Wishing For The Best

The Wonderland Called Korea (Snow White, At Your Service sequel)


junhyung... is attractive... i feel like i say that about too many kpop stars. then again, too many kpop stars are too attractive... >.<


(17 January, Thursday)



“I can't believe you’re actually making me do this…” I muttered as we walked to the Elite school building. Junhyung had been nagging me for the past couple days about meeting Eunseol. It surprised me that his interest lasted this long, since he doesn’t stay interested in one girl for long. But I had to admit, it didn’t make me happy that he wanted to meet Eunseol so badly…

“Whatever,” Junhyung said. “Admit it, Hyunseung. You want to see her again too, don’t you? I can see it in your face.”

“Shut up…” I muttered sulkily. I didn’t like this. Not at all. It was kinda true that I wanted to see her again, but definitely not like this. I had wanted it to be similar to our first meeting, with no one around. That way, she wouldn’t judge me by the way people treated me. We were already gaining too much attention from the high school students and Junhyung’s presence wasn’t helping to lift my mood.

“Hm… maybe we missed her…” I muttered hopefully as we waited at the entrance of Elite’s campus. Big groups of students were exiting, all the female students looking at us with excitement and whispering amongst themselves.

“Let’s just wait a bit longer,” Junhyung said. “We don’t have anything better to do, right?”

Damn that boy was determined.

The steady stream of students dwindled until finally, it was just a few students coming out of the school.

“Junhyung, let’s go,” I sighed. I felt mostly relieved, but I couldn’t help but to feel a slight bit of disappointment.

Just as I turned around, I heard a familiar voice float across the field.

“Woohyun, I can't do this project by myself! It’s a duet that we both have to sing!” Eunseol protested to a tall, good-looking guy, her voice sounding upset. “How can you not be free ever?”

The two of them were approaching us from the school building. Both of them were too occupied to notice us.

“Is that her?” Junhyung nudged me. I nodded.

“Ohh, well I don’t really care about my grades. But if you really want to work on it, you could come over to my room after ten at night. I’m usually free by then,” the guy smirked. Then, his hand suddenly shot out and grabbed Eunseol’s thin wrist, yanking her closer to him. “Oh, and why do you keep calling me Woohyun? I’m older than you, so shouldn’t you be calling me oppa or something?”

As she stammered an embarrassed reply, his arm s around her waist, pulling her ever closer to him.

“Aw, little Eunseol’s embarrassed?” he chuckled. He leaned closer to her face, “You’re blushing so much…”

I began walking towards them, but Junhyung beat me to it.

“Hey now,” Junhyung smiled, grabbing Woohyun’s arm and easily pulling Eunseol out of Woohyun’s grip. “Why don’t you stop harassing your underclassmen?”



“We’ll be starting our duet projects today,” Jen said as she handed out a packet with information regarding the project. On the front, it said the due date was two weeks from now in big, bold letters. “Sorry, but I already assigned partners.”

Below the due date was a list of the students in the class and next to their name, their partner’s. To my dismay, I was paired up with Woohyun. Although I’ve only known him for a couple days, I already didn’t like him. He was rude, annoying, and cocky.

“So we’re partners, huh?” Woohyun said to me as the bell rung, signaling the end of school.

“Yeah…” I said, trying to keep my voice light. “When do you want to start working on this?”

We travelled through the building together, heading for the exit.

“I'm kinda busy,” Woohyun said. “All the time, pretty much.”

I was dumbfounded. How was I supposed to respond to that?

“So no day during the week works?” I asked, my voice tight. “How about the weekends?”

I didn’t want to sacrifice my weekends for this jerk but if I had to…

Woohyun laughed loudly, “Weekends? Sorry, I’ll probably be too drunk to do much singing.”

We reached the outside.

“Woohyun, I can't do this project by myself! It’s a duet that we both have to sing!” I protested, unable to keep from sounding upset. “How can you not be free ever?”

“Ohh, well I don’t really care about my grades. But if you really want to work on it, you could come over to my room after ten at night. I’m usually free by then,” he smirked. Suddenly, his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, jerking me closer to him. “Oh, and why do you keep calling me Woohyun? I’m older than you, so shouldn’t you be calling me oppa or something?”

I felt heat quickly rising to my cheeks as I stammered a reply. I felt his arm wind around my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

“Aw, little Eunseol’s embarrassed?” he chuckled. He leaned closer to my face, “You’re blushing so much…”

My heart was pounding madly, but more than that, I felt impossibly pissed off at this guy. Who did he think he was?

“Hey now,” I heard a voice. Suddenly, Woohyun’s arm was gone and my rescuer pulled me away from him. “Why don’t you stop harassing your underclassmen?”

I looked up and to my surprise, saw an attractive guy with sweeping brown hair standing besides me.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, peering down at me with slightly curious eyes.

“Y-yeah,” I said hesitantly. Who was he? Just someone passing by? He was wearing casual clothes, so he wasn’t an Elite student… was he from Seoul University?

“You okay?” came a familiar voice. I turned to see Hyunseung slowly walking towards me.

“Hyunseung?” I gasped. “You- how- why… what?”

He laughed softly and tussled my hair. “Didn’t you say you would say hi to me the next time you saw me?”

“Oh…” my mind scrambled to take in this bizarre situation. “Hi…! But really, why’re you here?”

