Made Out Of Glass

The Wonderland Called Korea (Snow White, At Your Service sequel)




(15 January, Tuesday)

“Nam Woohyun? Is he not here again?” asked my singing teacher, Jen. Woohyun didn’t come to the first day of school, but he was here today. He sits behind me in acting, last period, and he’d come to class. Then again, he might’ve ditched this class since it was the last period of the day…

Just as Jen reached the end of the attendance list, the door slid open and Woohyun strolled in, looking cocky and confident.

“Woohyun?” Jen asked, an unhappy expression on her face. She was young and seemed pretty lax about running classes, but I could understand where her annoyance was coming from.

“Yep,” Woohyun said. Without waiting for Jen to say anything back, he searched the room for an empty seat and sat down next to my desk. Jen just sighed and began class.

“You again?” Woohyun murmured, a hint of a smile on his lips when he saw me. “So that last portion of my day is with you.”

I shrugged, “I guess so.”


At the end of class, Jen asked Woohyun to stay behind. Being slow to pack up, I heard their conversation.

“Why weren’t you here yesterday?” Jen asked, her voice light and pleasant.

Woohyun shrugged, “I didn’t feel like coming to school…”

“And why were you late today?”

“I was hooking up with some girl. Got a little carried away,” Woohyun said, his face blank.

“Ah, well I don’t mind you doing that, just try not to be late next time, alright?” Jen said with a surprisingly light tone.

“Alright, if I come to school,” Woohyun said, walking out of the classroom a few seconds after I had.

“Eaves dropping?” Woohyun smirked as he walked past me. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I shook the thought away. I needed to go meet Kyungmi. I had a small shopping bag in my hand with Hyunseung’s scarf inside.

At the entrance, I met up with Kyungmi and one of her friends who live in the same dorm as Hyunseung.

“We’re allowed to have visitors, so I’ll just get you into the building,” her friend, Howon said casually. We walked to dorm building C and Howon and I entered.

“This’s his room,” Howon said. “He’s inside; are you going to talk to him?”

I shook my head no, “I’ll just leave it on the door…”

Truthfully, I was a bit nervous to talk to him. Although our first encounter had been pleasant, now that I knew more about him, I felt shyer.

I left the bag on the door handle and gave a small knock to the door. Before the door opened, Howon and I walked away, turning the corner.



I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and opened the door, but no one was there. I looked left and right, and saw a small figure with long brown hair disappear around the corner. Something about her seemed familiar…

I looked down and saw a small bag hanging on the door handle. I sighed. I frequently got little gifts like this from the girls at my school. It’s been happening since high school but truthfully, it still made me a little uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I took the bag and closed the door behind me.

“Another one?” Junhyung laughed lightly from his bed. He was an old friend from high school and luckily, we’d both gotten into the same college.

“Yeah…” I sighed, taking out the contents of the bag. To my surprise, it was my favorite gray scarf.

Oh… so that was Eunseol? I wonder why she didn’t stop to say hello? I thought with amusement. Then I frowned, Do I scare her…? I was friendly when we first met…

I sighed again, taking the neatly folded scarf to my closet. As it unfolded, something fell to the ground. I bent down and picked it up. It was a small, blue index card with a note on it:

Hi it’s Eunseol. Sorry I’m not personally saying this to you, but thanks again for the scarf. Next time I see you, I promise to say hi ^^

p.s. being too perfect is unhealthy.

“Aw, another love note?” Junhyung teased. Wordlessly, I handed Junhyung the note and went about hanging my scarf in my closet.

After a moment, Junhyung cracked up.

“Who is this?” he asked, still chuckling. “She’s adorable. And what does the p.s. mean?”

I shrugged, “That’s why I gave it to you; hoping you’d know.”

“Maybe she thinks you’re too perfect and it pisses her off,” Junhyung laughed. “I like her. How old is she?”

“She’s a second year at Elite,” I said. I remembered our meeting clearly. It had seemed a little unreal when I had seen her for the first time. The campus had been empty and a thick blanket of snow had covered everything. Her small figure had stood out clearly from the white snow. Her small face, pale skin, hazel eyes, pink lips, and rosy cheeks had made her seem like a fairy of some sort, especially with the surroundings.

“Ohh, so she’s younger by… two years?” Junhyung said. “Is she pretty?”

Before I could stop myself, I admitted, “She’s really cute.”

Junhyung looked slightly taken back for a moment, but he quickly recovered. “Damn, I need to see this girl. You don’t hear Hyunseung say that about a girl too often.”

“Whatever…” I muttered sulkily. I had made a mistake. Now I was going to get a ton of crap for it from Junhyung.

“Welllll, since you don’t like cute girls, you don’t mind if I… get to know her, right?” Junhyung asked, staring at her neat and cute handwriting.

“I mind,” I said with a bit more force than I had meant to. Junhyung raised an eyebrow. I sighed, “Just… she’s not like the usual girls you hang out with, alright? She’s too delicate. It’s like… she’s made out of glass.”

This’s why I hated cute, small girls. I always felt like they would break at any moment. Jiyoung had never made me feel this way, unlike my last girlfriend…

“Dude, I thought you’ve only met her once…” Junhyung muttered.

“Leave me alone…” I groaned. 

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Chapter 8: omg you haveee to update soon!! its been too long and i miss this story!
Chapter 8: Haha! This one's a great chapter! Though I can't lay a finger whether it should be woohyun or hyunnie or zelo :D
Chapter 8: chapter 8's rated M....awko taco...XDD
Chapter 8: "memory loss sounds perfect"
I laughed so hard at this!
Chapter 7: that is a super attractive pic of woohyun bby <3 &AWW YEE hes getting it in with Eunseol~
awwwh hyunseungie ;=;
This is just too... :'>
Someone is jealous :D
bwahhahsandeul & baro~ i always loveee your addition of characters!
Update soon really awesome first chapter