rishaki - Tainted Pages

Shut Up! PRS II has moved! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/312269

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It's Seungwon![Seungwon] Hi hi hi hi! Sorry for the really late poster. >< I know I'm the worst. Well anyways, here it is! Thank you so much for waiting. I hope you like them~ Hehehe. Oh, and you requested for a character chart too, didn't you? I didn't quite finish that yet. Hehehe, sorry. Who are the characters on the character chart? Just Xiumin and Shiruka or are there any more you want to add? And do you want them to have these little descriptions at the bottom? It would be really nice you could answer these questions for me. ^^ Thank you for the requests and have a nice day!

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@Shut Up! PRS II - baby_exotic's is done. whew~


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Chapter 91: i don't mind horizontal posters, and thank you for the poster^^ It looks cute, and have a nice day to you too
Awww why is my name not in the list anymore? I've been waiting for my poster for about a week now. :(
HAHAHA. I requested again. :))) It's because you're really the awesomest poster request shop here. So yeah. I'll be waiting. Thanks!! :D
hi im new here, how to request?