Wonderful Christmas Eve

A Normal Fangirl

It was finally Christmas Eve and you were really excited about it. You barely slept the night before and was up really early. 

You went to the toilet and got freshened up. "Annyeonghaseyo Ahjusshi,"you bowed and greeted the cameraman who just entered the dorm. 

"Shall we film the boys?"the cameraman smirked.

"Can we?" you looked at him unsure.

"Of course!" he smiled. 

You led him into the respective rooms and their sleeping habits were exposed. 

"Poot!" a fart sound was heard. You looked at the cameraman and he looked at you. 

The both of you shook your heads and mouthed 'Not me' at the same time. You looked at L.Joe, Chunji and Ricky. 

The both of you laughed and went out of the room. 

"Ahjusshi I think you should edit that part," you managed to said those words under your breath. 

He just nodded hsi head and kept laughing. Just then, one of the rooms door flung open and CAP walked out of it. 

"_____-ah, Ahjusshi, goodmorning," he greeted and bowed. 

The both of you greeted back and CAP went to wash up and sat beside you. 

You fished out a Christmas Candy from your pocket and gave it to CAP, "This is a reward for being the first after me to wake up."

CAP gratefully took the sweet and put it into his pockets. 

The next person to wake up was Chunji, followed by Ricky, Changjo, Niel and lastly L.Joe.

"Oppa is pigheaded," you teased and shook your head. 

"What?! It's ma beauty sleep alright," he retorted. 

"Guys guys, please speak in Korean," CAP interrupted. 

The cameraman looked at you and asked you to translate what the both of you had just said. 

You told the camera and the other member started shaking their heads. 

*This two kids and always quarrelling,* Chunji smiled to himself while looking at you and L.Joe sticking your tongues out at each other.

"Oh yeah! This morning we entered your room and you farted!" you pointed at L.Joe and started laughing. 

"Me?! Ehehe, that has to be edited ok, Ahjusshi?" L.Joe pleaded. 

*Haha! He really believed? Means his the one who farted?* you were literally rolling on the floor laughing. 

After breakfast, you, L.Joe and CAP went out to buy Christmas Decorations for the Christmas Tree. 

"CAP Hyung, you'll pay for everything," L.Joe stuck a tongue out at CAP and fled.

"Yeah, you're the eldest,"you stuck a tongue out at CAP and followed after L.Joe. 

"Aish..." CAP looked at the cameraman asking for help. However, the cameraman just laughed. 

He followed after L.Joe and you, leaving CAP alone at the back. 

*Gosh! They are really leaving me alone,* CAP cursed in his mind and ran after the three of you.

The three of you and the cameraman entered a shop selling all the Christmas Accessories and Lighting.

You saw an angel and you really liked it. L.Joe saw what you were staring at and asked if you wanted it. 

You looked at the price tag and shook your head. *IT'S SO EXPENSIVE!*  you shouted in your mind.

When you went to CAP, L.Joe took the angel and paid for it first. So that you will not see it. 

After about an hour of shopping, all of you made your way home and got changed. 

All of you, including the cleaning team consisting of Chunji, Ricky, Niel and Changjo, set up the Christmas Tree.

L.Joe and you were in charge of the main door outside. You had the snow spray and wanted to spray on the windows. 

However, L.joe used his snow spray and sprayed it on you. Your hair and blouse was all white now. 

You turned around to meet a laughing L.Joe. He was laughing hysterically which made you boiled in anger. 

You took the spray and sprayed on him. He stopped laughing and stared at you. You laughed and ran away from him. 

"Come back here _____! If I catch you, you're dead!" L.Joe hollered. However, you just kept running away from him. 

He started chasing you and caught you in the end. You tripped and fell on top of him. You opened your eyes and saw L.Joe's face just a few centimeters away from yours.

Your heart palpitated against your chest and your cheeks flushed red. L.Joe cleared his throat and you immediately snapped out of your daze. 

You got up and dusted your shorts. He stood up and the both of you looked at each other awkwardly. 

You looked at his hair and started laughing. He looked really funny with those snow on his hair. 

You moved nearer to him and dusted the snow off his hair. When you touched his hair, he flinched a little but stopped. 

"Oppa, your hair is really nice and healthy," you stated and fixed his bangs. 

"Tch... Of course," L.Joe joked. 

"Not again, don't do this!" you scoffed. 

The both of you got back to work and soon, the both of you were done with the decorations. 

You turned around and saw white stuffs on the ground. Your eyes shot opened and you looked at the sky. 

Sure enough, it was snowing! You grabbed L.Joe's hands and dragged him to the open area. 

The both of you stood in the middle of the snow and smiled. "It's really a white Christmas," you collected snow on your palm.

Your ears and nose got red due to the coldness. You were shivering and L.Joe noticed it. 

He rubbed his palms together and plant them on your cheeks. You was taken back by his abrupt actions, but got used to it. 

"Your hands are warm Oppa," you smiled. 

