Arranged Marriage

From Picture to Reality

Morning came when Jaejoong was invited by his father to his office.

"Why the early invite? Is it really that important?" Jaejoong asked as he sat down on his father's couch.

"Well yes it is Jae, you'll be getting married soon to someone." his father replied to him eyeing him.

"Oh, WAIT WHAT?????MARRIED???ME????" he couldn't process what was happening or what his father just said. Him getting married to someone whom he doesn't have a single idea what she looked like or who she was.

"You heard me, I think it's the best time that you are to settle with someone since you'll be managing this company." his father continued.

"But, don't you think this is all too sudden and maybe perhaps too sudden to the girl herself too." 

"Her mother is informing her already since tonight we will meet them."

Jaejoong's eyes flew wide open. "TONIGHT?" He couldn't take what was happening today. 'What a great way to start a morning' he though to himself.

His father saw how he was reacting to this. He went closer to his son and spoke to him some assuring words that this will be far the best decision he has made.

"But dad, can't I at least be the one who will decide on whom to marry?" he looked at his dad "I mean I don't have any problem with the wedding but to the person who I will be marrying is the problem."

"That is why me and your mother arranged a dinner for you guys to catch up with each other, to know each other." his father disrupted him.

"But why her?" Jaejoong asked softly to him.

"Because I am in debt to her father." Jaejoong was surprised that someone as rich and powerful as his dad would be in debt with someone who's not rich as his.

"Her father saved my life you see, and we happened to be best of friends but fate was cruel and he died. I promised to him that one day I'll repay him the debt I owe him when he saved me. And that is where you and her daughter will get married."

Jaejoong could see that what his father saying was true, never in his life has he heard of this person or seen him. This was the first time his father had told him this.

"Jaejoong, I know you're shocked and angry at this already but at least do this for me. It may not be for your bride but at least for me." his father had a softened expression on his face.

There was a long silence in the room. Jaejoong thought about it and finally gave up. "Fine, for you, I'll do this marriage thing." he finally spoke.

His father was over-whelmed of what Jaejoong said. He hugged him and told him to prepare for tonight's dinner. Jaejoong left the room and thought of the possibilities on what would happen.


Meanwhile at the Cafe

There wasn't much people in the cafe. You just cleaned the glasses in the cabinet and arranged some coffee beans.

"Today's kind of slow huh?" one of the waiter sighed by the counter. "Yeah." you said ad continued on what you were doing. Just then, the door opened and in came a costumer. He sat on one of the tables near the window.

You instantly got your notebook and pen and went to the table. "Good morning sir, I'm ______ , I'll be your waitress for today, may I take your order?" 

As soon as he heard you he looked up and gave you just a friendly smile but you can see that there was some sadness in his eyes that he pulled out a forced smile. "I'll just have a regular coffee, thanks" he finally spoke.

You on the other hand were a little dazed on how handsome the guy is. His hazel-nut eyes, his smooth face and pink lips were so to die for but you contained your composure and wrote down what he ordered. 

"I'll back with your order sir." you smiled and left him. He continued to watch outside the window while you prepared his coffee. You somehow felt sad that he was sad. Which was ridiculous because you know you're intriguing his privacy. But a thought came into your mind as you grabbed a tissue and a pen and wrote something.

Coffee was ready and you served it to him. "Here's your coffee sir, enjoy." with that you left.

(Jaejoong's POV)

I drank my coffee and thought about it all over again. Me marrying someone, doing it for his father but what intrigued me was the curiousity on who that girl is.

I took another sip of my coffee and placed it on the table just as I was going to wipe my mouth, I was drawn to the tissue that words in it. I quickly unfolded it and read what is said:

"Don't look sad, you're too handsome to pout. You'll become old once you do that again. Smile! "

I looked at the person who was responsible of this and saw that it was that girl that served  me coffee. I waved the tissue up telling her I read it. Not knowing when I did that I smiled.

(Your POV)

Finally he read it. And even smiled. I smiled back at him. Seeing him smile made me happy which I find really weird. I saw his coffee nearly half empty so walked up to him to add more.

"Oh, no it's okay." he said as he saw me almost pouring coffee in his cup.

"Owh, okay." I walked away but he suddenly grabbed my elbow almost slipping. I faced him.

