ElmosCookieMonstah - Confessions That Count

Shut Up! PRS II has moved! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/312269

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It's Jiseul![Jiseul] Your poster is done~ I hope you like it. Sorry if it took too long...  I just recovered from a cold. Anyways, if you don't like it, I'm accepting re-do's. eekkk >< I don't know what to say... And if you'll have more stories in the future, I hope it can get many comments and readers. Thank you for requesting and have a nice day~ Your bg is below.

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@Shut Up! PRS II - baby_exotic's is done. whew~


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Chapter 91: i don't mind horizontal posters, and thank you for the poster^^ It looks cute, and have a nice day to you too
Awww why is my name not in the list anymore? I've been waiting for my poster for about a week now. :(
HAHAHA. I requested again. :))) It's because you're really the awesomest poster request shop here. So yeah. I'll be waiting. Thanks!! :D
hi im new here, how to request?