silveroak_sm - Bittersweet Revenge

Shut Up! PRS II has moved!

Poster Link | Story Link

It's Seungwon![Seungwon] You said there wasn't a story link yet? Oh omg I am so sorry for finishing this late! We're just really busy these days and although we'd like to make posters, it's hard to find time to do so. So, yeah, we are very very sorry for making this too late. I hope you still want it. T^T Anyways, thank you for waiting and thank you so much for your request! Have a nice day. ^^

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@Shut Up! PRS II - baby_exotic's is done. whew~


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Chapter 91: i don't mind horizontal posters, and thank you for the poster^^ It looks cute, and have a nice day to you too
Awww why is my name not in the list anymore? I've been waiting for my poster for about a week now. :(
HAHAHA. I requested again. :))) It's because you're really the awesomest poster request shop here. So yeah. I'll be waiting. Thanks!! :D
hi im new here, how to request?