A day with the birthday girl.

The First Day.

"Good afternoon! where's the pig?" Yuri woke up and was asking where's Hyoyeon. "You already called her pig, so what do you think she's doing now?" Taeyeon asked back Yuri. The older one went to Hyoyeon's room and wake her up. "YAH! Birthday girl! Wake up!" Yuri screamed and kept jumping on Hyoyeon's bed. "Arasso arasso, I'll get up." Hyoyeon dragged herself out of the bed. 

"Good afternoon baby!" Tiffany scare Hyoyeon when she opened the door, causing the younger one to jump. "YAH!" Hyoyeon slapped her girlfriend's arm. After Hyoyeon washed up and changed into her outfit for the day, she went to the kitchen to see what they cooked for lunch before they head out to shopping. "Sooyounggie!" Hyoyeon joked, not forgetting that Sooyoung has to call her unnie for a week. "Oh, Hyoyeon unnie!" Sooyoung played along with her. When they younger one turned behind and open the fridge, the younger one wanted to curse her but got caught. "Hey, don't you dare to curse me behind my back!" Hyoyeon said without looking back, knowing what Sooyoung wants to do. "How would I dare to curse you, unnie?" Sooyoung joked. 

"Fany-ah, what are you doing?" Hyoyeon backhugged Tiffany while the older one is cooking something. "I'm cooking for the girls." Tiffany replied. "Is there anything special for me?" Hyoyeon rested her chin on Tiffany's shoulder while looking at what Tiffany is cooking. "Of course baby, meat!" Tiffany flashed her killer eyesmile. "Arasso! I'll go to the living room first." Hyoyeon poured a cup of water and went to the living room. When walking past Sooyoung, Hyoyeon sticked out her tongue.

Tiffany finished cooking with the help of Sooyoung and they put on the dish on the dining table and started eating. Goddess Hyoyeon finished eating her bowl of beef noodles in 5 minutes and is pestering her unnies to give her more food. "Taeyeon unnie, aren't you suppose to save all the good foods for me?" Hyoyeon asked looking at Taeyeon who still has some noodles left. "Arasso arasso, take it." Taeyeon said, can't bear looking at how her cute sister is pestering people to give her food. "Taeyeon unnie is the best!" Hyoyeon said and took over the noodles.

"Soonkyu unnie! I'm craving for patbingsoo.." Hyoyeon said and showed her aegyo. "Yah, are you treating everyone like a maid now?" Sunny said pretending to be mad. "Ani, I know everyone loves their maknae the most." Hyoyeon replied and flashed her smile who would melt everyone's heart. "okayokay!" Sunny pinched Hyoyeon's cheeks before going to the kitchen to make her dongsaeng patbingsoo. "Gomawa!" Hyoyeon said and sat on the couch, watching tv.

After they finished eating desert, which was patbingsoo, they decided to head out for shopping. "Kids! Let's go!" The kid leader was even more excited than the birthday girl. "Why are you so excited? You're not even the main character today." Yoona joked causing a slap and a scream from the kid leader. 

They were in the van heading to Hyoyeon's favourite shop first since they haven't been there for a long time. Hyoyeon ran into the shop and greeted the shop owner since she's close with them and started looking around the shop like it's the first time she went there. "Hyoyeon-ah, just buy what you want, unnie will pay for you." Taeyeon offered to pay for her sister. "gomawa!" Hyoyeon planted a kiss on Taeyeon's cheeks, causing Tiffany to be jokingly jealous. "Are you not  going to kiss me?" The jealous one asked. Hyoyeon pecked on Tiffany's lips and went to choose tops and bottoms that she like. Basically, the whole shop is Hyoyeon's favourite since it's all green.

They finished buying the things Hyoyeon wanted and left the shop. They stopped at a ice cream shop to have a rest. Hyoyeon was busy choosing the flavours she wants, while her unnies are too full to have room for ice cream. "How can she eat so much?" Seohyun was shaking her head at the maknae. "Unnie! Come here!" Hyoyeon called her unnies but none of them wants to move. "There's so many unnies, who are you calling?" Taeyeon asked, looking at the back view of her sister. "Fany!" Hyoyeon asked without looking back. "Yah!" Tiffany pretended to be mad.

"Shall we buy these? do you want to eat?" Hyoyeon asked her girlfriend. "Just buy what you want, I'll pay." Tiffany was looking at her girlfriend whom looked like a child choosing ice cream flavours. Hyoyeon ordered and went back to sit with her unnies. "Yah! It's my birthday! Can all of you eat with me?" Hyoyeon asked because she's the only one who is eating and eating. "There's Sooyoung." Jessica pointed. "Ani, you can't do this. I'm gaining weight these days." Sooyoung said refused to eat. 

