
Sorry, I love you

That night, Yuri was in the pun right on time. She was wandering around while trying to find a certain blonde. 

"Hey, sorry I am late." Yuri said and sat down beside Jessica.

'Oh, it's fine."

"So what are you going to talk about?"

"Lets just had some drink first." Jessica called out for the bartender and not for long two glass of whiskey appeared in front of the two ladies.

"It's been a long time." Jessica said after finish drinking the small glass of whiskey.

'Yes it is." Yuri drank a little bit because she didn't want to be drunk.

"I was just curious, why you left me?"

"I thought I told you before, I was just playing with your feeling."

"Oh, I guess so. Why you didn't come to my wedding then?"

"I was going to come to France that day."

'Oh, I miss you." Jessica face redened after gulping down a few glass of whiskey.

"Jessica, you are drunk."

'I'm not!" But right after Jessica said this, she felt down on the table, snoring.

"You are still weak toward alcohol. Aish. I better bring you home." Yuri paid for the drinks and carried Jessica to her car.

"I guess I will take you to my place since I don't know yours." Yuri said after putting on seatbelt for Jessica. She started to drive as the memories between Jessica and her started to flow back to her. The day where they went on their first date, their first arguement, their first kiss, their first , everything was flowing back to Yuri. After a long ride because of the traffic during Friday's night was crazy, they had reached Yuri's apartment room. Yuri slowly carried Jessica into the room and helped the older girl to lay comfortably on the bed. Yuri gently brushed away the hair on Jessica's face.

'Sica, I still love you." Yuri whispered into Jessica's ears and she walked out to the living room and drifted to her dreamland.

The next morning, Jessica slowly opened her eyes.

"Urgh, my head. W-where am I?" Jessica looked around her and found herself in a room which she not familiar with. She got down the bed and walked toward the living room. She was shocked when she saw Yuri was sleeping on the sofa. She saw a lone tear escaped Yuri's eyes and her heart was aching.

"Yuri-ah, if you know, I still love you although I am Nickhun's wife now." Jessica whispered. She was surprised when Yuri slowly opened her eyes.

"Nngh. Jessica, you had awake. Wait for me awhile. I will send you back to your hotel." Yuri sat up and walked to the bathroom. She cleaned herself but she felt a sudden pain from her head again/ She supported herself with her elbow on the sink and kept splashing herself with the cold water. She took a deep breath and had confirmed the pain had gone away.  She walked out from the bathroom and sent Jessica's back to her hotel.

"Yuri, can you send me to the airport too? I'm going back to Seoul today."

'Okay, I will wait for you here." Yuri said and Jessica got off her car. Suddenly the pain was back. Yuri was clutching the stering of her car tightly as she was holding in the pain. Not for long, the pain had gone away again and right on cue, Jessica was walking toward Yuri.

"Yuri, are you okay?"  Jessica asked as she saw Yuri was covered in sweat.

"I'm fine." Yuri just answered coldly and they remained silent for the whole journey.

"Thank you Yuri. I will contact you when I reach Seoul."

"Okay, bye." Yuri said when Jessica waved to her. She was staring at Jessica's back until the older girl dissapeared from her sight. Yuri sighed and drove back to her apartment. She opened the door and the strong pain was back again but this time it was getting serious. Yuri began to slump onto the ground and trying to support herself with her hands and legs. This time, she coughed too. She kept coughing non stop and when she looked at her hand, there were blood on it. She tried to stood up but failed. She tried again by supporting herself on the wall. She kept coughing and supporting herself but soon she fell on the ground again, curling into a ball and coughing until her vision changed from colourful to black.

On the other side, Taeyeon and Tiffany were on their way to Yuri's apartment.

'I bet she is going to be surprised." Taeyeon said.

'I know. She must be happy when she know we came to visit her." Tiffany smiled. They reached at the door of the Yuri's apartment.

'Yuri-ah! Its me Taeyeon-ah!" Taeyeon knocked on the door for several times but there's no one opened the door.

"Try again." Tiffany said.

"Yuri-ah!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" Taeyeon shouted again but there's still no respond.

"I guess we will just go in." Taeyeon took a card key out.

'When did you get that?" Tiffany asked.

"I got it from Soo. She said there's possibility Yuri will be in her office so she gave it tous in case that's the case." Taeyeon used the card key and they opened the door.

'I guess Yuri is not around." Tiffany said while closing the door.

'FANY-AH! CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Taeyeon shouted.

'What's wr-" Tiffany gasped as she saw Yuri lying on the ground unconciously. She faster took her phone and called for the ambulance.

On the other hand, Jessica was now on her way back to Seoul.

'I can't believe that I still love Yuri. I wonder if she still love me. How am I going to face Nickhun oppa?" Jessica thought as she saw the beautiful scenery. Suddenly she felt a cold breeze brushing through her.

'Urgh, something not right." Jessica thought.


A/N: Another chapter up!!...XD...what going to happen to Yuri?? DUM DUM DUM DUM~~ By the way sorry for teh short chap, I will make it longer for next chap...

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Chapter 5: Oww que lindo
Chapter 5: nnow im happy haha!!
Chapter 4: dead or alive
Chapter 3: n drama gives me da feels!!!
Chapter 2: sad song playing ovr my head now
Chapter 1: oh... now i remember!! shes freakn sick!!
ill read this again since i already forgot what happened. ge ready for some yulaic again!!
ill read this again since i already forgot what happened. ge ready for some yulaic again!!
Chapter 5: Cute family