Chapter 3

The Curtain Rises

Shaking your head you push those thoughts aside and jump off your bed to do your homework. But first you change into pajamas so you are comfortable while you work. Now happily dressed in an oversized shirt and pajama shorts, you tie up your hair in a messy bun and sit yourself down in front of your desk.

Your homework is completed and safely tucked into your backpack an hour later. Now all that sat on your desk was your script, its bold title of “star-crossed lovers” staring you in the face.

Pursing your lips you push it aside and wander to your window. Leaning against the black sill you rest your chin on the palm of your hand and stare across at the identical window of the Woo’s house. You can see part of the neat navy blue room with furniture matching the house’s ebony trim directly in front of you. At his own desk sits a bespectacled Kevin, his pen working diligently in his hand as he writes with deliberation.

Probably extra credit. You think reflexively.

It wouldn’t surprise you; Kevin has been and always will be one for overachieving and studying constantly. Literally always; he’s working all the time. Well, when he wasn’t with you anyway.
He's the most relaxed around you, a fact you are very proud of. That and you swat away any article of school work he had on his person when he’s around you. Some might see that as a bad thing. You see it as a healthy break.

Speaking of which…

You go back to your desk and search for a piece of paper, any will do. Finding a partially crumpled page of binder paper crammed in your drawer you pull it out and start folding it. Holding your tongue between your teeth you make sure each crease is precise. What could you say? You like things neat.

Holding the now complete, and neat, paper plane in your hand you retake your place at the window and lean out to throw it. Ideally you’d hit the side of Kevin’s head, that’s where you’re aiming at least. Maybe you can even get it caught in his glasses (it’s happened a few times before and it’s hilarious each time). Wherever it flies you’ll be satisfied as long as it gets his attention.

Readying the plane in your hand you shut one eye to clearly focus on his head. Pulling your hand back to release your projectile you throw your arm forward in one swift motion and let the plane fly in route to your unsuspecting friend. It glides steadily through his window and into his shoulder. His pen flies out of his hand and onto the floor as he jumps spastically in his chair, obviously startled. Fixing his askew glasses he spots your plane on the ground next to him and shakes his head knowingly.

He scoots to his window with the plane on his lap and grins sheepishly at you. “I don’t know why that always surprises me. It really shouldn’t by now.” he says raising his voice so you can hear him. Seeing as you do that nearly every day after school, and have for the past couple years, he has a point. He should be anticipating this now, not dropping things and practically falling out of his chair in surprise.

“Maybe you just have an irrational fear of paper planes.” you hypothesize with a playful grin.

“If I do it's your fault and I intend to sue." he retorts jokingly.

"If you try to sue I'll blackmail you."

"With what? I have no secrets."

"Maybe not with me but, there are a lot of girls who don't know as much about you as they'd like."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, but, I would."

"In that case, have fun finding a new partner to practice with."

"No! I take it back! I'm too good of a friend to do that anyway! Don't quit on me!"

"Don't worry I won't. For the record this means I won this argument."

"It wasn't even an argument."

"Yes, it was."

"No, it wasn't."

"Oh look, we're starting another one."

"Kevin Woo, you are so frustrating sometimes."

"And yet we're still friends."

"It's one of the many mysteries of the world."

"No, you just love me too much to leave."

You know he says this as a joke and talks about a love of friendship but, there's an odd pang in your chest at the word. The strange feeling from before overcomes you and everything suddenly feels uncomfortable. Unable to look Kevin in the eyes you call something about homework then shut your window and draw your curtains.

Before the feelings get out of hand you decide to just sleep now, regardless of the early hour. Going to the bathroom you brush your teeth and splash your face with water. Gripping the edge of the sink you stare at yourself in the mirror.

It's nothing. This weird-whatever it is; it's nothing. You don't normally feel this way so you're not going to constantly be like this. Just sleep it off and it'll go away. Just don't think about it.

The pep talk does little good, the feeling still as real as ever. Running an exasperated hand through your hair you go back to your room and climb into bed. Pulling the covers over your head you force all thoughts out of your mind and focus on just sleeping. It's difficult, what Kevin said repeating relentlessly like an echo in your head.

You just love me too much to leave.

You just love me too much.

You just love me.

You love me.

This better pass when you wake up.

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This story is fun !! XD
I love this! XD. The main character is cool and not annoying (many main girls are). Great job~.
erialc #3
Nice :D update soon!