Junhong or Zelo?

The Wonderland Called Korea (Snow White, At Your Service sequel)


(18 January, Friday)

“Junhong…? Where are you?” I asked into the phone. I had come to a large, modern looking building, as he had asked me to. There were big letters in the front, spelling, JS Entertainment. The name sounded familiar but I didn’t know from where… He told me he would meet me at the lobby, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“I’m in the lobby,” he said. “Where are you? Oh! I think, I think I see you. Alright… this’s gonna be awkward if this isn't you…”

Junhong hung up and I looked around dazedly, feeling excited and nervous at the same time. It’s been five years since I’ve seen him in person…


I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw a tall, blonde boy standing in front of me. He was wearing trendy, brightly colored clothes and had a beanie covering some of his hair.

“Jun… hong?” I asked, hesitant.

“Oh c’mon Alice! You don’t recognize me?” he exclaimed in perfect English, pulling me in for a quick hug. When he released me, he was frowning. “Since when were you so small…?”

“Since when were you so big?” I asked, peering closely at him. Once I turned a blind eye to the blonde hair, it was Junhong… “Wait, are you wearing eyeliner?”

Junhong laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulders and leading me towards the elevators. He switched over to Korean, “I’m an idol now, that’s why. It’s not like I chose to wear this stuff every day.”

“An idol?!” I exclaimed as Junhong pressed the up arrow. “You?”

“Yep,” Junhong grinned. “Sorry I never told you… it’s a semi recent thing, and I knew you would freak out, so I kinda wanted to tell you in person. Oh, and I go by Zelo now… but of course, you can keep calling me Junhong.”

Who was this person standing in front of me? Was this really the same Junhong I’ve known for so many years? Was he Junhong or was he Zelo…?

We took the elevator up to the tenth floor, and he led me to a large dance room. Inside, there were more blonde boys, and a girl with straight, blue black hair.

“Zelo! You’re not allowed to bring visitors!” a man said sternly to Junhong.

“Hyung, chill,” Junhong said. “She’s an exception, okay?”

“Ohh, who’s this?” asked one of the blondes.

“Himchan… stop being so interested every time you see a pretty girl,” growled another blonde, his voice deep and husky.

“Everyone, this’s Alice, er, Eunseol, my childhood friend. She was my neighbor and best friend in America until I moved to Korea in elementary school,” Junhong introduced me.

“I was only your best friend until you moved?” I teased jokingly. I turned to the crowd, “Hi, I’m Eunseol, second year in high school.”

“Too young for you, Himchan,” deep voice muttered.

“Alright, so Alice, this is Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and this’s Jiyoung, my girlfriend,” Junhong introduced all the people.

Girlfriend?! I had to admit, I was shocked, but more than that, slightly hurt. Junhong’s been hiding so much from me and… as all these emotions rushed at me, I realized maybe, maybe I’ve always liked him as more than a friend.



Zelo, without warning, brought his old childhood friend to our usual hang out room. Um… wtf? Apparently they’ve been friends for ‘forever’, and the way they were so comfortable with each other despite their five-year separation bothered me.

Although it probably shouldn’t… I was supposed to trust Zelo, right…?

It probably didn’t help that she was freaking gorgeous with her half Asian, half white features, and she had a petite figure, something most Korean guys loved. Of course… her natural aegyo was amazing and un-awkward, something most girls can’t pull off, and she had the perfect balance of good heartedness, shyness, and outgoing-ness.

 Do I sound jealous? Eff you, I’m not.


“Zelo randomly brought his best friend slash childhood friend today,” I told Hyunseung. We were in a recording room, just the two of us, working on a new rap I had written. “From America. Apparently they were neighbors since they were like, three.”

“Oh really?” Hyunseung asked, looking mildly amused. “Why’re you so upset though?”

“‘Cause…” I struggled to find the words. Then I said bluntly, “She’s too pretty. And he never told me about her even though they kept in touch for five years.”

“Oh she’s a girl?” Hyunseung laughed slightly. “Jiyoung… you can't leave out important details like that… I thought he brought a guy.”

I shook my head no, “Nope. Her name’s Alice, or Eunseol. And she’s half and stuff.”



“Nope. Her name’s Alice, or Eunseol. And she’s half and stuff,” Jiyoung said, tapping her nails with irritation on the desk.

I stiffened slightly at the name. No way… Eunseol? For real?

“Second year in high school, straight brown hair, short, skinny?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t the Eunseol I knew.

Jiyoung tilted her head, “You know her?”

I sighed, “She goes to Elite, you know, the high school sponsored by Seoul University.”

Jiyoung bit her lip, “So she’s talented too… ah, isn't she pretty Hyunseung?”

I’ve never seen Jiyoung this way before. Although Zelo was constantly surrounded by his female friends, Jiyoung was always really chill about, saying that she trusted Zelo. Or sometimes she said that Zelo was too innocent to cheat.

“Jiyoung,” I said softly, putting a hand on her shoulder to make her stop rambling on about Eunseol. This was the most physical contact I would ever allow between us. As much as I tried to deny it, I still had feelings for her, feelings that should have died when I decided to give her up. But… turns out feelings don’t die that easily.

“Huh?” Jiyoung said distractedly.

“Look at me,” I said. She finally stopped her nervous jittering and met my eyes. “Jiyoung, I thought you trusted Zelo? What’re you worried about? After all, he said she was just his childhood friend, right?”

“I… I know,” Jiyoung said helplessly. “But Hyunseung, you should’ve seen how he treated her… The reason why I’m never bothered by Zelo’s fans is because although he treats them nicely, he’s always careful to keep a healthy distance between the two. But with Eunseol… you’ll understand once you see them together. And I can tell Hyunseung, I can tell that she likes him.”

“Really?” I asked quietly.

“Mhm, I can see it clearly,” Jiyoung said.

I sighed, “And it really bothers you that much?”

Jiyoung nodded silently.

“Do you want me to help you, then?” I suggested.


“I can't believe I’m saying this…” I sighed. “But I’ll make her fall in love with me. Then her relationship with Zelo won't be a problem anymore, right?”

Jiyoung’s eyes instantly clouded over, “Hyunseung… how could I ever agree to something like that? How could I ever ask you to do that for me? And although I’m jealous of her, I don’t want her feelings to be played with. And even if she does fall for you… what then?”

Jiyoung hadn’t said it out loud, but we both knew what she was talking about. We both knew I still liked her. I was just too weak to stay away from her and she was too nice to push me away.

“Just… stop worrying, okay?” I said softly. “Stay happy for me.”

I was willing to do anything for Jiyoung. Anything to keep her happy.

I loved her too much. 

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Chapter 8: omg you haveee to update soon!! its been too long and i miss this story!
Chapter 8: Haha! This one's a great chapter! Though I can't lay a finger whether it should be woohyun or hyunnie or zelo :D
Chapter 8: chapter 8's rated M....awko taco...XDD
Chapter 8: "memory loss sounds perfect"
I laughed so hard at this!
Chapter 7: that is a super attractive pic of woohyun bby <3 &AWW YEE hes getting it in with Eunseol~
awwwh hyunseungie ;=;
This is just too... :'>
Someone is jealous :D
bwahhahsandeul & baro~ i always loveee your addition of characters!
Update soon really awesome first chapter