
As Long As You Love Me (HIATUS)


"The breaking news that has been sweeping the nation is the recent homicide of Cho Kyuhyun, CEO of Cho Entertainment, with the actor and model under the same agency, Kim Jongin, being the murderer. After a week of being in jail, Kim Jongin has never denied that he was the reason behind the CEO's death. It was decided this morning that he would be imprisoned for 5 years. For more details, here's—"


Before the newscaster could even finish what he was saying, Baekhyun already turned off the television. He was getting tired of the same news being shown in the morning and in the evening, being printed on newspapers and exposed in his favorite coffee shop. Or perhaps, it was more of he was still anger-driven which was why he acted that he didn't care. Jongin was just the person who left his bestfriend in a terrible state. Right, like he would not get mad and think that it was karma despite the lack of logic.


Kyuhyun was sprawled on the floor, a body drained of soul, a face of deceit, and the face of a deceived, when the police found him two weeks ago. They said it was one shot right on the chest, and that it was intended to be only one. Just like most people, Baekhyun and Chanyeol couldn't believe that it was Kim Jongin who was behind Kyuhyun's death. But  Jongin did not refuse anything. He did not even defend himself when he was handcuffed, tied to a case that would warp what he worked for.


The news was a fact. A truth. He was proud.


While Baekhyun was in the midst of pondering, Chanyeol arrived from working in the criminal justice field, looking as though he was in the midst of pondering as well. Baekhyun welcomed his fiance with a peck on the lips before heading to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. Extra hot, one spoon of brown sugar, five marshmallows, a dash of cinnamon, a splash of half and half. It was what they were used to. Life had always been that concoction of saccharine and warmth.


"I can't believe it," Chanyeol spoke quietly, deep voice laced with melancholy. "Jongin has always been such a good man. I wonder what drove him to do something of this sort." He concluded the sentence with a sigh. He sat down and let his head drop into his hands. Baekhyun brought over his fiance's cup and set it in front of him, steam ading the air around them.


"Just because he's always been kind doesn't mean he's not capable of hurting others."




"What? I'm just telling the truth. Am I wrong?"


Chanyeol shook his head. "No, you're just being...unfair. Weigh things regardless of your emotions. We don't have a single clue about what really happened."


"Well, Jongin broke up with Kyungsoo, and he killed Kyu..." Baekhyun widened his eyes at the realization as well as what his supposed-to-be sarcasm-filled sentence led to. Why didn't he figure it out earlier? It was a shame, really, considering that he was a witness to Kyungsoo's and Jongin's years of relationship.


On the other hand, Chanyeol lifted his head to look at his lover, jaw dropped. "Everything happened on the same day. There could possibly a connection here. Jongin would not do such horrible things altogether in a span of twenty-four hours if Kyungsoo was not in danger."


"That sounds plausible. Absolutely plausible," Baekhyun nodded to himself. "Perhaps we should talk to Jongin--"


"No, we can't. Let us do our job, Baek. I know you're tired," Chanyeol stretched out his arm to grab Baekhyun's hand. "Just rest. And make sure Kyungsoo's fine. He needs you more than Jongin does. What's happening to Kyungsoo is extremely unhealthy."


Without further explanation, Baekhyun had understood what Chanyeol meant.




Chanyeol sat there for a moment before thinking about everything that had transpired between his and Baekhyun's conversation. He thought it was eerie how the morning Jongin broke up with Kyungsoo, Zi Tao and Kris had left their apartment when Baekhyun and he arrived to take Kyungsoo away. And how Kris came back before Kyungsoo left, but Zi Tao stayed out.

Chanyeol, having checked the building's SVC, had seen  Zi Tao present at the entertainment agency the same time Jongin killed Kyuhyun. Either Zi Tao knew a co-worker there or he was following Jongin. Zi Tao was seen having a conversation with Kyuhyun's assistant at the time of the murder but once the cops had arrived he disappeared. He always thought that there was something fishy going on with Zi Tao involving Jongin. The boy was always watching Jongin's every movement. Those sharp, black as coal eyes, piercing through him.


Chanyeol jumped out of his seat and ran to the living room to retrieve his phone. He dialed a number and listened to the call tone.




"Sehun, it's Park Chanyeol. I need you to do me a favor. It has to do with Kim Jongin's trial."


"Sure, anything hyung. What do you need?"


"Do you by any chance happen to know the name of Cho Kyuhyun's personal assistant?"


"I believe his name is Siwon. Choi Siwon. Why?"


"Listen, I'm going to give you a list of names and I need you to give me their background information. Their full names, any aliases they go by, their current employment, past employment, phone numbers, and addresses. Can you provide me with this information Sehun?"


"Umm... I'm not entirely sure I can gather all this information but I will try my best," Sehun stated, nervous that something would go wrong in the process of getting this information.


"Thank you Sehun. The names are Choi Siwon, Huang Zi Tao, and Kris Wu. I also need a background check on Cho Kyuhyun, regardless of the fact he's dead already. Anything you find even if it's small, send it to me. I need it by midnight. Is that understood?" Chanyeol explained to Sehun, panic arises within him once again. 


"Yes, hyung I'll try my best," Sehun replied before hanging up the phone. Chanyeol stared at his phone before walking to the door and getting his jacket. He knew that he'd find some kind of information and it would get him one step closer to figuring out what happened behind the scenes. He knew that his wasn't just a random killing and he needed to figure out what the reason was. He need to solve this mystery before anything dire happened to Kyungsoo and he would never see Jongin again.


Don't worry Jongin. I'll get to the bottom of this.


- - - - -

A/N: We are so sorry for the like super long wait! My co-author has been like busy af with work and I have been pressed between whether to update, finish my college assignments, or just continue reading fics on here. I've been editing a little bit every day with some help from some of my other co-authors because Skittles (injectmewithsugar) is currently hiatus. I miss my boo ;~; 

We hoped you enjoyed this chapter~ And if I get a good response on this chapter then I will double update this weekend! hehe Also, keep in mind this chapter is un-beta'd and un-edited so there are some plot mistakes and slip-ups within this chapter but yeah... I'll fix it later on XDDD

P.S. PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK AND VOTE FOR EXO-K FOR MAMA AWARDS! http://mama.interest.me/visite?s=1351110066401 :D


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Will be updating within the next week! Sorry for taking so long T^T Finals and stuff *sobs* college ! - As Long As You Love Me author-nims :)


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Chapter 9: update please:(
kpopbandlover #2
Chapter 9: hello!!:D um I want to ask what's a writer's block?
Palabra_viva #3
Chapter 9: Hey guys~!!!! I am willing to help brain storm Ideas for you guys!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha ........... Perfect ψ(`∇´)ψ
Chapter 8: i am so confused..seriouslyyyy

update soon authornimXD
origthugmcnasty #5
Chapter 8: Whoa. Confused. But how does Kyuhyun get tied into this?
Palabra_viva #6
Chapter 8: awwwww~~~ daaaaaaannnnggg!!!!!! Jongin was a hitman!?!?!?!?! dang.... he is also the son of kangin (0_0)......wow man... that is really surprising!!!!
Chapter 7: yaayyy please make them be together please im begging you hahaahah,... im A NEW SUBBIE.. :)) UPDATE PULEASE..:))
Chapter 7: YEAYYY . can't wait :))
I'm sure it will be exciting :D
OMG author-nim.. You don't have to think about it :P
..I mean, they should be together :)) keke ~

Anyway,it's been a month since you last updated, so please please update ◕‿◕ /buing buing/ :P
Chapter 7: Jesus.... when are you guys continuing this??? D: omg! <3