Before he could answer though, Woohyun’s snarky voice cut in. “Damn Eunseol, didn’t know you had friends, especially not guy friends. Well, since you’re occupied now, I’ll be leaving.”

He then walked away without another word.

I sighed tiredly. That guy was really a handful.

“Well isn't he just a lovely person…” my rescuer muttered. “I was worried you were about to get in front of me or something.”

I laughed weakly, “Thanks for saving me…”

“No problem,” he grinned. “I’m Junhyung, first year at Seoul University.”

Wow… what was with all these good looking and smart and talented people. I thought God was supposed to be fair.

“Hi,” I smiled. “I’m Eunseol, second year at Elite.”

“Good job,” Hyunseung laughed. “You actually introduced yourself correctly.”

I smacked his arm lightly, “Shut up…!”

Hyunseung grabbed my wrist, his touch impossibly gentle compared to Woohyun’s. “C’mon, it’s cold outside. Let’s go somewhere warmer.”

As we walked, I asked a question that’s been on my mind since Junhyung had saved me, “So… were you guys just passing by?”

“Nah, Hyunseung wanted to visit you,” Junhyung said. He scanned an ID and let us into dorm building C “So we did.”

“Oh… why?” I asked before thinking.

Hyunseung shrugged, “I was just… wondering about the p.s. in your note.”

Ohh… that. I had struggled many hours, trying to decide if I wanted to give the note to him or not. In the end, obviously, I did.

We reached Hyunseung’s room and we went in. Junhyung casually lay down on one of the beds. At my curious look, he told me he was Hyunseung’s roommate.

“So, about this…” Hyunseung said, lifting my note from his desk and holding it up. “Enlighten me.”

I leaned back against the bed post and shrugged, “Kyungmi, my roommate, told me the typical rumors about you. About how you’re future is all perfectly planned out and stuff. I just thought… maybe you don’t want your life planned out for you that way? Maybe you just want to do whatever you want sometimes…”

When I looked up from the floor, I realized Hyunseung and Junhyung were both staring at me. I quickly avoided their gazes and said quietly, “I mean… if I’m wrong, I probably offended you… sorry…”



She was definitely really pretty, no doubt about that, but what made Hyunseung so interested in her? It definitely wasn’t her physical beauty, especially not for someone with Hyunseung’s taste in girls. For Hyunseung, who was more into non-cute, bad- chicks, Jiyoung would be more attractive, not a petite, cute girl like Eunseol.

I closely watched them interact as we made our way to our dorm. Truthfully, I hadn’t really taken an interest in Eunseol for myself; I already had enough girls around me. It was the way Hyunseung reacted to her that got me so determined to meet her. Ever since Hyunseung had to give up Jiyoung… he’s been freakishly perfect; almost similar to the way Jiyoung acted during her depression. These people… weren’t depressed people supposed to start failing at life…?

I snapped out of my daze when I realized Hyunseung was asking her about the note. I listened closely to what she had to say while pretending to be distracted.

“Kyungmi, my roommate, told me the typical rumors about you. About how you’re future is all perfectly planned out and stuff. I just thought… maybe you don’t want your life planned out for you that way?” she said. My gaze had slowly shifted from the ceiling to her face, unbelieving of the words that were coming out of . “Maybe you just want to do whatever you want sometimes…”

By now, we were both staring at her, not bothering to even hide it. When she looked up, she saw us, and quickly looked back down, looking slightly embarrassed. Her shyness was cute; I had to admit.

“I mean… if I’m wrong, I probably offended you… sorry…” she said quietly, looking slightly uncomfortable from the attention we were giving her. I glanced over at Hyunseung. He looked confused.

“You really… thought that?” Hyunseung asked softly.

“Er… yeah,” Eunseol said, probably thinking she made a mistake. Before Hyunseung could reply though, I jumped off my bed and gave her a big hug without warning.

“Oh Eunseol, you’re too nice. I just want to give you a big hug,” I said, looking at Hyunseung. It was a test. I wanted to see how he would react to this. He jaw tensed when he saw how tightly I was hugging her, but he made no move to stop me.

“I can't… breathe…!” Eunseol said, her voice muffled by my sweatshirt. Before I could even react though, Hyunseung was gripping my arm tightly, almost painfully, telling me to let her go. I did as he asked and Eunseol took a few unsure steps backwards, effectively tripping on a water bottle.

Hyunseung reached out to grab her before she fell to the ground, helping her up to her feet. Every time he made physical contact with her, he would be so gentle and careful, like he was afraid he would break her.

“Thanks,” Eunseol smiled. “Man, I have to keep getting saved today…”

“No problem,” Hyunseung smiled. He really smiled, something I couldn’t see too often these days.

I was sure now. I wanted these two together. 

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Chapter 8: omg you haveee to update soon!! its been too long and i miss this story!
Chapter 8: Haha! This one's a great chapter! Though I can't lay a finger whether it should be woohyun or hyunnie or zelo :D
Chapter 8: chapter 8's rated M....awko taco...XDD
Chapter 8: "memory loss sounds perfect"
I laughed so hard at this!
Chapter 7: that is a super attractive pic of woohyun bby <3 &AWW YEE hes getting it in with Eunseol~
awwwh hyunseungie ;=;
This is just too... :'>
Someone is jealous :D
bwahhahsandeul & baro~ i always loveee your addition of characters!
Update soon really awesome first chapter