Fateful meeting

Sorry, I love you

"Ms.Kwon, here is the sample of the design." One of the girl said.

'Ah, just left it there. I will see it after I finish this design." Yuri said as she was drawing her design. It was usual for her to be this busy since she was the famous designer and the founder for the brand K.Y.

"Still rushing?" Sooyoung walked in and sat down.

"Ah, just left a few more then I'm done."

'You shouldn't tired youself, Yul. Yoona will kill me if she know you are tiring yourself." Sooyoung waved her hand around.

"That sister of mine. I will explain to her so don't you worry. By the way, what make you find me, Editor Choi?" Yuri arched one of her eyebrow and looked at Sooyoung.

"Can't I find my friend, Designer Kwon?"

"You are sharp. Anyway, I need your permission to use your design for the photoshoot."

"Okay, go on."

"Okay. So wanna go and grab something to eat?" Sooyoung asked.

'Nah, I need to finish this few design first. You can go and find Sunny though. She is quite free for now." Yuri said.

"Yuri-ah, take care of yourself." Sooyoung said before walked out from the room. She sighed when she saw Yuri who was still trying hard designing the clothes.

"Soo, you didn't know that this is the only way for me to forget her." Yuri thought as she continued to draw.

After a few days, Yuri was now in the photoshoot, wanting to make sure the model was able to show her design perfectly.

"Hyoyeon, you sure that the model is okay for my design?"

"Yuri-ah, as a professional photographer, I can tell you that I guaranteed this model can definitely bring out the cold theme of your design." Hyoyeon smiled.

'That's good."

'Don't worry. She is an international model, quite famous one too." Hyoyeon said. Yuri just nodded.

"I am going in to run a final check."

"Yeah, just go and relax." Hyoyeon said. Yuri just smiled and walked into the dressing room.

'Ah, Sunny, are you fine with the theme of the make up?"

"Yuri, of course I am fine! I'm good in this. No problem at all." Sunny winked which caused Yuri giggled. She turned and looked at Seohyun.

"Seohyun, I think that necklace should be with that costume." Yuri pointed out.

"Oh, thanks, Yuri unnie."

'You're welccome, Seohyun. I am quite impressed with this combination, Seohyun. As expected from my apprentice that always make me proud or also known as Yoona's girl."

"Yah! Unnie." Seohyun slapped Yuri's arm gently.

"Haha, just kidding." Yuri laughed.

'Glad that you guys are in good condition."

"Of course Soo. Since when my team is not in good condition? They are being lead by me, the prettiest, most awesome and famous Kwon Yuri!"

"Urgh, Yul, You make me puke." Sooyoung joked which cause Yuri slapped her hand gently.

"Yuri, lets go welcome our model. I think you going to like her." Sooyoung dragged Yuri out from the room.

"AH! There she is." Sooyoung shouted as she waved her hand toward a direction. Yuri looked toward that direction and her eyes widened at the poeple that she saw, Jessica.

"Soo, she is our model?"

'Yup, any problem?" Sooyoung asked.

'There's a huge problem! Never mind, Yuri-ah, you are a professional people. You must able to keep up your profession. Just avoid her." Yuri thought. On the other hand, Jessica was shocked too when she saw Yuri but she quickly glared at Yuri because she hate the taller girl.

"So, hi, Jessica. This is the designer of the band K.Y, Kwon Yuri. and Yuri, this is Jessica." Sooyoung introdiced both of them.

'Hi, nice to meet you." Yuri said and reached out to Jessica.

'Nice to meet you too." Jessica took Yuri's hand.

"Well, since Jessica is here. Lets not waste time." Sooyoung clapped her hand and everyone went for their job. Yuri just stood there, brain still processing about the meeting with Jessica. She could clearly felt that Jessica still hate her after what she did to her in the past. She just sighed.

"Unnie~" A loud voice had caught Yuri's attention.

"Yoona-ah, why are you doing here? Let me guess, find Seohyun?"

"Yup, where is she?"

"She is busy helping Jessica to dress up."

"Jessica?! Jessica Jung?!"


"Unnie, she-"

"She still hate me."

"Why didn't you tell her about your condition?"

"There's no need for that, Yoong. We are not even friends and there's no need to tell her this. Go and find your Hyunnie." Yuri laughed before Yoona went to find her lover. Suddenly she felt a sudden pain from her head. She just rubbed her temple and walked toward the dressing room where she put her bag. Tha pain didn't reduce but it was getting worst.

"Urgh, p-please don't. N-not in f-front of her." Yuri thought as she walked into the dressing room. Jessica saw Yuri was in pain. Her heart ached but she soon threw away the feeling and was looking at Yuri with a blank expression.

"Tsk! Such a good actor." Jessica thought but there's still the hollow feeling in her heart.

"Yuri! Sorry, Jessica. Wait a minute." Sunny quickly rushed to Yuri and helped Yuri to sit down on the couch.

"Seohyun-ah! Come and help!" Sunny shouted. Seohyun walked and was shocked to see Yuri. She quickly went to Yuri's bag and gave a bottle to Sunny. Sunny quickly took something out from the bottle and gave it to Yuri.

'Yuri-ah, come, eat this." Sunny helped Yuri to eat those thing.. Yuri swallowed it and after that her pain was not as terrible as before.

'What's the big deal? It's just a headache. But I wonder if she is alright." Jessica glanced at Yuri. Yuri was panting and stood up.

"Sorry, you guys can proceed on your stuff." Yuri bowed and walked out.

After that, the photoshoot went on smoothly. Finally it's over, so Jessica was sitting in the dressing room to rest for awhile.

"Jessica unnie." Jessica opened her eyes and saw Yoona.

'Yoona, what are you doing here?" Jessica asked.

"Well, cause Yuri unnie-. You know. How are you recently?"

"I'm fine and it had been two years."

"Yeah. I miss you unnie."

"I miss you too." Jessica hugged Yoona.

"Unnie, do you still hate Yuri unnie?"

"I don't know. I don't understand why she left me that time. It hurt me so much."

"Unnie, why don't you go and have a talk with Yuri unnie?"

"I will try."

"This is Yuri unnie phone number. Here, don't tell her that i give it to you." Yoona winked and walked out from the room. Before she went out, she turned around and looked at Jessica.

'Unnie, remember to have a talk with Yuri unnie." Yoona winked again. Jessica was now staring at the number.

"Maybe I should talk with her." Jessica mumbled.

After a few days, Jessica was still in France. She was now staring at her phone, wondering should she called that certain person in mind.

'Ah! I will think what to say later!" Jessica growled in annoyance and press dial.

"Hello?" After awhile, Yuri's voice could be heard from the phone.

"Y-yuri, its me, Jessica."

"O-oh, h-hi."

"I been wondering, can we have a talk?"


"Y-yuri, please. Just a talk. just before I go back to Seoul. After that, I promised I won't bother you anymore."

"W-well, okay."

"Okay then, tonight at the pub called, ' Shadow' at 8. okay?"

"Okay. See you then."

"Okay, bye." Jessica hung up. She was so happy when she heard Yuri agreed to talk to her. There were butterflies in her stomach but tears were streaming down her face.

'Yuri-ah, I guess I s-still in love with you." Jessica mumbled.


A/N: HEY!! Next chap up!! I apologized for weird continuation and grammar. Yuri was kinda taken aback when Jessica called her cause she thought Jessica still hate her. By the way, so that you readers wouldn't confused, when Jessica married Nickhun, is because of her family. She doesn't like Nickhun although Nickhun is the one that stay by her side when she dumped by Yuri though. Sooo. That's all..See you guys in next chap!!


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