New Discovery

A Servant to a Princess

The next morning.  Krystal woke up with the sun shining in her face, she stirs a little bit, but then she smells something sweet and juicy. She starts moving her head up a little she is still sleepy. She goes up to amber neck and takes a .


Krystal goes for another.


Amber giggles a little. Krystal opens her eyes and realize she was about to bite Amber. She was only centimeters away from her. Her face becomes bright red. Krystal starts to trace Amber jaw line down to her neck than face. She slowly has a smile on her face. She goes to trace her lips and can’t help but her own. Krystal starts going closer and closer.

“Wake up Princess!!!!!” said Sulli


Krystal jumps off the bed hitting her head on the roof. (Yes vamps jump high when they scared.) she falls on the ground and gowns. Meanwhile Amber starts to get up and looks around.

“Looks like someone was doing something naughty.” (Sulli)

“Huh” (Amber)

“I wasn’t!!!” (Krys) bright as an apple.

“You were doing things to her while she was sleeping.”


“Tsk TSk tsk.”

“Again huh.”

Amber starts getting out of bed to help her princess but her body started to ache a little.


Krystal already got a hold of Sulli ready to kill her but Sulli push Krystal and ran towards Amber.

“O Amber are you ok? Where does it hurt.”

Sulli had a smirk on her face and she was very close to Amber.  She starts to sniff amber and can’t help but feel hungry she starts her neck.

“Hmm, you smell good.”

Krystal was starting to get smoke out of her ears.

“Sulli!!!!! Leave my slave alone!!!  You have Victoria!!!”

Krystal starts stomping her foot like a five year old does when she doesn’t get what she wants.

Krystal goes and grabs Sulli by her hair and throws her to the door. She grabs Amber and holds her tight.

“She mined.” With a cute adorable pout.

Amber couldn’t help but blush. Sulli on the floor laughing her off. Jessica comes up and pulls Sulli by the ear.



“I told you to wake her up. Prince Minho is waiting.”

“Ouch… Sorry Unnie I couldn’t help but .”

She throws Sulli down the stairs.

“Just get in the chariot.”

Jessica looks at Kryber.

“I am giving you 5 minutes to get ready. You better be down or hellsica will come out.”

Amber could feel the cold coming down her spine.

Amber pov

Man Jessica is sure scary; I don’t want to find out about hellsica. I try to move but Krystal is still holding me.

“umm… Princess… we need to get ready.”

She grabs a hold of my face and careless my face.

“How are you doing today?”

I look up into her eyes and all can see is worry.

“I am find princess.”

She lets a go of me and walks out of the room.

“Hurry up and get ready before I personally break your bones.”

“Y…yes Princess!!!!”

I get up quickly and change fast. I wonder what made her so cold. One time she is sweet and caring the next she is an ice princess. I run down stairs and I see everyone outside waiting. I see Yuri and Victoria loading up the bags I go and help them.

“Hey guys.”

*breaths heavy

“Amber finally some help.” (vic)

“Amber lend me a hand.”(Yuri)

“Yay sure guys.”

I start lifting the bags and they were heavy!  Understand why Yuri and Victoria were tried. This stuff is not for slaves to do.

“Amber hurry up and get on!!!!!”

I turn towards her and I see her spiting blood at the servant and throwing the cup at his face. She starts kicking him away. Poor guy.

I threw the bags onto the wagon and made way towards the princess. She is not in a happy mood today. I see Yuri and Victoria already on. They are driving the carriage with the royals inside. Minho is riding a horse. He has 4 knights around him and we have 5. Also we took 3 maids with us; they are in the wagon with the foods. That can’t be comfortable to ride.  I go to my princess.

“You called princess.”

“Yes I did.”

She throws me where Yuri and Victoria are.

“Drive the carriage and it better not be bumpy ride!”

“Y-y-yes Prin-cess.”

We all start heading out. Minho leads the way. It takes a day or two to get to Minho castle. We travel the whole day. I got to know Yuri and Victoria more. I ask them.

“Hey is the Princess always this angry?”

“Princess Krystal yes she is but I think…..” (Yuri whispers quietly)

“I think she on her period.”


“You know that’s when…” (Vic)

“I know I know!” I wave my hands.

“I see my sicababy get mad like that before. They are super sensitive.”

“Yup my Sulli is not as bad as Krystal but man she is rough in bed. I can never escape from her.”

“What do I do?”

“She is probably hungry Amber, and she is probably craving for you.” (Vic)

Yuri has a erted smile. Victoria hits her.

“Stop it you.”

“What you know it’s going to happening to Amber.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“Stop it Yul you’re scaring her and besides everyone is different.”

“Haha right, but it usually happens to all personal slaves. I feel sorry for Amber I bet Krystal has more things to let out. If you know what I mean.”

Yuri winks at Victoria.

“Stop it; I don’t want to know that.” Blushes.

“Hello guys! What are you talking about!!!!!”

“Amber I hope you have lots of energy today……

HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! O man that was great.”

“Yuri!!”(Vic+ Am)

“ok.ok. Sorry. Vic why not you tell her.”

“Ok Amber. To let you know, you know how humans can get there periods from 12 years old or maybe younger or get it when they are 15 etc… right.”


“Well… vampires are different they get it when they become adults meaning 17. Just like humans their bodies change and hormones rises. Just like us women have craps, or they are moody and want to be alone…-”

“Or they are ually frustrated.” (yul)



“I was talking!”

“Sorwy” pouts

“As I was saying what Yuri said can be true to. But the symptoms are 10x stronger for vampires. They get frustrated with their personal slaves.”

“What why?”

“We don’t know why, but all I know is they take it out on us. When it is there first period that usually is the worse ones. Because it is brand new, they are crazy. They are thirsty all the time and they want only are blood meaning personal slave.”

“I ‘m not getting it?”

“To put it in other words. The symptoms we have like craps, moody, ually frustrated (: craving, etc.. they have it like Victoria said 10x worse. Meaning all that crap goes to us. So I hope you are prepared for tonight Amber because it is going to be a long night for you.” (Yuri)

“Guys you got to help me!”

“ I am sorry Amber you are on your own, just think it only happens once a month and as time goes by it gets better.” (Vic)

“Yay right it feels the same with my sica.”


“You’re not helping.”

“ok guys we will stay here for tonight.” (Minho)


“Aww man I am not ready.”


Hey guys it’s been a long time. Sorry I haven’t been updating much been busy with school. Comment and tell me what you think.


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1150 streak #1
Chapter 15: Awesome story!
Chapter 15: Pffhs
Th3Nugg3t #3
Chapter 15: Wow! Krystal and her period = trouble for Amber
daleee #4
Chapter 15: Hahaha... i love ur story
TwinTurtles #5
Chapter 15: oh man this was so funny and entertaining at the same time! Thank you author!!!
Coolkids1714 #6
Chapter 15: I say sequel on their married life :).
bep510 #7
Chapter 15: I liked the story. Good work author. :)
dolphindork #8
Chapter 15: Nice story
Really love this story :D
nathalieshinpark #9
Chapter 15: wowwww...special episode for this please:")