Chapter 05


Everyone went to bed, except for the short puppy boy. He was still lying on the couch watching the ceiling. He turned his head towards his cell phone again and he grabbed it starting texting on instinct. Except this time he sent the message not to Joon, but to Luna.


Of course she was… it was like 2am. Who in his normal mind would be still up – and now Jong was not in his right mind. His girlfriend told him she won’t be here on Valentine’s and all he thought of was “Oh, don’t worry its fine” and he had been anticipating this day for months… Now it was like he didn’t even care about it. Just when the boy was about to head to bed himself, Jonghyun got a message, quite simple, but one that made him smile.


 “Why are you up so late?”

“I couldn’t fall asleep – you?”

“Same. Will TOP be back?”

Yea… He was quite curious about this one. He even had a plan what to do. If Se Kyung won’t be hereon 14th that didn’t mean that Jong was going to spend it all alone or with his bandmates, that were going to annoy him.

“He’s here sleeping, but he is leaving tomorrow.”

Another thing that made the singer smile. Now he could try his plan. He sent:

“I envy him.”

And after about three minutes or four he decided to send another message, to take the model out of her mind if she was startled… He did some stuff that could confuse her…

 “Did you fall asleep?”

“No, I went to grab a glass of water. Why do you envy him?”

Ok… she was not startled. “Jonghyun, get yourself in hands! She loves her boyfriend; she has NO feelings for you.

 “He can be with his girl. Se Kyung is out of town ‘till 16th.”

“Poor you, I know how you feel.”

“What are you doing on 14th?”

“Sulking at home. What else.”

“Go out with me?”

And finally – what he wanted to ask from the very start. Will she do it? What will she reply? If she even reply him. He put the phone on the coffee table in front of him and waited for the device to light up. And it did, being the only light in the room for a brief moment. And like usually little lights do - this one brought a little hope to the lonely boy. He hated himself for being like this, for feeling like this towards girl, who he was not meant to be with. He picked up his phone and checked his message.


What was that?! He blinked twice at the screen and checked if this one was not from the long ones filled with spaces – well it wasn’t!


He could play this game too. This time he didn’t left the phone on the table, but held it in hands, staring at it.

“What did you expect?! … Don’t play with me Kim Jonghyun! You know I have a boyfriend, and you have a girl, for God’s sake! Don’t ask me out!!!”

All that could be heard in the living room of SHINee’s dorm at 2am was Kim Jonghyun’s low laugh. Because all he could do was laugh. That’s exactly what he predicted.

“I’m asking you like a friend, dummy XP Don’t think so low of me.”

Well… he was low; he had some utter motives up in his sleeve. Like: getting to know her, impress her, and decide if he really liked her or no – so yea: he was asking her out, and not like friends.”

“ (_)3 I was not thinking low of you just… Well, everyone would think that way – it’s Valentine’s!”

He smiled at her reply and started typing one last one, before heading to bed.

“So, you’re going out with me – final! I’ll call you tomorrow. Night~”

And with this he put his mobile on vibration and on the couch, without even checking his last message, and heading to bed. Well it’s not like the message he would see in the morning would disappoint him, but he didn’t want to spoil his good mood now. And the text was:

“Not like I have better plans… OK.”



In the morning Luna woke up to the sweet smell of coffee and jam and when she opened her eyes she saw smiling Seunghyun looking at her lovingly. She smiled back and put her hands in the air, trying to capture the man in her embrace. TOP only chuckled and bent over to place a soft kiss on his girlfriend’s lips and murmur a “good morning”.

“Morning” replied the girl and sat in her bed looking around. “You made me breakfast?” TOP only nodded at her and stood.

“I’ll go take a shower, and later I’m leaving.” Luna only nodded and started eating her breakfast.

The rest of their time together the couple spent in silence. Like words were not needed, but they were, and they both knew it. But none of them had the ability to say them. So TOP left and Luna headed to work like every other day. But what she couldn’t forgive herself was that all she was waiting for was Jonghyun’s call… After yesterday all she thought about was him and his messages. How he asked her out (like friends), how he laughed at her dumbness, that she had to apologize about. And like this the day passed by.

It was around 9pm. Luna was preparing her lunch and was humming some song, when her phone rang. She dashed to the other side of the room, where her phone was, and she picked it up, without even seeing who it was.


“Hey, I said I would call.”

“Yea, you did.”

“So… um… about 14th… You agreed.”

“Yes I did. Better than being alone.”

“Cool… So when should I pick you up?”

“Around 8pm will be fine.”

“OK.” And then silence covered them both.

“Hey, how’s Key?”

“Oh, he’s fine. Sorry I couldn’t snatch his phone. He’s not leaving it.”

“Nah, it’s fine. He’s nice to talk to.”

“Really? I never noticed.” At the statement the blonde only chuckled.

“Yea, really. So we will see on Valentine’s. I’m not giving you chocolates!”

“Haha… Fine. See ya then.”

And with this he hung up, leaving a smiling Luna. She was… anticipating it? Yea… maybe a little.



Jonghyun sneaked next to Key and started looking at his friend cutting carrots.