"Let's go in first," L.Joe suggested and the both of you went in. 

Just as you and L.Joe stepped in, the both of your mouths were hanging wide open. 

The dorm was really beautiful. You went in and L.Joe followed behind. The both of you helped out with the decorations as they were not done with it. 

All of you decorated the dorm and it was really beautiful. Even the cameraman was mesmerized by it. 

"It's the first time we are actually celebrating Christmas together like this, and it's the first time we are decorating the dorm too. It was really fun," Ricky said when all of you were seated on the floor looking at the beautifully decorated dorm. 

"It was really a nice experience," Niel pointed out. All of them nodded their heads and agreed to it. 

"Thanks to you _____-ah, we all can have this experience," L.Joe looked at you and smile sweetly. 

You melted with their words and smiled back, "I'll always be celebrating with all of you Christmas if you all are free." 

They smiled and nodded their heads. All of you sat on the floor quietly and looked at the entire dorm in awe. 

"It's really beautiful right?" CAP broke the silence. 

"Mmhmmph," all of you answered. 

"But the Christmas Tree seems like it's missing something," L.Joe suddenly said, remembering the angel that he had bought. 

"What is it?" all of you excluding L.Joe asked in unison.

"Be right back," L.Joe stood up and walked into his room. 

He came out with a box and handed it to you. "Open it our angel," he smiled sweetly. 

You looked at him and back to the box and unwrapped it carefully. Your eyes widened upon seeing the Angel in a box. 

"Y-You bought it?!" you could not leave your eyes off the Angel. 

"Hehe, nehh..." L.Joe replied sheepishly.

"It cost an arm and a leg for this! Gosh! Let me return you the money," you stood up to take your wallet but L.Joe pulled you back down.

"It's okay _____-ah. Treat this as an compensation for our busy schedules and not being able to accompany you when you needed us the most,"L.Joe smiled.

"But Oppa, I don't need you to compensate! Celebrating Christmas with me is good enough already," you retorted.

Teen Top looked at the both of you and smiled. "_____-ah, do you want to put the Angel up?" Chunji asked. 

You looked at him and nodded your head. You took a stool and climbed onto it and placed the Angel at the top of the Christmas Tree.

"Now it's perfect," L.Joe looked at the Angel and snapped a photo of it.

"Gomawo Byunghyun Oppa," you hugged him. 

"Hehe, kwenchana," he patted your head. You looked up and smiled at him brightly with tears in your eyes.

"Y-Yah! Don't cry pabo!" L.Joe panicked. 

"It's tears of joy you pabo," Chunji shook his head, *Look at him, obviously he liked her.* 

The night grew deeper and all of you turned in. You wrapped yourself with the blanket warmly and slept. 

You heard the door opened and you turned your head to see who it was. You saw L.Joe walking in with a cup. 

"Drink this, or you'll catch a flu tomorrow," he handed you a warm cup of milk. 

"Gomawo Oppa," you drank it and your lips. 

However, there was still some of the milk on the side of your lips. L.Joe shook his head and leaned in. You moved your head back. 

"I'm not gonna kiss you," he smirked, *But I wish I could...* 

"Hey! I didn't say you would," you retorted. 

"Whatever you say, sushi," he teased and wiped the milk off your lips. 

"Sushi?" you tilted your head. 

He just pointed to the way you wrapped yourself up and you understand. You laughed at the tease and lie back down. 

"Thank you Oppa, sleep well," you greeted him and he turned the lights off. 

"All right, sleep tight our Angel. I'll see you tomorrow," he closed the door. 

*Our Angel? Hehehe awww... But I want to hear 'Ma Angel' instead. Kekeke, but this is good enough,* you closed your eyes and drifted off to lala land.


OMO! I'm really sorry for not updating :/ Last weekends I wasn't free at all T^T 

So I begged my Dad to let me use the Computer today. 

Well... The next chapter I've only wrote half of it. I'll still post it but it's not the complete one. Mian >< 


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Chapter 43: please update soon T.T you are gonna keep updating chapters right?
Chapter 42: please update soon T.T
Chapter 37: you are gonna keep updating chapters right?
Chapter 37: maybe Minho is her long-lost-brother?? Like her flashback about her father and her buy her a dress and ask someone opinion!

Anyway, new subcribers!

Yo! Wassup, Eryka here!
inspirit-angel #5
Chapter 30: OMG! Sorry to everyone :/ I seriously can't think of anything to write >< I'm sorry T^T I'll need time to get away from this feeling... So at this point of time, I'm really sorry D:
EBVN1987 #6
Chapter 30: wait for your update
fighting <3
KimChi27Mochi #7
Chapter 30: please update soon~ but don't rush it because
I know that you are busy :)
Nice fanfic dear. Don't mind to read my fanfic. Character ; Minho and Yoona :3
Chapter 26: sungi was so scary!! i wonder what is his problem??? aww ryan is so kind!!
Kpoplover9419 #10
Chapter 25: Omo I really cried for this chapter