Our Kiss

The Fairy's Promise

cr. to the owners of the pictures :)


As the moon shone its light, he sparkled and smiled. A little later, he turned into a bubble and disappeared. He left behind his necklace and he cried.   


Kim Jong In also know as Kai is a 20-year-old man who lives in a small apartment. He left his parents and his sister to be independent. He does not want his family to give him money because it will just be nonsense living by himself if they are supporting him. His sister is at his house today and they are having a tiny unfriendly conversation.

“Man! Today is the hottest day this month! I don’t have money to buy an airconditioner and you are here drinking all of my stored cold water!”

“You’re driving out your very cute sister out of your very small house?”

“You’re the one who’s driving me crazy. Get out now. Leave me all alone! If you return here, better give me an airconditioner. If you don’t have, I will not let you in. Understand? Now go home and I will just text mom that you already went home. Go! Bye!”

“Hmph! Okay. I will leave already. Goodbye, big brother.”

He does not want them to go his house until he could be proud of something because until now, he cannot find a job so he looked up the sky and said

“Please grant me this wish. I wish that I could get a job.”

As he stepped out of his house, a flyer flew to his face. He read it and it said: “My Pleasure restaurant is looking for a waiter! P10,000 per month.” He was surprised for God really answered his prayer. He looked at the address and went there running. As he opened the door, he greeted the people inside it and said

“Excuse me, is this the right place for this flyer?”

“Oh, yes it is! It is at the door but it flew away and I think that it is going to the one who will be our waiter and here you come. As you see, there are many people waiting for their orders and today will be the start of your job. Is that alright with you?”

“It’s alright! Give me all the jobs and keep it coming. It’s my pleasure.”

“Now, that’s what I am looking for. You already knew the name of this restaurant. Go now and serve them happily and remember, always smile.”

“Yes, sir!”

He is now working happily and he did not notice the time passed by. It is now the end of his shift and the manager called him

“You have a job well done. As for your salary, I will give it to you next month but since I enjoyed looking at how hard working you are. I will give you a bonus. Here it is. Take it.”

“Thank you so much manager.”

“Another one, give me your cell phone or telephone number in case of emergency.”

“Sure, sir. Wait a minute because I don’t know what my number is.”

He reached for his phone and searched for his number

“Here it is, sir. ***** and for the telephone number, ****.”

“Okay. Now go home because it’s already getting late.”

“Ok! I will go now. See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

He was walking happily down the street and as he reached his house, he looked up the sky again and said

“Thank you so much!”

As the days went by, he is becoming lonely though he already has a job and had his first pay. It is Sunday today and he decided to go to the park. He went there but he only felt lonelier because he saw couples having date. He looked up at the sky once again and begged for a girlfriend. He waited until the sun sets but no girl is going to him. He went home depressed and as he stepped inside, he heard a loud thud and as he looked at the floor, he saw a small thing. He looked at it carefully and it moved a little. He looked at the roof and he saw a very big hole at it.

“Did this small thing make that hole in my roof?”

He poked at it and it moved again and flew up to his eye level.

“Hello Kim JOng in. I will be your girlfriend.”

“You? My girlfriend! (laughs) How can it be possible? You're just a boy-looking-girl. And you’re too small. And what are you anyway?”

“I am a fairy. God ordered me to come to you to help you with all your desires. We fairies are immortal that’s why I am already a thousand years old but that can’t be seen in our physical nor in our abilities.”

“So, you are already a thousand years old?”

“Oh, yes! And a while ago, you did not said what size you want your girlfriend to be. And you also did not said what gender so I am a boy. Nowadays, there are boys being a girflriend because they are the uke. Now say that you want me to be as big as you and you want me to be a girl.”

“Okay. I wish that this small thing in front of me is as big and as tall as me and to be a girl.”

At the moment he said that, everything turned white and the fairy become like a human that is as tall as him but not as big because he grew with the shape of a woman. Though he is now a woman, his face is still the same

“Now, is this enough for you, Jong In?"

