Chapter 1


I hate liars; I hate them with all my soul. My dad was a liar, well is a liar. He lied about going to university and studying environmental law, he said that his work mates didn’t treat him well at his firm and quit because of it. After that he never returned to work, just stayed home doing nothing besides getting drunk all the time. He lied to my mum about cheating on her countess of times. I hate liars like that.
Besides my father issues, I’m a pretty normal high school student, with friends and studying and stuff like that. This is the year of my graduation and I have no idea what I want to do. I have to put in my preferences for universities soon. This is the hardest thing to do when you have no idea what you want to be or what you want to do. Right now I’m just going with the flow, which really isn’t a good idea when you’re in the senior year of high school about to graduate.

“Kyungsoo-ah what are you doing up there, come down stairs and have some breakfast” mum yelled from the kitchen, I’m presuming.

“Coming!” I yelled back at her, grabbing my bag and novel for school.

I walk down stairs, my bag hanging from my side as I try and put the book in my bag with all the other useless stuff I need for school. I walk pass my father in the living room passed out on the couch again. I let out a rough sigh and grab the big bowl that was sitting on the coffee table with empty beer cans and empty glass’s lying around on it, I also grab the glass’s and put what i can in the bowl and carry thing rest. This disgusts me so much, that and the horrible smell that filled the living room. I don’t know how or why my mother puts up with him. I walk in the kitchen and put the bowl along with the cups in the sink. I turn to mum and lean against the sink. I look at her with a concerned expression.

“what?” she said looking back at me

I walk over to the set table, pull out a chair and sit down. The smell of the beautiful food drowned the smell of the disgusting living room.

“How do you do it?”I asked her

“How do I do what exactly?”

“Put up with him”

“Years of practice” She giggled, at least her sense of humour, but I can tell in her eyes that she wasn’t lying about it either.

“Why don’t you leave him, you know you can do so much better”

“I know baby, but I just can’t up and leave when we have so much history together, do you know how hard that would be for me” she said. I knew I went to a touchy subject for her to talk about, but I just want her to realise that this is affecting both of us.

I finished my breakfast and so did mum. I look at her and she looked back and smiled.

“Honey you want a ride to school? I have a little time this morning” she asked

“Nah, it’s alright I can walk” I said hesitantly. I really don’t want to walk but I don’t want to get a ride from mum, I just want to be alone with my thoughts, even just for a little bit.

“Are you sure, I really don’t mind” she insisted. I shook my head and said reassuring her.

“No seriously mum, I fine”

“Alright, whatever you say...Oh, working late tonight so you have to cook dinner ok, I’ll give you money to buy ingredients if you need it”

“Yeah that would be great thanks mum, and what are you coming back?” I asked curiously.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll call you when I’m on my way” she grabbed her car keys and her satchel and hand bag. I grabbed my school bag that just sat against one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

We both headed out the house, not even worrying about what’s ganna happen to him today, but it wouldn’t be hard to guess anyway. Mum opened the door of the driver’s seat of her car. She paused and looked towards me, which by that I was already at the end of the driveway. She yelled my name and I turned around wondering what she wanted. The time I turned around to her as she ran towards me.

“Wait you forgot this” and handed me some money for dinner tonight.

“Thanks” I said, grabbing the money and putting it in my pocket.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you to school” She insisted.

“Seriously mum I’m fine stop worrying” I said reassuring her again. She put her hand on the side of my face and looked at me intensely, like something was wrong.

“Mum is something the matter”

She shook her head and hugged me so tightly I couldn’t even move or breath.

“Mum your Squishing me” I said trying to get ever last breath I could before I passed out.

“Sorry sweaty” she let go of the strenuous hug that had me locked in her arms, with no means of escape.

“Are you ok mum” I asked adjusting my bag on my back.

“I’m fine” she said “I’ll call you when I head back home ok” she said as she ran back to her car.

“What do you want me to cook?” I yelled, she yelled back

“Anything you like” she yelled back then stared the car and close the car door.

I turned around and started walking down the street, as I saw my mum’s car drive away and turn the corner at the end of the street. To be honest I don’t even know why I bother, with school and with dad. For most of my life he has always been a drunken mess. Ever sense he told my mum he cheated and when he left work just to stay on the couch day in day out. I’m embarrassed to have friends over because I don’t know where his passed out in the house. It’s difficult to see someone wasting their life on a couch like that. My schooling life isn’t that hard to deal with to be honest, it’s just really boring. Every morning when I walk to school, I walk past this beautiful park with a wide flowing river in the middle of it. Along the ends of the river are beautiful willow trees that dance in the wind. This is always my highlight of the day. I have never actually spent enough time in this park I just walk along the path that has a different type of tree running along it on my way to school, like street lamps on a busy road. But this morning I feel like I should, I just have a sudden argues to go to stay at this park, to spend some time and relax. I think that is exactly what I need today. But if I do I might be late for school. Oh well it’s not anyone will notice anyway, and this will be the only day I would have been late. So I walk more towards the river and sit on a wooden park bench that has a floral pattern on the arm rests that are made out of mettle and panted black. I sit there in complete Silence on the sound of the willows rustling in the calmed wind, and the river flowing gracefully. I lay my head back and sink  into the seat so my head wouldn’t be that strained, eyes closed taking in all the sounds of nature that surround me. I have never been so calm in my life. I start to hum keeping in time with mother nature’s melody.  Next thing you know I’m singing with my purest heart, I start slowly sitting up.

Take my heart and bleed it dry
Take my wings and feel the sky
Help me to see what I can’t see
Remember the sounds of this melody

I force the tears out alone
Catch the light that holds my throne
Take my hollow mind and see
That the safest part is this melody

Hold me tight, can you see I am suffering
Take my hand, and hold it tight
Don’t let go for anything
And the tainted hearts will fall again
To the end....

I was stopped by a sudden rustling noise behind me I get up and turn around. Nothing was there; I get closer to the trunk of the tree. Suddenly I see from a few meters back a bit of a shoulder bag.

“I can see you, you know, there’s no point in hiding” I said taking another step. A boy comes out with the same uniform as me. He is a little taller than me and has short dark brown hair that looks really soft.

“Sorry, I was just passing by when I heard you sing, and I wanted to know who it was, so here I am” He explained to me.

“You have the same uniform as me, how come I haven’t seen you around school?” I asked as I walked back to the park bench and sat down. He walked over to me and sat down beside me.

“Well, I hardly ever come to school”

“Why is that?”

“I’d rather not say to someone who I have just met” He said with a smug look

“Hay, you stalked me remember” I said. I looked at my watch and it I was already late for school, but I didn’t want to be anymore late. I Jumped out of the seat grabbing my bag and turned to the boy I me just met.

“Come on we have to go to school where already really late” I knew he wasn’t going to comply so I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me.

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Wow! Please update soon! I love it!