The nine girls had enough rest and went back to the van, Hyoyeon had planned something and she told their manager oppa to drive them somewhere. 

"Girls! Let's go up!" Hyoyeon brought them to a place which have to walk up a slope. At first they were all energetic since it's only the starting. This can also bond their friendship since they had to walk and they can have heart to heart talk too. The couple were walking together everyone, almost like they had super glue on their body. "Fany-ah, you can't keep sticking to Hyoyeon, we want to spend time with her too." Yoona said and pouted. "But I'm her girlfriend! Tiffany said. "I don't care! I'm borrowing Hyoyeon now!" Yoona said and pulled Hyoyeon's hands. "Arasso, I'm just joking, Hyoyeno-ah, go with her." Tiffany flashed her killer eyesmile again. "Don't flirt with my girlfriend!" Tiffany joked. Yoona and Hyoyeon swing their hands while walking, like two kids.

"Unnie! Quick! We are reaching soon." Hyoyeon yelled at her unnies who are all tired from walking up the hill. "Hyoyeon-ah, can you piggyback us?" The kid leader asked. "Ani, I can only piggyback Fany." Hyoyeon said showing her love for Tiffany. The older one heard what her girlfriend said and immediately jumped onto Hyoyeon and asked for a piggyback while the rest of them watched their backview. "Aish jinjia, this is the type of maknae we have, forgot her unnies when she had a girlfriend." Jessica said and they continued to walk up the slope. 

They finally reached the top and saw a woman waiting for them. Hyoyeon actually told the owner that they wanted to decorate their own curtains (Like SNSD Ep8). "Annyeong" The lady bowed when she saw them. "Oh, annyeong." The nine girls then bowed. "Your maknae actually told me that she wants to decorate curtains for your dorm with all of you. She called me at 3am in the morning." The lady laughed. "Oh, let's go then!" Taeyeon said and they went into the place.

The lady asked them to draw whatever they want on the curtain. They started drawing and Hyoyeon realised how bad Tiffany was at drawing and kept teasing her. "Yah Fany-ah, can you draw it nicer?" Hyoyeon kept laughing at what Tiffany drew. Hyoyeon wrote at the center "Hyo Love Fany" with a heartshape, causing Tiffany to blush. "Yah, why are you blushing? Hurry up and write yours here!" Hyoyeon said and drew other things on the other side.

"Taeyeon unnie, I just realised how bad you are at drawing. It seems like I'm the only one good at drawing." Hyoyeon self-praised herself. "This is the Japanese flag. Is it nice?" Taeyeon ignored what Hyoyeon said before and asked her to take a look at what she drew. "Why are you drawing Japan flag? You should be drawing Korea's! By the way, it looks like a burnt potato." Hyoyeon said with a poker face. "It's the Japanese flag." Taeyeon corrected Hyoyeon. "It looks like a burnt potato." But Hyoyeon was still at her stand. "You don't understand art. Go back to your Fany now and stop disturbing me!" Taeyeon jokingly pushed her sister away. "Ah unnie!" Hyoyeon whined but the older one didn't bother to care about her so she had to go back to her girlfriend.

They finished drawing and they also took back the curtain that they decorated. The gluttons felt hungry and it was almost dinner time so they decided to head to a restaurant to have dinner. Also, they planned to have another celebration for Hyoyeon's birthday without her knowing. Yoona went to collect Hyoyeon's cake first and then she'll be heading to the restaurant first. "Guys~ Let's head for dinner!" Sooyoung said, as usual. "Where's Yoona unnie?" The birthday asked. "She went to settle some stuffs first, we'll meet her at the restaurant first." Sunny said and they went onto the van.

They made reservations for dinner so they don't have to wait so long. Yoona was already at the restaurant and was putting the candles on the cake. 

The eight girls also reached the restaurant and it was a surprise for Hyoyeon, so they asked Tiffany to delay the time a bit outside the restaurant so the others can go in and join Yoona and give Hyoyeon a surprise when she go into the restaurant. "What? Short of 2 seats?" Taeyeon even told the waiter what to say and purposely said it out, loud enough for Hyoyeon to hear. "What happened?" The clueless on asked. "Oh, we'll go in and settle some stuffs first, you and Fany stay outside for a while first." Yuri lied and they all went in.

The 6 girls went in and found Yoona. They're prepared to sing a happy birthday song for Hyoyeon when she comes in. "You can go in now." The waiter said and the duo went into the restaurant, greeted by the happy birthday song. "Ah otteoke!" Hyoyeon burst into tears and covered her face because she was so touched. "Aigoo, don't have to cry." Tiffany wanted to take Hyoyeon's hands away from her face but the younger one kept crying. "Why did you do this to me?" Hyoyeon finally showed her face and Taeyeon wiped the tears away on her face. "Let's sit down and order foods!" Glutton Sooyoung said after Hyoyeon blew the candles. "Gomawa unnies." Hyoyeon thanked her unnies.