“Yes! That’s better. I don’t want my girlfriend to be as tiny and as manly as you were before.”

He looked at her from head to toe. He is taken by her beauty. He stares at her for a minute and went back to his senses. He, then, noticed that there is something written in her shoulder. It read: “Chobits”

“What does chobits mean?”

“Chobits are fairies that can grant you wish.”

“Meaning that I can wish anything and you will grant it immediately?”

“Yes but if you wish too many, I will lose my power and I will eventually die.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t need anything else for now. So, what will I call you?”

“I don’t have a name but you can name me.”

“Okay. Since my name is Kim Jong In, I will just call you Kyungsoo. Ah, wait. D.O. is better.”

“Thank you. Now I have a name. It’s so cute. Now that you named me, I will only be yours.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“I will never love another boy than you.”

“But I can love another girl than you?”

“Yes! But if you also love me, I will have a great power that I can exceed the powers of chobits.”

“Oh? Is that so? Well, I can teach myself to love you.”

“Really? Thank you. I am so happy that you are trying your best to also love me.”

“It’s alright. D.O., can I leave you here all alone?”

“Sure but where are you going?”

“I will just buy some ingredients for the celebration of your coming since I just got my salary for this month.”

“But, that is your first pay. I want you to spend it on yourself.”

“You are not just very beautiful but very kind too. Thank you for that but I just want to celebrate for me having a girlfriend and that is you.”

“Thank you so much Jong In. Do you want me to accompany you?”

“No need. I can handle this myself. Besides, it’s already dark. Just wait here and watch for the house. Okay, D.O.?”

“Okay. I will watch this house because the one I love is living here. Be safe in returning here. Ah, it’s cold outside. Wait a minute.”

She looked for something at his cabinet and hand him his jacket.

“Thank you, D.O.. By the way, dont call me Jong In anymore. Just call me Kai. Okay?”

"Okay Kai"

As he closed the door behind him, she waved goodbye and he smiled. He is going towards the convenience store and as he is returning home, he saw D.O. waiting under a streetlight.

"D.O., I thought that I told you to watch over the house.”

“Yes, I am. I can see what’s happening inside the house by the use of my powers. Don’t worry about it. I am worried about you because you are alone. Shall we go home now?”

“Sure. Come here. It’s too cold outside. I will give you this.”

He removed his jacket and placed it to D.O. She is very happy because she could feel that Kai cares for him too. A little later, she heard Kai sneeze.

“Thank you Kai but I think that you needed this more than me.”

“I am alright. It’s just that it really is cold tonight.”

“But I insist. Come here.”

She removed it from her and placed it on Kai

“Thank you D.O. but what about you?”

“I am fine. It’s just that I can’t bear to see my love one suffering because of me.”

“I feel like crying. Give me your hand.”

Before she could give her hand, he pulled it and placed it inside the pocket of his jacket.

“By this, we could not feel cold. Right?”


As they returned home, Kai placed the ingredients to the table and said

“D.O., go take a shower while I cook our food.”

“What about you?”

“I can handle this. Go on.”

“Okay. I will go now.”

Kai is making their dinner. He placed his hand near the fire to feel somewhat hot because he is still freezing. He rubbed his hand together and breathed at it. A little later, Kai finished cooking their dinner but D.O. is not yet through.

“D.O., dinner’s ready. Come out now and eat while it is hot.”

“Kaii, I noticed that I don’t have a spare clothes and I don’t know how to make clothes because I haven’t learned it yet.”

“Is it alright if you wear my clothes first?”

“It’s alright.”

“Okay. Please wait a minute.”

He scampered to his cabinet and looked for the smallest size that D.O. can wear. He found something and as he was approaching the bathroom, he closed his eyes shut and gave the clothes to her.

“Thank you Kai.”

“You’re welcome. Come out after you’re done dressing up. The food is getting cold.”


D.O. looks so cute because she is like a kid wearing his father’s clothes. Kai said sorry and she said that it’s alright. They eat and after eating, they went to sleep.

