I'ts OK.

Long overdue


"Yixing...." Suho sighed. Little sniffles could be heard from him.



Suho has finally decided to come clean to the younger male. His heart was throbbing for the anticipation and nervousness. Suho was tired of giving and not receiving… Although he was not as popular as all of his dongsaengs, he was still constantly working hard as a leader to get EXO-K together, making everyone feel accepted, making everyone feel like they belong in the group. Kris thought Suho was a very good leader, but although the other members loved him and appreciated his efforts in every way, he still felt lonely. He wished he had a friendsh-, relationship with someone like sehun and luhan’s relationship. Although he loved each and every one of EXO there is just no one he can share his inner feelings with.


He is, though, close with Kris. They always talk and share experiences while leading and would occasionally get personal with their thoughts but that was still, not enough for the lonely leader. Suho, was madly in love with Lay… He could only wish for so many things, but he knows his limits and he tried his best to not cross the line. One could even call it love at first sight... Ever since they have been practising together as a 12 member group, he knew he had feelings for the younger man. But Suho knew that it was impossible for Lay to be…. gay, so he would only give subtle attention to the younger one when they were together. He would try to get close but Lay would hardly notice the little efforts.


Every time EXO was one, Suho would always hang around Kris in hopes to see Lay more often. No one noticed this, except for Sehun. Sehun knew what was going in, but knew his hyung was sensitive to the topic so he tried not to invade suho’s privacy too much. Don’t get him wrong, it hurts to see his leaders feelings being passed off as a friendly gesture when it means so much more, but let’s face it Sehun doesn’t even know the situation on Lay’s side, so to avoid making a mistake and ruining the leaders relationship, he tried to keep it a secret.


It was a night after their performance as one that Sehun finally took the courage to talk to his hyung about it. After washing up and getting ready to sleep in their shared bedroom, Sehun heard little sniffles coming from the opposite bed. Suho-hyung is crying. Sehun didn’t think twice, he immediately got up, went to Suho’s bed, and pulled him up into a tight embrace. Suho immediately began sobbing quietly into Sehun’s shoulder.


“Hyung, maybe you should tell him…” Sehun said.


Suho shook his head lightly on sehuns shoulder. Sehun understood where his hyung was coming from.

“Ok, let’s not jump into that... first, let’s have a small chit chat,” Sehun tried to lighten up the mood.


Suho got up from Sehun’s shoulder and wiped his tears away.


“What do you like about yixing hyung ?” Sehun asked. This question was tough for the leader. He doesn’t know… He guess he just like yixing for who he is.


“I don’t know sehun… I just like him, I guess. Everytime I see him my body starts heating up, I feel butterflies in my stomach. His face, don’t make me get started on his face. I don’t see why everyone doesn’t think it’s the most perfect face in the entire universe, I can just look at it for days and not be bored…” Suho began talking… Sehun smiled seeing that his hyung has finally opened up about his feelings. Their little ‘chit-chat’ went on and on for the rest of the night without them even noticing. Sehun would share his stories about when he just met luhan, suho would share about his fear of rejection and embarrassment. Suho felt like a heavy-weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Soon enough it was morning and the both of them had fell asleep on suho’s bed.


The noon shine was already shining through their bedroom window as sehun slowly opened his and stretched his arm. He felt some one playing with his hair and sure enough, it was the already awaken leader.


“Ill tell him, even if he doesn’t like me back, even if it embarrasses me, even if I wont get to talk to him ever again..” Suho said in a monotonous voice, almost lifeless. Sehun could only afford a smile for his hyung’s courage.


After their stage on M!Countdown, Suho finally decided to do it. Its been long overdue. Too long.


Right after packing up to leave, Suho let the other members leave before grabbing Lay’s wrist and pulling him back into their changing room and closing the door behind him. Lay was shocked to say the least. Suho’s eyes were tearing, so he quickly mustered the courage to speak before he starts sobbing.


"Yixing...." Suho sighed. Little sniffles could be heard from him.


“I think I’ve kept this to myself for too long. Everytime I look at you, my heartbeat goes haywire and every time we’re together I feel like nothing could ever make me sad again. When I first saw you I truly thought I had met an angel. Im sorry if I fell for your looks, but trust me, I like you for you,” Suho poured his heart out. Lay’s eyes widened to every word his hyung said.


“It hurts me to be reminded that our relationship is just platonic every time I’m with you, I wish we could be more than that. Every time I get close to you and try some skinship, it would always feel like you passed it off as normal fanservice. But its ok though, I don’t mind, no matter how much it crushes me on the inside, I’m still happy I get to do little gestures of non-existent affection with you. But again, you’re not gay so I guess its pointless hoping…” Suho continued… His little sniffles continued to grow louder and louder as more tears flowed out of his eyes.


Lay was at lost for words. Tears were streaming down his face as well. He stepped forward, wrapped his arms around the older. After a few seconds of bliss for Suho, Lay let go, opened the door, and left. It was too much for Lay. Suho just smiled, he knew being prepared for rejection would help.




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ThumbsUp #1
Chapter 1: Noo don't leave Yixing. ;A;
hey guys, im in the process on re-writing the sequel because i didnt quite like the original storyline. why did i decide to change ? well because i woke up one day to a better idea on how to continue the story ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

anyway, thank you for the positive feedback, i appreciate it alot ^____^
:( my fuqing feels are all over my stupid face TT.TT
Wtf Yixing-ah!!! I demand a sequel!!! \("˚(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)°)/
:(( ㅠ.ㅠ :(( ㅠ.ㅠ :((
Zelinair #6
Oh no T_T I need a beautiful sequel with Lay telling Suho that he also loves him and all that... oh please!!! please *_*
darkened_lights #7
ASDFGHJKL; You're having a sequel righttt??? You can't just leave it there lol Seme Lay = very happy and satisfied me lol
thanks for the positive feedback :)
i have a sequel in lay's POV but i will upload it once im happy with it.

also, Lay is seme.
why lay??
i don't like you.

just kidding~~ i really liked the way you wrote this and just this story in all of it's tearful glory~~~ ^^