Chapter#6 Part ONE


this update in kinda teaser......okay?......i think it's a glimpse of chapter six or small part of okay?.....

tell me something about it....araso??? still dedicated to those who i metioned before......adding up yanie :D



Upchurch hall had been home of the Jungs for over three hundered.

It was a Jacobean house, a slab of grey stone with huge bay windows and cluster of chimneys that stretched up to the sky like fingers. The stone, battered and worn after centuries of exposure to the elements, gave the house an air of faded grandeur. At its front, well-tended lawns ran parallel to the drive. At it’s rear, wood land grew wild and tall, shielding the house from the harsh wind that whistled in from North sea.

Jaejoong sat at the window of yunho’s bed room. Yunho sprawled  on the bed, reading a book. Mr. Jung was in his study, pitting his wits against The Times Crossword. Down below, Mrs. Jung , well wrapped up against the rain, stopped to speak to the gardener before climbing into her car and heading off down the drive. Life went on as normal at Upchurch hall.

Except that there was nothing normal about life at Upchurch Hall.

                They had arrived on a wet evening two days earlier. Jaejoong had stood on the steps of Abbey house, suitcase in hand, waiting with a subdued Yunho. Boys around them shouting and laughing, probably excited for going home and be away from their miserable life as students. Out of the corner of jaejoong’s eyes, he saw the boys whose parents were overseas and had not been invited to say with friends, walking their way towards the dining hall to eat lonely supper while stealing glances to the one who are going, very envious. The sight of them made jaejoong somewhat guilty, as if he was somehow responsible for their plight.

                Yunho nudged jaejoong, gesturing towards a Bently that had joined the line of cars circling in front of the drive. A middle-aged man  sat at the wheel of the car. Yunho introduced him simply as Glaine. Glaine explained that Mrs. Jung planned to come by herself but a wife of her business partner came unexpectedly and she could not get away. They had climbed to the back of the car and set off.

The ride was kind of surreal for jaejoong, though he was becoming close with yunho he just got his ten question-that-starts-conversation almost ignored, if not answered with yes, might be no. they drove half an hour, through the darkness and the rain. Eventually Glaine steered the car through a pair of iron gates and up a stone drive. Jaejoong stared in astonishment, with a sudden realization that he won’t be able to fit it, and he started to regret coming along with yunho. Jaejoong was being hysteric, but all was popped by his saviour Yunho. Yunho saw signs jaejoong was nervous so he one-arm hugged jaejoong. Jaejoong’s image that yunho’s family would laugh at him vanished.

Mr. and Mrs. waited on the front porch. Mr. Jung was tall and athletic and carried himself with a military stiffness. He shook Yunho by the hand. Mrs. Jung, smaller and rounder, kissed him on the cheek. They were not as grand as jaejoong feared and he began to relax.

Mrs. Jung led them up a staircase and along a corridor, she wanted jaejoong be separated with Yunho so he could get privacy, but yunho insisted jaejoong being with him in his room big enough  for them. He told them that he wanted to keep jaejoong feel warm and welcomed and being alone in a big guest room wouldn’t  do it. Mrs. Jung agreed cause of Yunho being like that. “you must change out of those wet things before dinner,” she told them. The room was huge with four-poster bed, fire blazing in the open grate , and a big window that faces the front lawn. “yunho ‘s room was actually at the back of the mansion but he told me that he wanted this masters bedroom used for you two. He is going all soft for you.” Jaejoong, overwhelmed by the splendour of surroundings just smiled. Yunho looked kind of cool but not.

The four of them at dinner at a long dining table with family portraits staring down at them. Mrs. Glaine served the food and then left them to eat. They ate beef off china plates and drank wine from crystal glasses. Jaejoong ate slowly and carefully, terrified that he would use the wrong fork or spill something. Mr. and Mrs. Jung asked him question about himself, which he answered as full as he could while feeling painfully aware of his accent. He sensed that Mr.Jung questions are prompted with politeness but Mrs. Jung seemed very interested in him. She smiled frequently as if sensing the awkwardness in jaejoong system and wishing to put him at his ease. Yunho said nothing, as if he wasn’t there, and acting that he wants to be somewhere else but at that place.

Later, as jaejoong undressed in the quiet of his corner dresser. He heard yunho come in, and without thinking twice cause they are both males ad nothing’s wrong with it. Yunho squatted down infront of the fire, prodding at the coals with a poker. Jonathan stood and watched him.

“I like your parents,”  jaejoong said awkwardly. “they are not my parents.” “not? But…” “My Aunt and Uncle.” “Oh.” “My uncle is my father’s  elder brother.” “where are your parents?” “dead.” Yunho said plainly. Jaejoong felt he could not stop the question. “how?”

Yunho starred to the fire. He spoke quickly and easily, as if reciting words he had spoken many times and now knew by heart. Yunho somewhat was burning his stare to the fire. 


UPDATE!!!!! THANK GLOBNESSS!!!!! :D comment and subcribe please :D

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seeing my view are low......and i almost got no time to update.....i will try to decide if i need to delete this story....:(


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mickeycute #1
Chapter 7: hmm pls update..
finally u r back!!!!
i was looking around but i didnt see u anywhere
geezzzz oppa~!
i know i rare online now
but never thought u have gone missing too TT.TT
well, nice update :) need to reread them back since i think i lose track ;) be back soon ㅋㅋㅋ
skullboy #3
Chapter 6: is so good..haha..can't wait for the vacation..I'm sure it will be very interested..
Chapter 2: O_O I love Yunho already, and I don't even know why. lol
i'm gonna read this one well
but i want to apologize first ne oppa??
Cz i'm rarely logged on into aff now
so i'll read n commenting when i got time

lots of love,

ps: thnx for dedicating this fic to u too, n yanie ;)
looks good to me please update soon ^__^
Yunho is good in latin? He seems smart in this fanfic. *nod nod* Lookng foward to read it, oppa. ^^