BaNaNa_Bana - COS ft. JJY

Shut Up! PRS II has moved!

shut up! prs2 layout ver 2.2
"angels' story" ft. aoa

[seungwon] omg i was so absorbed when i was making this. *o* hooray for animated posters! <3 i like it myself. XD hahaha i hope you like it too. i like it too much that i made you an animated poster, a non-animated poster, a bg, and a banner. OTL sorry. even if you didn't ask for the banner i hope you could  get it to use... haha it's a gift (for no reason) :D have a nice day!

poster link* | non-animated poster link* |
bg link* | banner link*story link*

01 | please take out with full credit.
02 | please save to your device.
03 | please click that arrow beside our
shop's name above if you liked it.
04 | please comment so we know you
already got it.

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@Shut Up! PRS II - baby_exotic's is done. whew~


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Chapter 91: i don't mind horizontal posters, and thank you for the poster^^ It looks cute, and have a nice day to you too
Awww why is my name not in the list anymore? I've been waiting for my poster for about a week now. :(
HAHAHA. I requested again. :))) It's because you're really the awesomest poster request shop here. So yeah. I'll be waiting. Thanks!! :D
hi im new here, how to request?