“What do you want Jong?” the rapper asked kind of annoyed. He was mad at the shorter boy for several of reasons.

“Help me?” the vocal asked using his puppy eyes to talk his friend into helping him.

“With what?”


“No! I’m not helping you impress that woman.” Key shouted and pointed the knife at his friend, who stepped a few steps back.

“Help me impress Luna then?” the boy asked again removing the knife from his friend’s hand.

“What? Did I heard right?”

“Yea, Se Kyung won’t be here on 14th and I will go out with Luna.”

“Are you two timing now?”

“No! We’re going out like friends!”

“And you want to impress her?” Key raised his eyebrow and looked at his friend skeptical.

“Yea… about that…”

“Just break with that actress already and snatch the other girl!” the rapper shook his friend whining.

“Let me figure out if she likes me too first, ok?”

“And if she doesn’t?”

“I will… I don’t know. Hey, I’m confused here. Help me a little!” with this Jonghyun left the kitchen and headed to the couch plopping on it and sulking. Minute later Key dropped next to him and smiled.



It was 14th February – Valentine’s Day. The day of couples and people in love. And Jonghyun was standing in front of Luna’s apartment. He rang and waited for the girl to appear and when she did she left him with no words. She was wearing long fluffy white skirt and a pink t-shirt, not too plain, not too y, just normal and kind of cute, she wore black boots and in her hands she had black coat.

“You look… nice.” Jonghyun finally said, searching for a word that won’t sound too hurtful or too affectionate.

“Thanks.” Luna smiled at him and she closed the door behind her. “Where are we going?”

“Oh… it’s a secret.” He smiled and offered her his arm, trying to be gentleman. Luna only eyed him for a second, but she accepted the arm and they headed to the place where that the vocal had prepared.

To not draw that much attention, his manager was driving them along the streets of Seoul in a white car with tinted windows. The place he prepared was 20 minutes away from the city. Something like a park. He got off the car when they reached the place and went to open Luna’s door. The model only chucked at his silliness and stepped out looking around her.

“Where are we?”

“Some far place where not many people come.” He explained and turned to face his manager. “Hyung, will you pick us up later.” The man only nodded and started the car, heading back to the town.

The couple headed trough a path, lightened by something that looked like Christmas lights, but looking romantic at the same time too.

“Looks kind of romantic to be going out like friends.” Luna commented after a while.

“Well… Let’s not spoil the day’s mood.” The boy grinned and pointed ahead. “We’re almost there.”

After a few minutes the two reached something that looked like a terrace, but there was a bench decorated with balloons and lights, like the ones on the path, and on one of the arm resters there was a group of flying balloons tied up.

“You’re cheesy.” Luna giggled and followed Jonghyun sitting on the bench.

“Just you wait. There’s something more, but it will wait.”

“Unbelievable. Are you trying to make me fall for you, Mister Kim Jonghyun?” Luna nudged him in the ribs.

“Will you fall for me?” he asked in between laughs.

“If I didn’t have Seunghyun, maybe I would have.” She admitted looking ahead and pouting. “I’m a romanticist and he’s not romantic at all.” She chuckled, not noticing the satisfied grin on Jonghyun’s face.

“Se Kyung wouldn’t have been charmed at all. But I like doing stuff like this. I’m glad you like it.”

“Sure I do.” She looked at him and smiled and then she stood up facing the town beneath them. “It’s beautiful here.” She whispered and like on cue fireworks started to blossom above almost all of Seoul.

“I told you to wait a little.” Jonghyun said, now standing next to her and admiring the beautiful view. He had to thank Key for everything. It was perfect - romantic and at the same time something friendly looking.

“It’s beautiful.” The girl gasped holding onto Jonghyun’s sleeve. Indeed - it was beautiful… But not only the view.




Is it too cheesy?

Anyway the next chatper will be all Jonghyun's POV.

Expect the unexpected ^^... almost :D

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gotler #1
Don't ship it, but nice!
DancingQueenHyoyeon #2
nice story
This story in a nutshell: AMAZING!<br />
Good points:<br />
- good plot<br />
- love both characters (maybe not together, but I didn't mind here at all)<br />
- really romantic<br />
- not too predictable<br />
- beautiful ending!<br />
<br />
Bad points:<br />
....I don't have those XD<br />
<br />
The story reminded me of the song "Why can't I" by Liz Phair :)
That was ... Nice! Liked it ;d
nisyaz #5
Awww I didn't expect that. <br />
Kinda disappointing me lol <br />
There wasn't that much good fics on Jongna that I could find and this one was really tempting and it made me scream when you updated. <br />
Kinda sad but I'm glad to see what I got :3<br />
Thanks for having this story! (LOL) <br />
If you ever do one on Jongna or any Shiny Effects couple that I ship, please do tell me~
nisyaz #6
OMG OMG <br />
Nooo it's not too predictable nor plain, it's AWESOMEE! <br />
YES! Now I'd like Jjong to dump Sekyung XD <br />
Can't wait for the next update :D
Kekeke123 #7
jongna <3 spending valentine's day together?
MoPetal #8
Update ^^
MoPetal #9
Ohhhh I want to know what happens neeext . UPDATEEEE :D