“Good night Kai. The dinner is very delicious. Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome. Let’s go to sleep now because tomorrow, I have to go to my job.”


The two of them hit the bed and went to sleep. While sleeping, Kai had a nightmare. He saw D.O. growing weak. As the moon shone its light, she sparkled and smiled. A little later, she turned into a bubble and disappeared. She left behind her necklace and he cried. Next day, the sun rise up and the rays hit the face of Kai. The first thing in his mind is not his job but DO. He looked beside him and did not find D.O. He shouted her name saying

“D.O! D.O! Where are you?”

D.O. peeked at the bedroom and said

“Kai, what’s the matter? Do you have a nightmare?”

He stood up, went to D.O. and hugged her

“D.O., I thought you left me already after a day. I thought that you grew tired of me. Where have you been?”      

“I am at the kitchen cooking breakfast for you for the return of the dinner yesterday.”

“Ah, ok! Hey, what is that smell?”

“Oh no! The fish!”

They both came running to the kitchen and turned off the stove

“I am sorry. I should have not hugged you.”

“I should be the one saying sorry. You do not have viand for your breakfast.”

“It’s okay. I will just eat at the restaurant. See you later, D.O.”

“Ok! Bye bye!”

Kai ran as fast as he could to go to his work. He suddenly saw a street that no one is passing by. He tried to pass that street and as the exit is going near. It is becoming narrower. As he reached the exit, it is the ally of the restaurant.

“Yes! New discovery!”

As time passed by, he is now going home. Before going home, he stopped by a jewelry store and looked for something that fits D.O. He looked at the necklaces and as he spotted a fairy necklace, he immediately bought it. It is silver and has diamonds at the both side of the wing. He went excitedly to his home and when he opened the door, he saw D.O. laying down. He thought that she is just sleeping.

“D.O., are you alright?”

As he held her, he felt that D.O. is hot. He put his hands on her neck and at her forehead and it is also hot. He panicked because he does not know what to do. She tried to say something but he could not understand it. Suddenly, he heard something but D.O. is not opening

“Kai, I am using telepathy. I am sick because it is full moon. I can still do these though it makes me weaker. If you just kiss me, I will be recovered at once. I will get back my powers. Please do so but if you don’t want to, it’s your choice.”

“Where should I kiss you?”

“At the forehead is enough.”

“Okay. Here it goes.”

Kai closed her eyes and kissed D.O. on her forehead. D.O. felt her body getting stronger again and felt relieved. Kai stopped and looked at her.

“D.O., are you alright now?”

“Yes, I am. Thank you so much, Kai. You’re such a hero to me.”

“It’s alright. Ah, I have a gift for you. I saw this at the jewelry store and as I saw this, I suddenly remembered you that’s why I bought it. Here, let me help you to put it.”

“Thank you Kai. It’s so beautiful. Is this me?”

“Yes, it is a fairy. It is you when you are still mini.”

“Sorry, Kai but I don’t have a gift for you.”

“It’s alright. Your presence is enough for a gift.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah, but why are you getting weak when it’s full moon?”

“I also don’t know that. But if you’re not here, I might be a bubble now. Thank you again.”

“It’s alright. Let’s go to sleep now.”


They went to sleep. The next day came and the chirping of the birds wake them up. D.O. tapped Kai to wake up.

“They are talking to me. They said that we should wake up now or else you will be late.”

“Okay. I am already up.”

“Now, go take a shower, eat your breakfast and go to your job. I can handle the cooking for our breakfast.”

“Okay. If you say so. Thanks.”

“Okay. Now, go. You might be late.”

As Kai is taking a shower, D.O. is cooking their breakfast. They eat together and Kai said goodbye.

He ran outside and used the shortcut that only he knew. Suddenly, he stepped on something. He removed his shoe and looked down. He saw a paper with writings on it and as he picked it up, he suddenly felt dizzy. He tried to fight his dizziness by shaking his head but it’s no use. He fell down but the pixies stopped it. They make him drink some potion to make him small and they flew him to their place. As he woke up, he saw the place so bright and so sparkling. He tried to move but he can’t because he is tied up.

