
As Long As You Love Me (HIATUS)


After Jongin closed the door, he started sobbing and clutching his chest. He felt so horrible for what he did to Kyungsoo. He didn't want to say those things to him. He loved him more then anything, more than anyone. He just didn't want him to get hurt. Jongin didn't become the top model in South Korea overnight. He had to work to get where he was, in more ways than one. It had lead him getting caught up with one of the biggest entertainment CEO in showbiz and he couldn't get away without consequences. He dialed the number that was all too familiar to him and waited for him to pick up.


"Hello Jongin," the deep, smooth voice answered when he picked up. "What compels you to call me on this dreary day?"


"I broke up with him and kicked him out... He was torn. Are you happy now?" Jongin screamed at the man on the phone. His heart was in his throat and he wasn't in a mood to mess around today. He was a ing mess because he had just ended a relationship of 5 years with someone he had loved for more than a decade.


The voice just chuckled in response.


"Happy doesn't begin to explain what I feel right now. I was beginning to think you would never get rid of him. I thought I'd have to do it myself," the man on the other end of the call sneered.


"Why... why are you doing this to me? You know he's the only one who can make me happy... Why do you enjoy killing me like this?!" Jongin could feel his tears accumulating in this eyes and his vision became blurry.


"SHUT UP! You will do as a I say from now on. If you don't obey, then I will do away with him and your family. You are meant to be with me and I won't stop to make you mine. Meet me at Rose in 15 minutes. DON'T. BE. LATE." And with that the man hung up the phone.


Jongin slowly started to walk to the back entrance of the condominium and took the elevator from there. He sank down to the floor and sobs began to wreck his body. He felt like his heart had been sat on and crushed by an elephant; the heaviness in his chest couldn't be compared to anything he's ever felt before. The love of his life was in danger because of his own selfish deeds. He wanted to get to the top so bad, to get what he never had, only to run into the most possessive of clienteles and be talked into signing to his company. He had no second thoughts back then because he wanted this so much, this fame. Everything. And now he was paying the consequences. He only hoped that Kyungsoo would live a beautiful life without him.


I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Kyungsoo. I'm doing this for your own good. You'll thank me one day.


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A/N: So how are you guys liking the fic so far? Should we add more drama? More drama is always good XD Comment & Subscribe! <3 :)


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Will be updating within the next week! Sorry for taking so long T^T Finals and stuff *sobs* college ! - As Long As You Love Me author-nims :)


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Chapter 9: update please:(
kpopbandlover #2
Chapter 9: hello!!:D um I want to ask what's a writer's block?
Palabra_viva #3
Chapter 9: Hey guys~!!!! I am willing to help brain storm Ideas for you guys!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha ........... Perfect ψ(`∇´)ψ
Chapter 8: i am so confused..seriouslyyyy

update soon authornimXD
origthugmcnasty #5
Chapter 8: Whoa. Confused. But how does Kyuhyun get tied into this?
Palabra_viva #6
Chapter 8: awwwww~~~ daaaaaaannnnggg!!!!!! Jongin was a hitman!?!?!?!?! dang.... he is also the son of kangin (0_0)......wow man... that is really surprising!!!!
Chapter 7: yaayyy please make them be together please im begging you hahaahah,... im A NEW SUBBIE.. :)) UPDATE PULEASE..:))
Chapter 7: YEAYYY . can't wait :))
I'm sure it will be exciting :D
OMG author-nim.. You don't have to think about it :P
..I mean, they should be together :)) keke ~

Anyway,it's been a month since you last updated, so please please update ◕‿◕ /buing buing/ :P
Chapter 7: Jesus.... when are you guys continuing this??? D: omg! <3