Chapter 2

The Curtain Rises


The equally incredulous and simultaneous word echoes through the auditorium. One shocked to be have been picked, the other furious and unwilling to share the part. The enraged girl storms up to the director’s desk and crosses her arms with a bitter glare.

“What do you mean both?” she demands, voice frigid with contempt. You nudge Kevin and make horns at the top of your head with your fingers then imitate the girl. He stifles his laughter behind his hand, eyes curving in that eye smile you know so well.

“The two of you can just trade off shows, there are two you know.” the director clarifies simply. The angry set of the girl’s shoulders don’t waver. Clearing his throat the director shuffles some papers half-heartedly. “Or, I suppose, the two of you could somehow compete for it. Settle it amongst yourselves in some way. Whatever the case just let me know by the end of next week so I can prepare accordingly. Good luck you two.” Then the director packs his things and hurries down the aisle to flee the auditorium. Without a second to spare his assistant follows after him with the papers he left behind.

Silence sits among the three of you, you and Kevin still standing onstage while the girl stands motionless at the director’s table. Grabbing Kevin’s sleeve you start padding softly off the stage to leave undetected through the back. You’d rather not be subject to your new alternate’s wrath. You make it to the stairs relieved, only to be caught halfway down by the girl’s poisonous glare.

“Time to go.” you announce yanking Kevin close behind.  Without waiting to see if the girl is coming after you-she probably isn’t-you pull Kevin down the stairs and rush out the side exit. The two of you then run down the side of the building and to the little nook between the auditorium and main campus. No one ever comes back here, therefore the spot became yours and Kevin’s when you found it freshman year. Sliding down against the auditorium you expel an accomplished sigh and grin up at your amused friend.

“You know, we probably didn’t need to run.” he points out, sliding down beside you.

“I know. It just seemed more appropriate to run. For all we know she could grow actual horns and breathe fire. I’m just being cautious here.” you joke with an exaggerated shrug. He laughs and pushes your shoulder, though his grin only lasts a moment.

“What are you going to do about your Juliet situation with her though? Minsoo’s not the kind of person to just give up easily… I-I mean especially when she wants this enough to yell at the director.” he says seriously, brows furrowing as he fiddles with the hem of his shirt. You don’t catch his stammering, preoccupying yourself with trying to figure out where you’ve heard that name before.

Minsoo... Minsoo…

Why is that name familiar? You’re certain you’ve heard that name before. Maybe in a class..? Or sometime as you passed a conversation in the hallway..?


That was Minsoo? The one that gave you that gift basket-confession last month?” you ask bewildered.

She was definitely not the Minsoo you were expecting. When Kevin told you about the confession he made her sound so…

Unintimidating and small…

Then again, it was Kevin. The nicest person you knew. He can make anyone sound like a saint.

“Yeah, I was a little surprised to see her at the auditions. I didn’t know she could act.” he says, more to himself than you.

“What if she did it for you? Mr. Lady-Killer, making girls realize their dream of become the star in the school play.” you retort, jabbing his forehead. The tips of his ears burn red and his cheeks flush making you laugh. He’s too easy to tease.

“I-I’m not doing anything! She must’ve decided that this would be a good experience-”

“With you.” you interject, giggling when he darkens a shade. This subject always makes him flustered, even if he didn’t show it at the moment of a confession or, in this case, what just happened with Minsoo. He’s like a little kid when it comes to this.

“Shut up,” he mumbles pursing his lips, “besides, I don’t even know if she’s going to be Juliet.”

You pause.

“If it’s between the two of us then she’s going to get it hands down.” you mutter picking at weeds growing from the edge of the building. Minsoo was so eloquent and graceful she made you feel like a bumbling goose with one leg in comparison. That and you weren’t sure if you could handle the kissing scenes with your best friend…

That’s just all kinds of uncomfortable and awkward you didn’t want to deal with.