“Hey, where am I? What are you? Why am I tied up?”

The pixies look at him and a pixie that is color blue with a broken wing went to him and said


“What? I can’t understand you!”

The pixie flew to the one who is sitting at the golden chair and after a few minutes went back at him and make him drink another potion.

“What is this?”

“Now, can you understand us?”

“Yes. So that potion can make me understand your language?”

“Yes! Exactly! You asked us a while ago why you are here and tied up right? Well, you are here because we received news that the chobits is your girlfriend. Am I right?”

“What’s it to you?”

“I think that your girlfriend didn’t tell you the whole story. She is the last chobit here in this world and we want to get her because she is the most powerful among them all. The other chobits were already killed by us.”

“Why are you killing them?”

“Because, as we killed them, their powers are going to us.”

“Then, D.O. is the most powerful of them all that’s why you will kill her?”

“Exactly! You are a smart person.”

“No way. She will not go here.”

“How could that be possible? We will just say to her that his boyfriend is here and she will come here on her own will.”

“Did she really love me to go here? If ever she come here, I will definitely protect her.”

“Aw! How sweet! But, could you anything while you are tied up? Oh, yes you can do something. You could watch her get killed by us.”


The leader of the pixie got annoyed and hit his face. His nose bled and a bruise on his lip marked that he was hit. A little later, D.O. is already there. She is still big but she makes her self small to fit in the place of the pixies. She saw the pixie sitting on the chair and talked to it

“Where is Kai? Did you hurt him? If ever you hurt him, I will kill all of you.”

“Don’t worry my one and only chobit. We did not hurt him. If we do, we cannot stop ourselves from hurting him and we can accidentally kill him but we don’t.”

“Where is he?”

“Don’t worry! He’s right there behind you.”

She turned around and she saw pixies with a potion in hand. They forcefully make her drink it and they succeeded. A little later, she became dizzy and fell on the floor. As she woke up, she was already tied up and beside her was Kai.

“Kai! Kai!”

“D.O.! Why are you here?”

“They told me that you are here that’s why I did not hesitate to come with them. What happened to your lips?”

“It’s just that a pixie got annoyed and hit me.”

“I told them that if they hit you, they will pay for this.”

“It’s alright! But why are you here? You could have just left me behind!”

“I told you already at the first time we met that I am already yours and will only be yours.”

“But that doesn’t mean that you love me, do you?”

“Of course I do. The moment I first saw you, I felt my heart skipped a beat and all of my blood went to my face that’s why it became so hot. And the thing that I am only yours is just a lie and I just made that up so that I will not separate from you. The moment you hugged me and kissed me were the best moments in my life. I will never forget that.”

Kai suddenly blushed and said

“Oh! Is that so?”

Suddenly, the leader of the pixie clapped her hands and said

“How sweet the two of you are though the one is a human and the other is a fairy. But, that ends here say goodbye now to your girlfriend, Kim Jong In.”

“Hey! Where are you taking her?”

“We are just untying her to prepare her for her death. It’s for her own good. Here we go.”

“Wait a minute. I will just say something to her. D.O., I love you.”

As he said that, D.O. flew up and a voice suddenly speak

“That was just what I am waiting for you to tell me to make me stronger.”

Suddenly, an earthquake happened. It was so strong that the place is destroying. D.O. became white and she sparkled so brightly that no one can look at her. She said

“No one can hurt my Kai. All of you are so dead.”

She suddenly went berserk and became brutal enough to kill all of the pixies that she saw. When she saw the leader of the pixies, she said

“You’re the one who hurt my Kai, right?”

“Well, yes but I just got annoyed and I suddenly hit him.”

“Let’s just say that really happened. I will just think that I also got annoyed and suddenly killed you. Is that alright with you?”

“No. Please.”

While she is flying towards the pixie, it is reaching for something and that is a knife. When D.O. got nearer, the pixie immediately stabs her at her shoulder and she succeeded. She held her shoulder and when Kai saw that, he can’t bear to watch anymore and he managed to escape from the rope that is tied to him.  

