The Fight

A Servant to a Princess

Amber pov


The next morning


“There you are you stupid slave everyone been looking for you!!!!!!”


One of the guards woke me up and started dragging to the stadium I believe. I can’t believe I slept here. I was so relax and at peace. Now my death comes. I got thrown at the ground at someone feet.


“Here you go Princess; she was at the garden the whole night sleeping.”


“Thank you Kibum, you may leave now. All of you can leave.”


The guards bow and left. It was just me and the princess. I got up and dust the dirt off me. The princess came to me and started helping me but I back away. Why are you being nice to me now? She must be shock because her facial expression looked hurt. She turns to the side.


“I got you new armor for your fight today.”




“……  Sungmin bring the armor.”


This guy Sungmin brought the armor and it was beautiful, I never seen this kind of metal before. He set the armor down and bows and left.


“ I stay up all night making sure I got the best metal for your fight, that’s going to happen soon. What you think.”




I really want to tell her that I love it but there’s no point. She probably is doing this so the fight will last longer. I shouldn’t get my hopes up. She going to replace me any ways I have no chance against this champion.


“it’s ok.’’


“Ok?! This is high quality metal! You know how much money I put-”


“I don’t know what you complaining about. Your father paid for it not you!”


“Why you no good piece of-”






“Come in.”


“Princess it is time for you to take your seat. The slaves here will put on the armor for Amber.”


“There’s no need for armor, she doesn’t want it.”


The princess walks pass the vamp and leaves. The vampire looks at me confuse and said.


“Well… I guess… lets go to the field.”


I follow him out to the door he hands me a sword and push me outside. Here we go again.


“Ladies and gentlemen I present to you are past champion. Siwon Choi!!!


Crowd goes wild


“And are latest winner personal slave of Princess Krystal, Amber Liu!!!!!!”


The crowd cheered even louder when Siwon was called.


“Let the fight begin.”


“So your the one who defeated Leeteuk, a slave and a girl.”


“Ya got a problem with that vampire.”


“ooh spicy. I like.” He his lips what a freak.


I charge after him and jab.




Crap he disappeared where he go






He slices me right in the face. I am rolling on the ground in pain.


“Haha come on that’s all you got.”


For the next couple minutes all he has been doing his torturing me by hit and run. Hit and run. I don’t know how much I can take this,


“why don’t you kill me, I am not going to fight. There no point.”


Meanwhile at the stands where Krystal and Hyuna at.


“I am disappointed I thought your slave could fight.”


“Don’t underestimate her.”


“Don’t underestimate her! Don’t make me laugh Princess! She can’t even block Siwon block and he just teasing her!”


Krystal was holding her arm chair very tight those pieces of wood starting to come off.


“Come on Amber Fight back.” She whispers. But Hyuna could hear her.


“ Alright I have enough of this.”


“What you mean.”


Amber pov


“If that’s how you feel……” (Siwon)


He looks at Hyuna and she nods her head. He grabs me by the neck and starts squeezing.


I can see Krystal on my side, she gets up and I think she yelling at Hyuna. I can’t even breath anymore I start to close my eyes until




I open my eyes and I see the guards are holding Krystal.


“Princess it’s a duel! You can’t interfere.”


No one touches my Princess!!!!


With the last remaining strength I kick up and upper cut Siwon. I grab my sword and swing at the side instead of right at him. He moves and ends up me slicing his arm.




I swing at him again and get him in the leg. He goes to hit me I move to the left. His speed knocks me off my feet and I drop my sword. He goes after me. I grab some dirt from the ground and wait for him to grab me. Once he got a hold I shove the dirt in his face. He starts screaming. I grab my sword and I use the back and hit him hard in the head. He goes down.


Everything is silence. Krystal jumps down and gives me a hug.


“I thought I was going to lose you.” She whispers in my ear.


The crowd goes crazy.


“Are you alright princess?”


“What you mean?”


“The guards were holding you down.”


“O those fools, they couldn’t hold me. They are dead. I kill them.” She says with a smile.


Note to self don’t mess with the Princess.




“Come on Amber let’s get you clean up.


We start walking back and I can’t help but look at Hyuna she was smiling at me and she gave me a kiss. Krystal pulled my arm more and glared at me.




“Do you like her!?”


“w-w-ho ?”






She put her face closer to mine and stared at my eyes.


“Good. If you ever flirt with her again. I will pushiness you.”




“Because you are mine!!!!  This is your one and final warning. You don’t want me to get mad.”




Well that’s it for tonight! I am tried. Comment and tell me what you think! Thanks for subscribing.

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1149 streak #1
Chapter 15: Awesome story!
Chapter 15: Pffhs
Th3Nugg3t #3
Chapter 15: Wow! Krystal and her period = trouble for Amber
daleee #4
Chapter 15: Hahaha... i love ur story
TwinTurtles #5
Chapter 15: oh man this was so funny and entertaining at the same time! Thank you author!!!
Coolkids1714 #6
Chapter 15: I say sequel on their married life :).
bep510 #7
Chapter 15: I liked the story. Good work author. :)
dolphindork #8
Chapter 15: Nice story
Really love this story :D
nathalieshinpark #9
Chapter 15: wowwww...special episode for this please:")