The operation

Sorry, I love you

"Yuri, do the operation." Yuri was taken aback and saw Jessica who was standing at the door.

"J-jessica, what are you doing here? Nickhun too." Yuri stuttered.

"We came here when we heard that you're in hospital." Nickhun said and Yuri glared at her younger sister.

'Don't blame her. I'm the one that force Yoona to tell me." Jessica now walked closer to Yuri.

'Don't come near me. You're happy with Nickhun, so j-just l-leave me alone." Yuri's voice cracked.

"Argh, why am I crying? I'm the one that hurt her. Pabo Yuri!" Yuri thought.

"Y-yuri." Jessica called out but found out Yuri had curled into a ball.

"Yuri, stop being like this." Taeyeon scolded but Yuri still remained in her position.

"You guys go out for awhile. I will have a talk with Yuri." Tiffany whispered. Everyone nodded their head and walked out.

"Yuri, it's only me, Tiffany." Tiffany sat on the edge of the bed.

"T-tiffany." Yuri lifted her head up.

"Omo. Come her, let me wipe your tears." Tiffany said and gently wiped off Yuri's tears as if Yuri was her daughter.

"Tiffany , why is this happening?"

"What do you mean?"

"I really love her but I know pretty well that I couldn't give her happiness like Nickhun. So I'm letting her fo but w-why, why it turn out like this?"

"Yuri-ah, why d-don't you just do the operation?"

"It's useless, Tiffany. I won't be able to survive."


"Seems that the doctor didn't tell you guys about this. The tumour was located on one of my main blood vessel and to take it out, it would be dangerous."

"But there's still 30% of success."

"Tiffany-ah, today is 30%, as long as I'm not accepting any treatment, the percentage of success will reduce, from 30 to 20, 20 to 10 and lastly to 0."

"Then you need to accept it now."

"I d-don't know."

"Yuri, I know you might hate me for this but I'm calling Jess in so that she could talk to you." Tiffany stood up and turned around but Yuri grabbed her wrist.

'Don't. N-not h-her, please." Yuri begged.

"Yuri, is for your own good." Tiffany pulled her wrist away and walked out from the room. Yuri only stared blankly at the door. After while the door opened and it revealed Jessica. Just now Yuri didn't look at Jessica but now she noticed that Jessica's eyes was red and pluffy. Jessica slowly walked toward the bed and sat beside of the bed.

"Yuri, I-"

"Are you happy with Nickhun?" Yuri sudden question surprised Jessica.

"He treat me good and he is gentle but-"

"That's good."

"But the only one in my heart is you, Yuri. For this whole two years, I never had with oppa." Jessica said.

"Stop joking, You guys are married."

"I'm not. Although you hurt me so much, but I-"

"You love Nickhun."

"I'm not. Yuri I-"

"Just admit you love Nickhun. That's why you marry him."

"Kwon Yuri! Stop cutting me off! Listen to what I going to say. First, the marriage between me and Nickhun are just arrange by our parent and that time you left me! Second, Nickhun is going to divorce with me."

"Jessica, it's not funny."

"It's not a joke. Aish! Since when you become so stupid?" Jessica rolled her eyes on Yuri.

"S-stop doing this to me. I hurted you."

"I know but I still love you. Yuri-ah, I really still love you."

"Jessica, go back to Nickhun, tell him that you are not going to divorce. D-don't come back to me. I might hurt you again."

"No, I won't go back!"

"Jessica-" Yuri was being cut off by a sudden kiss from Jessica on her lips.

"Pabo! I really love you so don't push me away from you anymore."


"I heard everything from Taeyeon and Tiffany. You are the only one who could give me happiness. Only you, Kwon Yuri!" Jessica started pouring out her tears that she tried to hold back just now.

"What about-"

"Nickhun oppa said he would take care of the our family side so please don't push me away from you anymore." Jessica's voice cracked. Yuri just pulled Jessica into her embrace.

"Sica, I love you." Yuri whispered into Jessica's ears.

"I love you too. Seobang, please just do the operation."

"I don't want. I might die in the operation but if I don't do it, I might still able to spend three more months with you."

"But there's still possibility for it to success. Seobang, please. I'm begging you." Jessica cried. Yuri lifted Jessica's head up and gently caressed Jessica's face and wiping the older girl's tears with her thumbs.


"Seobang, please." Jessica said and pouted.

"Aigoo, you know I can't resist your pout. O...okay. I will do the operation." Yuri sighed as she pulled Jessica into her embrace again.

"I love you and don't you forget that." Yuri whispered. Jessica nodded her head.

At the outside of the room, the others saw Yuri was hugging Jessica.

'I'm glad they finally able to be together." Nickhun said in relief.

"Huh? You are Jess's wife and you said that?" Sooyoung looked at Nickhun.

"Oh, our marriage is because of our parent. I don't love her anyway. She don't love me either. Although she kept say she hate Yuri for the past two years but I know that somewhere in her heart, she still love Yuri."

"Aren't you hurt or sad?" Sunny asked.

'Me? Nah, I'm love other people too. I'm going to divorce with Jess anyway."

"Who is the lucky girl?" Yoona asked.

"Well, it Hara." Nickhun blushed.


"Tiff, this is hospital so stop shouting." Sooyoung said and all of them laughed. They soon looked at the couple who was hugging each other.

"I hope Yuri changed her mind." Sooyoung sighed.

