyeon make sure she lock the door and the key secure hide.

Taeyeon took a long breath then process to walk downstairs carefully.

Surprising, there she spot a figure with a mask and completely dress in black sit comfortably on the couch as the latter was waiting for her.

Realize the so kind of weird yet unharmed situation, Taeyeon still cautionly took a seat infront the intruder.

The intruder clapped. "I am impress Superintendent. Your guts thats make you charmingly interesting."The latter using a robotic voice devices.

"I wish i can say the same thing to you too. But.. You're hiding behind the mask and robotcop voices."Taeyeon state calmly.

"Be careful of your words Superintendent.."The intruder warned.

"Drop the title please. I've resigned two years ago and i am sure you already know about it."

The intruder laugh. "Honestly i am really admire you Kim Taeyeon. Or shall i say.. Kim-Hwang Taeyeon."

Taeyeon take a breath. Her heart pounding as fast as the ticking clock.

"Relax.. Eventhough i have your complete profile in my place but i'll not harm your personal life. I want to play a fair game with you. So thats mean you have to join the justice side again since i'll fighting you at the other side."

"What if i refuse?"Taeyeon look the intruder seriously.

The intruder shook head."Don't do this please. I hate to involve anyone else in this matter."

Taeyeon was completely understand the meaning behind those words.

"I took your silentness as a yes then."

Taeyeon look unpleased towards the intruder."Why are you doing this?"

The intruder shrugged."For fun i guess. You're one interesting rival. I read through your profile and heck.. You're the perfect competitive. Lets play chasing game. Oh, just for your information I've starting to refresh up anyway. Your other half and her team is really useful for sharped my criminal skill. Less than one day they already solved that one case. But don't worry.. I've arraged a new crime scene for them to solve."

Taeyeon clenched her fist."Don't play with the law."

"If i wanna play for real.. This whole country will be shaking upside down already."

Taeyeon glaring at the intruder intensively. If look can kill then the intruder probably die already. The sound of TaeYoung crying cut the staring contest.

"I guess thats all for today. Your better look after your child. And please don't make me wait because i am not a patient type."The intruder then walk away like a boss.

Eventhough Taeyeon's mind was completely fibred but her motherhood took control of her heart, she was running towards the bedroom where she placed her child then open it with the key that she hide under the carpet. TaeYoung was crying perhaps because of boredom. Taeyeon pick TaeYoung up and flatter the latter. She take a look at MiYeon and thankful the infant was asleep soundly.

Taeyeon took TaeYoung downstairs so that his crying sound will never bothering MiYeon sleep. She also didn't forget to bring the baby sound monitor as she afraid that MiYeon will awake anytime soon.

After some minute TaeYoung stop crying and the little guy was happily walking around. Taeyeon sit on the couch and was in a deep thought. She then pick up the phone and dial a certain number.

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bintangkejora #1
Chapter 9: Nice story please update
HungryDog #2
Chapter 9: Update again
Chapter 9: i like this story..please continune..your story..tq
TYK309 #4
Chapter 9: Please update. I love this story!
Greencol #5
Chapter 9: the kid super cute
tae eccepte this position
Greencol #6
Chapter 9: the kid super cute
tae eccepte this position
EMT0304 #7
Chapter 9: really interest story, because i a kind of into action topic. So this is really get my attention
ArdAct #8
Chapter 9: who is HE actually ???
woahhh complicated much ...
:D AUTHOR ... Glad you back xD
yuuuhuuuuoooo ..... *jumpjump*
i want to see taeng in action , hehe
so author see u soon in next chap ...
comebacksoon author , thankyou ... :D
lilkjungie #9
Chapter 9: woah love their family bond xD
and the pacifier .. WOW!
nice man xD
update soon.
taenylocksmiths18 #10
Chapter 8: interesting!!!hwaiting!!