I hate you, Kris Wu


Chanmi knew the perfect guy. He was smart, he was kind, he was sweet, and he was well…perfect. Except for one tiny detail…she didn’t know him in person. Instead Chanmi knew and had to deal with seven of the most annoying boys in history: Chanyeol, Tao, Sehun, Baehyun, Luhan, Suho, and the worst of the worst, Kris. And with this being the final year before her brother goes off to college, and finally getting out of her hair, Chanmi is determined to find her mysterious online love and make this the best year of her life. But there’s something that always seems to get in the way of her plans, Kris Wu. 

Okay what am I even doing. I havent updated this story in like 10 months and suddenly i write a new chapter. I make so much sense. LOL anyway hope you enjoy.


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Chapter 2: omfg haha dimple er and voice humper?? XD looovin it ;D <3
Chapter 3: please update soon :-( !
Thanks I try my hardest to make him slightly realistic haha xD
ohhhhh ... I love this story! Chanyeol is just awesome ;))
I like this so far! :3 Can't wait for Kris to pop up again! The roach scene made me lmao
This is great so far~