'Don't worry. Yuri will definitely change her mind." Sunny said while patted her lover's back.

The next day, Yuri told the doctor that she was going to do the operation. The doctor nodded his head and told Yuri that her operation will be held after three days. Jessica was staying by Yuri's side after she signed on the divorce letter. They spent every moment of their life hugging each other and talking sweetly to each other. As time flew, today was the day before Yuri's operation. Yuri was staring at Jessica's sleeping face. She giggled as she gently brushed off the hair on her lover's face but these had caused the sleeping beauty to wake up.

"Y-yuri, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just observing your sleeping face."

"Yah! Do you want to drink something?" Jessica stood up and poured a glass of water to Yuri. Yuri drank it and suddenly pulled Jessica toward her after Jessica put down the glass.

'Yah!" Jessica gently hit Yuri's chest.

"I just want to hug you for the one last time."

"You still able to hug me after you finish your operation."

"Sica, I'm scared." Yuri trembling in fear.

"Don't be. I'm here with you."

"W-what if I-"

"Shh, be optimistic."

"Sica, thanks for everything."

"I know and I'm waiting for you to repay me."

"Sica, I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

"Promise me that you are going to move on if I, if I di-didn't make it."

"You will make it. You are my Kwon Seobang and no one can replaced you." Jessica said as she began to cry.

"Shh, don't cry. Seeing you cry make my heart ache." Yuri hugged Jessica tightly but suddenly Yuri kept coughing.

"Seobang! Are you alright? Do you need me to call for help?" Jessica began to stoop up but being pulled back by Yuri.

'It's okay, *cough* Stay with me." Yuri coughed.

"I'm going to ask for help, Yuri. You are coughing out blood."

"It's fine *cough*. Don't go. Stay with me."

"I...alright. But if you kept on coughing, I am going to fine the doctor." Jessica said. Yuri coughed for a while and stopped.

"I just want to hugged you and be like this with you before anything happen." Yuri whispered.

"You will be alright, seobang. Trust me. I won't let you go that easily, not after what you had done to me." Jessica glared at Yuri. Yuri just smiled and leaned in to kiss Jessica. Jessica returned the kiss and the couple shared their last kiss passionately.

Finally, its the day for Yuri's operation. Jessica was now standing beside Yuri.

"Yuri, you will be alright. I will be waiting for you." Jessica said and Yuri nodded her head weakly. It hurt Jessica badly when she saw her lover was getting paler and thinner, she rather be the one who suffered all this.

"Ms Jessica, we are here to help Ms. Kwon to prepare for her operation." a few nurses walked in. Jessica nodded her head andhold Yuri's hand for the last time.

"You better be back. I will be waiting for you." Jessica said while glaring at Yuri playfully.

"I w-will,  r-remember t-take a l-letter fr-from T-tiffany." Yuri tried her best to say the few words.

"I will. I will be waiting outside." Jessica said as she slowly walked out to the room, not forgetting to turn back and looked at Yuri. Yuri was just smiling at her weakly when the nurse put on the oxygen mask for her and began to do all the preparation. After that, Yuri was then sent to the operation room where Jessica was waiting outside.

"Jess, how is Yuri?" Tiffany and Taeyeon sat beside Jessica.

"She is in there, still undergoing the operation but I did saw a few nurses running out and in, bringing some blood pack. Tiff, I'm scared." Jessica cried.

'Shh, Yuri will be alright. She know that you are waiting for her, right?" Tiffany gently patted Jessica's back. Taeyeon then handed a letter to Jessica.

"Yuri gave this to me two days ago when you are not around." Taeyeon said. Jessica nodded and opened the letter.

Dear Sica-baby,

Ah, it's been a long time I call you that and I certainly miss it so much. I am sorry that I hurt you so much during the past and I was very happy when you say you still love me. I don't know what to say but I am very happy but sad too. Happy is because you are back to my side, sad is due to I'm going to leave you behind if the operation was not successful. But don't cry, Sica. Even if I'm not around, I still in your heart. And I want you to remember I love you, I truly do. That's why I want you to move on if I'm not able to survive. I want you to find your happiness, so Sica, don't cry. It hurt me everytime I saw you cry. Lastly, don't forget, I love you, Jessica Jung. I love you until I wanna marry you. If I able to survive, will you marry me? Give me the answer when I'm fine, okay?

From your foolish seobang, Kwon Yuri.

"Pabo." Jessica cried again. Tiffany and Taeyeon sighed as they prayed for their dorky friend safety. Time passed slowly and torturing for Jessica. She kept glanced at the light, hoping that it would went off. Her heart was aching when she saw the nurses running in and out, bringing blood pack again and again. Luckily Tiffany was there, giving Jessica mentally support.  Finally the light was off. Jessica quickly stood up and walked to the door. The doctor walked out from the room.

"Doctor, how is Yuri?" Jessica grabbed the doctor's hand tightly. Her heart fell when she saw the doctor sighed.


A/N: CLIFFHANGER~~~ HAHAHAHA....... Next chap will be the finale....Hope you guys love this chap...After finishing this fic, I'm going back to my RF fic...

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Chapter 5: Oww que lindo
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ill read this again since i already forgot what happened. ge ready for some yulaic again!!
ill read this again since i already forgot what happened. ge ready for some yulaic again!!
Chapter 5: Cute family