"Hey, let's light up the candles again, since it's dark here." Yoona said and lighted up the candles again. 

They ordered foods and the well-mannered Hyoyeon forced her unnies to say grace (pray) before eating. "Sooyounggie! Please say grace for us!" Hyoyeon said and Sooyoung was glaring at her. Sooyoung said grace and they started eating.

The nine girls finished a table of food in just a blink of an eye. "Guys, the candles only reached here and we have finished eating." Taeyeon said and looked at her full stomach. "Yah, we finished eating in 1 minute." Seohyun joked and everyone laughed. "Let's give Hyoyeon the presents we prepared for her!" Jessica said and took out the bag of presents.

"This is Nintendo, for our maknae!" Yoona said and gave Hyoyeon the nintendo. "Gomawa." Hyoyeon thanked. "This is a pair of new green sneakers, because your current one is a bit old, so please wear this when you dance!" Tiffany said and handed Hyoyeon the sneakers. After they gave Hyoyeon the presents, it was time for them to go back to their dorm since they have schedules and the maknae also has school.


It was morning and they finally had the chance to practice as a group after such a long time. They headed out at 8am to the studio since Hyoyeon had to attend school at 1pm. They practiced their song and were all tired after practicing for 3 times, but not for their energizer maknae. Hyoyeon praticed on her own and to also train her stamina. Her unnies are all eating again but Hyoyeon was practicing for her solo. She was tired but she has to hang on.

They had brunch together and Hyoyeon has to leave for school. Hyoyeon went to school while the others head for their individual activities.

When Hyoyeon reached school and started her first lesson, she dozed off in the class probably because she was too tired and she also has schedules after school. Kind enough, her classmate sitting beside her kept waking her up when she was about to fall asleep. Hyoyeon was grateful towards her. Hyoyeon kept telling herself to persevere because there's only about 1 more month to her major exam in university and and another month after the exam to graduation. It was always her dream to graduate from university.

Hyoyeon ended school and was preparing to head for her schedule which is for recording a variety show. Her eyelids were so heavy that she was going to fall asleep but good enough, the recording only lasts for 5 hours and Hyoyeon finished her schedule for the day. It was around 12am when Hyoyeon finished recording and she was preparing to go to the gym since she has been eating a lot these days and she has to maintain her figure. 

Hyoyeon stayed in the gym with her trainer for 3 hours and she headed home after exercising for 3 hours. She was dead tired and hope she could just teleport or sleep at the gym. Hyoyeon reached the dorm at 4.35am and she still has to study. In Hyoyeon's dictionary, there is no studying for 1 hour but 3 hours. 

She finished bathing and sat on the couch to rest for awhile and waited for 5am before she starts studying. Hyoyeon ate lemons to keep herself awake since it's really sour. And when she finished studying, it was 8am and she has to attend school at 9.45am and then head for schedules at 1pm after her school and to their dance studio at 7pm till about 11pm. Hyoyeon knew it's going to another sleepless night but she thinks this is the idols' life so she shouldn't complain.

"Hyoyeon-ah, you are up so early?" Yuri asked while rubbing her eyes. "Unnie, I didn't slept for the whole night, I reached home at 4.35am and studied till now. I'm preparing to go school now." Hyoyeon said. "Aigoo, make sure you rest well." Yuri said and let Hyoyeon wash up first since she has nothing on for the day and she could stay at home and play.

"Goodbye Yuri unnie, please help me tell the others that I will only be back at midnight." Hyoyeon bid goodbye to Yuri and headed off to school.


Sorry for this boring chapter T^T

I should be ending this story by the next chapter!

Oh no, I have a feeling to start a new fic... Do you guys prefer JunHyo or HyoYang? I'll go by the majority, so please comment and let me know which pairing do you guys want okay? ^_^

One last time, I'm sorry for this short and boring chapter. ): 

Thanks for all the royal readers, loud readers and subscribers! 




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HYOYEONlove #1
Chapter 18: Chapter18 love your story your an amazing writer.
Chapter 20: it is not boring especially the ending
please share more
Chapter 20: Awesome
Chapter 19: Update
xxll11 #5
Chapter 18: Hyofany fighting!! Soo gooood! waiting for your update
Chapter 18: please update soon
Chapter 18: Thank you guys.. :') <3
shaie20 #8
Chapter 18: wow.. it a long time with no updates.
i love ut stories.

no... don't lose confidence.
you can do it!!!
sh316102 #9
Chapter 18: Relax, its still as good as ever, and yeah I was missing HyoFany. The part about them quarelling is just ridiculous and hilarious. I was recalling back on Hello Baby and it just makes me want to laugh... Lols...