You'll have brothers !!

A Normal Fangirl

"Oh right! I forgot about Myungsoo oppa!" you slapped your forehead and used the hotel phone to call Myungsoo.

"Dongsayo? Oppa, _____ here! I'm afraid I can't meet you today because I lost my phone. It is with Byunghun-shi," you mumbled apologetically.

"Yeah, kwenchana. I know, Because I called just now. I was worried because it was past 8pm but you still had not called back," he expalined.

"Ahhh... It's a relief then, sleep early oppa. I'll meet you tomorrow if possible," you smiled sweetly, thinking that he could see it and hung up the phone.

*I'll sleep and wake up feeling refresh, you will be fine _____-ah....* you thought painfully, fighting back your tears.


*RING* the hotel phone rang and you picked it up. "Dongsaeyo?" you said groggily.

"_____-ah, it's unnie here. Morning Call! But just a reminder, you will have to move out soon, have you found a place yet?" the receptionist said.

"Ahhh... Unnie. Ani... Don't worry, I will find it. Thank you for reminding. Unnie! Do you have today's newspaper?" you queried.

She told you that the newspaper will be delivered to your room in a few minutes. At the mean time, you went to brush your teeth and wash up.

The newspaper arrived and you thanked the staff. You flipped to the obituary section and starter looking for your Dad.

*Appa is not inside... Is umma lying again?* you felt a tinge of hope when you did not spot your Dad in it.

However, you was totally troubled that your Mum had lied to you again, but did she really lied? You was not sure...


"Teen Top will be in Kangnam Music Store for a fansign event again, so I'll have to take this bus to the subway and take the subway to Kangnam! From there, I'll find my way to the music store," you talked to yourself while surfing you iPad for the directions to Kangnam's Music Store.


*BEEP* you scanned your card and was amused by how you were supposed to do it. It was totally different from Australia and Singapore and that made you really amused.

"Be ma girl would you be ma girl~"  you bobbed your head to the rhythm of the music.

"Kangnam station," the train captain announced and you alighted.

"Now, I have to exit through Exit C and turn left," you looked around for Exit C.

"Waaa!! There!" you cried excitedly as you finally spotted it.

"Aigooo... It's so far," you groaned as you dragged your feet, "eoh? Is that the one?" you pointed to a brown/red building opposite.

You looked at your iPad and compared the picture, "AWESOMEEEEE!!! I'VE FINALLY FOUND IT ALL BY MYSELF! Thank you iPad, without you, I would not be here," you kissed your iPad, earning weird stares.

You shrugged and made your way into the building, *Byunghun-shi says they will be at level 3, there will be a room at the left and I just have to enter it,*

You looked around and spotted a blue door. *That must be it,* you knocked on the door and peeped into it.

"Ahh.. Annyeonhaseyo," you bowed when you spotted C.A.P.

"Eoh? The american looks fan is here," Ricky pointed out making L.Joe look towards your direction.

"Uhmm... I'm here to find Byunghun-shi," you smiled politely and L.Joe went out of the room with you.

"You came, yesterday, Myungsoo Hyung called and I told him that you had lost your phone," he told  you before passing you your phone.

"Nehhh, I know, last night I called him and he told me. Thank you anyway, I'll be going off now," you bowed and left.


Your phone rang and you picked it up, "Annyeonghaseyo?" .

"Annyeonghaseyo, is Miss _____ there?" the voice from the other line questioned.

"Nehh, it's _____ here. Who are you ?" you politely asked.

"Ahh! Great! I'm Tablo, remember? You came for the interview of having elder brothers?" the voice said.

"Oh oh! Yes I remember, what can I do for you?" you felt there was a chance you could have brothers.

"Great, where are you right now?" Tablo asked.

"Ohh... I'm currently on my way to look for houses for rent," you explained to him while tapping your card and entering the subway.

"Ohh... Can we meet? Are you on the way? Or should I go and find you?" Tablo politely offered.

"Ani, I'm on my way there, I'm currently in Kangnam but I'll be going back to the hotel to take somethng before going out," you explained and hung up after the both of you agreed on meeting in two hours time.


"Where did I put Infinite's presents?" you ransacked your whole room and found it under your luggage.

"Aigoo... I better run now," you grabbed your bag and sling it over your shoulders before shutting the door behind you.

"I got that Supa Luv~"  Teen Top's songs has never failed to cool you down.

"Yeah, I've finally arrived," you pushed the turnstill door and made your way up to the same place where you had your interview.

"Annyeonghaseyo Tablo-shi," you bowed as you saw him sitting in the room waiting for you.

"Ohh.. _____-ah, you came?" he stood up and walked towards you.

"Nehh.. Uhmm what do you need me to do for you?" you smiled politely.

"Ohh! About that, at first we had picked a girl already, but she could not make it. So I think your 'brothers' are meant to be yours," he smiled.

"OMG!! SERIOUSLY?" you screamed and jumped for joy. He nod his head and smiled, *Aigoo so cute, Teen Top would definitely love her.

You went out to find Infinite with a light heart. You was totally excited about meeting your brothers. *I wonder if they are nice? Handsome like L.Joe*

You smiled like an idiot to yourself. You pushed open Infinite's practice room and you saw them practicing BTD.

However, your entrance made them stopped and ran towards your.

"Oh _____-ah!"


"I've not seen you for a long time _____-ah!"

All of them were squealing like some fangirls which made you chuckled.

"Oppas, I came to give you your Christmas presents and to tell you all that I would be having brothers soon!!!" you started squealing too.

"Waaa!! Gomawo. Really? I feel happy for you!" Sunggyu took the bag from you and placed it on the floor carefully.

The eight of you were chatting until they had to practice again, you decided to stay and watch.

It was soon dark and you had to go home. You bought some take-away boxes of food and placed it on the chair before leaving.

You did not want to disturb them.


Hello :D Hahaha, I said I won't be updating till next week right? But I can't... I kept having that urge to update.

But anyways, half my battle is gone already :D Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I'm done with my final battle in Elementary School !

Wish me luck xP  Hahaha, I'm sorry for the short chapter ><


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Chapter 43: please update soon T.T you are gonna keep updating chapters right?
Chapter 42: please update soon T.T
Chapter 37: you are gonna keep updating chapters right?
Chapter 37: maybe Minho is her long-lost-brother?? Like her flashback about her father and her buy her a dress and ask someone opinion!

Anyway, new subcribers!

Yo! Wassup, Eryka here!
inspirit-angel #5
Chapter 30: OMG! Sorry to everyone :/ I seriously can't think of anything to write >< I'm sorry T^T I'll need time to get away from this feeling... So at this point of time, I'm really sorry D:
EBVN1987 #6
Chapter 30: wait for your update
fighting <3
KimChi27Mochi #7
Chapter 30: please update soon~ but don't rush it because
I know that you are busy :)
Nice fanfic dear. Don't mind to read my fanfic. Character ; Minho and Yoona :3
Chapter 26: sungi was so scary!! i wonder what is his problem??? aww ryan is so kind!!
Kpoplover9419 #10
Chapter 25: Omo I really cried for this chapter