“I don’t think so,” Kevin pipes up redirecting your attention, “you’re really good thanks to all the practicing you did. I mean, you being picked as one of the two Juliets has to tell you that much. Don’t worry too much about it though, we have better chemistry anyway.”

Why did he have to phrase it like that?

As if realizing what he said he shakes his head, eyes wide. “I-I didn’t mean like that! You know-you know what I mean…”

You burst out laughing while Kevin continues mumbles unintelligibly and turns a new shade of red. He really is bad at these things. But, that’s what makes him innocent Kevin Woo.

About an hour or so later the sun begins to set, sky painted a vivid orange overhead. Hoisting yourselves up you begin the journey home. One you’ve never taken without him. Since the day you moved in next door the two of you have been inseparable. You did everything and anything the two of you could come up with together, including this walk home.

The walk was about five minutes, maybe ten if the two of you were distracted. At the moment neither of you were talking, simply walking side-by-side in silence as you each ponder your own thoughts in contentment.

What Kevin had said earlier about Minsoo was bothering you. If she really was as stubborn as he said she was then you need to figure out some way to at least maintain your alternate position. Chewing at the inside of your lip your brows knit together as you think of ways to reason with her, or take the lead entirely if completely necessary. Nothing comes to mind, adding to your frustration and worry. Maybe Kevin coan help you. He can just practice even more with you like he did for the auditions. You’ll have some kind of advantage that way...

You hope.

As your white black-trimmed houses approach you slow. Not paying attention Kevin nearly runs into you and stumbles to a stop. “Sorry, I was distracted,” he mumbles glancing at your house, “we’re here.” With a crooked grin he goes ahead of you and opens the small white gate leading to your home.

“Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.” you say waving over your shoulder as you walk on the pathway to your door. He calls a “good bye” in return and starts making his way to his neighboring home.

You chew on your lip as he leaves, debating whether you should stop him or not. Why would he care? He’s your best friend; of course he’ll agree to help you. The only thing holding you back was that you’re an alternate for Juliet. That means you’ll have to go over all the scenes with him as Romeo. That’s just a whole other mess you have to worry about. The friendship you have is rock solid though. It isn’t like a kiss-actually, a lot of kisses is going to ruin that.

You don’t think anything can.

Across the little white fence separating your homes you see Kevin rummage through his pockets for his key. You grin and bound to the fence, leaning over it and calling his name.

“Yah, Kevin Woo!” He turns, key now held triumphantly in his hand with a goofy grin. You laugh. “Do you still have time to keep practicing with me?”

“Of course I do! We can practice after school like we did before.” he replies properly smiling.

“Thank you so much! I don’t think I’d be Juliet otherwise.” you reply gratefully. And that’s true. Without his help in the first place you wouldn’t even need the extra practice to be Juliet.

“Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy ! Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest! Hence will I to my ghostly father's cell, his help to crave, and my dear hap to tell.” he grins and waves one last time, “I’ll see you tomorrow, my Capulet.”

There it is again, that uneasy feeling from before.

It’s unsettling, unnatural even, to feel this way about anything Kevin did. You didn’t like it. Maybe you can just sleep it off. This may just be a result of your nerves or… Something.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

With that in mind you stuff your key into your door and push it open then shut it securely behind you. Making your way to your room you call a quick greeting to your mother, who replies cheerfully in return. Bounding up the stairs you go to your room and throw your script onto your desk. Proceeding to your bed you collapse onto it with a loud sigh.

Today was a lot more hectic than you were anticipating. Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday. You only have to avoid Minsoo for one day. Then you have the weekend to figure out what to do about this situation. That also gives you more time to practice with Kevin, which you have mixed feelings about.

No, you shouldn’t. He’s your best friend and he’s helping you. That’s all there is too it. That’s all there ever will be to it.

Then why do you feel so apprehensive about it?

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This story is fun !! XD
I love this! XD. The main character is cool and not annoying (many main girls are). Great job~.
erialc #3
Nice :D update soon!