"Do you mind if we have a little talk?" he asked me.

"Umm..." I took a moment and looked around, since there were not much costumers".......sure" I sat down at the opposite end of him.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked him. He took a sip of the last coffee.


(Jaejoong's POV)

"So what do you want to talk about?" she asked me. I took  a sip of my coffee.

"Well..." I don't know why but I wanted to tell her about my problem. And I've just met her.

"Come on, you can tell me." she looked at me with sincere eyes that melted me. That just made me melt. I can see she wants me to trust her.

"I'm getting married." I said flatly.

"WOW! Congratulations.." her face brightened up."......but wait, what's the problem?" her expression changing.

"I'm getting married to someone whom I don't even know."

"Owh, arranged? that's so old-school." she laughed a little.

"Yah, I think so too, but I'm doing this for my father." 

"And I'm sure he'll be proud of you."

"Yeah....." I sighed as I remembered what me and my dad were discussing awhile ago.

" some parts of your life, have you ever found that girl you really like? or do you have already?"

"I don't have anyone right now, but I have someone in mind. But she was long gone, I don't know where she is." I said as I reminiscence the photo.

"Childhood friend?" she asked me.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Just a hunch." she answered.

(End of Jaejoong's POV)

Through out the day, Jaejoong and you went on and on about each others life.Both of you introduced each other. You told him about your family and he told his. You were surprised he was a son of a CEO. By the end of the day, Jaejoong bid you farewell to prepare for tonight's dinner. You on the other hand was going home since your sister, Yeonhee was picked up by the bus. 

Upon arriving home you saw your mom in the living room with a bunch of scattered photos.

"Hey mom, what are those?" you asked as you kissed your mom's cheek.

"Old photos of me and your father and his friend."

"Oh I see, but why are you scattering it?"

"I'm looking for the photo where we were all together........-AAHHHHH!!!" your mom suddenly gasped. "Here it is." she suddenly read something at the back of the picture. Mumbling words you can't understand.

"Mom, what's that?" you asked her. She faced you with teary eyes. "Mom, why are you crying?"

"Oh my, what your father said was true."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Sweetie, let me tell you something, before your father passed away, he gave me a letter and promised me that I would not open it until you were 18. I've maintained that promise and when I opened the letter, remembering that you were 18,(A/N: your mother is kind of forgetful at times), he said that I should find the picture of when all of his friends and including me were in it and it contained something he was promised. Now, that I have this picture it told me that you were going to get married soon to your dad's son." she finally ended.

You were speechless and not to mention shocked by her words. Arranged Marriage? 'Just like what Jaejoong is in now.' you thought.

"Sweetie?" your mother cooed bringing you back to reality. "Are you alright? I'm sorry if this is all sudden but the friend of your father and him agreed on this. They were best of friends sweetie"

"But mom, I'm still too young."

"I know sweetie but your father's friend's son is getting older and needs to run the company as soon as possible."

"Did my father really wanted this?"

"Ever since before you were born but they thought it was ridiculous but apparently it became true."

'Alright, this is for dad.' you thought.

"I'll accept." your mom looked at you if you were serious and yes you were.

"Well, I know I'm really forgetful so I haven't told you that your going to have dinner with them tonight. With me of course."

"MOOM!!!" you shouted when you suddenly were alarmed by meeting them and not to mention your mom forgetting things.

"SORRY Sweetie..."

"Aish, fine, but what will I wear?"

"I've bought you a dress when I remembered this." your mom said.

"Alright, I'll go and get changed, you too mom." you said and went up to your room.

'Now I know what you feel Kim Jaejoong' you thought as you got changed.


finally ive updated...almost finished......

sorry to keep you waiting..

sorry also if its a lame story. but hope you enjoy it:D

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julianguyen1995 #1
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Ice_Goddess715 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon!
sjismylife #3
I hope you could update soon :D
Shana16 #4
I love this story!! Keep up the good work! ^^
honestly, this is my first jaejoong story to be subscribed with, since i'm not really on jaejoong but the story plot is really pretty so subscribed <3
AsianSensation98 #7
Chapter 2: This is such a good story so far!! :D I just started today. Congratulations on the random feature! :)
Babysaurus #8
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO! and congrats for the random feature!! ^^
Chapter 1: Congrats on getting the random feature ^^