“Stop it! You backstabber! How dare you hurt my D.O.!”

He grabbed the rope that he was once tied up and encircled it in the air and caught the pixie.

“Now, what shall I do to you?”

“Please! Have mercy on me! I will not do it anymore! I promise!”

“D.O., what shall we do about this pixie?”

“Let her live but she will be our nanny. Come on, let’s go home now.”

“Wait, I am still small. You, pixie, I will name you Iro. Go and make me the potion that can turn me back to my normal size.”

“Okay, sir but can you loosen the rope? It’s too tight.”

“Nope. I will make it tighter if you don’t make it immediately.”

“Okay sir.”

At once, Iro went to her chemistry table and make the potion that can turn Kai back to his normal size. She hand it over to him and said

“This is it!”

“Are you sure that it is not a poison?”

“Of course not sir. I will never hurt the one who gave me another chance to live.”

“That’s good. Now, let’s go home. D.O., do you know how to?”

“Nope! Iro, guide us.”

“Certainly, sir and madam.”

“Just call me Kai and call her D.O. Got it?”

“Yes Kai.”

They safely returned home and as they stepped inside. Kai drank the potion to return to his original size and he wished for D.O. to return too. D.O. returned to her normal size and she put Iro on a fancy cage.

“That’s your new house. Isn’t it great?”

“Yes it is. Thank you D.O.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Ah, come here a little. Your shoulder is still swollen.”

D.O. moved a little closer and Iro reached out her hand and it glowed. D.O. can feel her wound getting better. Kai is watching the two and said

“That is a very good chemistry you two are having. D.O., come here a little.”

“Okay. Ah, wait a minute. Someone is talking to me.”

D.O. suddenly went blank and she could hear the voice of God saying

“D.O., you could go back now to being a fairy again. You had done your part.”

“I want to stay with Kai. Is that possible?”

“If you choose to be a human, you will lose some of your power but not all of it and become a mortal but if you choose to be a fairy again, you will be the most powerful of them all and become immortal. The choice is yours.”

“I would want to grow old with Kai and live a happy life. That is my decision.”

“Very well. You could not hear me nor talk to me again but in the second life you can. Goodbye D.O. Take good care of yourself, Kai and even Iro.”

“Yes. Thank you God.”

D.O. returned back to her senses and said

“Kai, I am a human now and a mortal. I lose some of my powers but not all of it. I chose to grow old with you because I really love you. Is that fine with you that I have a limited power?”

“Of course D.O. I also love you and would die happily with you. I will not wish for anything else as long as you’re here with me. Iro, please close your eyes for a minute.”

Iro obediently followed his new master and Kai suddenly grabbed D.O. at the shoulder and kissed her in the lips. Suddenly, a baby appeared.

“D.O., where did that baby came from?”

“Oh! I forgot that if someone kiss a fairy in the lips, they will immediately have a baby.”






wah~ i don't want to post this story but my cousin urged me to do so. I am so sorry to all who love Do Kyungsoo because I made him a girl here :( Please spare my life. I will give him to you as a gift. okay? :)

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Lovefunfics #1
Chapter 1: So kissing is not possible
jinjja? thank you so much ^_^
Phahaha love the ending!
@junloveseung jinjja? thank you so much ^_^ yes i am and proud to be :) thank you so much :)
ASDFGHJKL GOOD JOB~ this story is so cute!!! Anyway, can i ask you something? Are you filipino? Afdfdfdfd, i saw the salary and it said P10,000. Hihihi~ that's peso right afdfd~ BUT STILL THIS IS A CUTE STORY <333 kaisoo fighting!!!
@IAmMeMyself haha. yes XD i just want them to have a baby XD
IAmMeMyself #7
Lolol. A baby? Puahaha!!!"
@MissSazie haha! thanks for liking it ^_^
@LoVeRgAl thanks ^_^ this is a oneshot story only of the otp: KaiSoo :)