a/n: i am so sorry i went on a hiatus......cause of being busy and all.....i hope that this next chapter will make it out for you......i will make sure that this story will be completed....thanks to those who subcribe for a long time....thanks very much......GWIYOMI EVERY ONE?.......THIS IS DEDICATED TO SKULLBOY AND SHIMTAEHA.....MY DONGSAENGS.....THEY ARE THE TWO ONLY LEFT FROM MY ABUNDANT DONGSAENGS :s



Monday morning. Chapel had just ended. The boys of Old School House  poured out their studies, carrying the books they would need for the morning’s lesson. Jaejoong stood alone in his study, a confused expression on his face.

His Latin book is missing and he was going to be late. He remembered the Latin was his first subject and Mr. IL is going to scold and embarrass him. He told himself to calm down and look for it. He was certain that he placed it there himself last night, while he was trying to study the translations that doesn’t make sense. The only red volume there was his math book----the cause of his embarrassment two weeks earlier.

So where was it?

He scanned the whole room and found nothing. Maybe someone must have borrowed it, must have taken it without asking and then forgotten to return it. But who?

There is not time of finding out, all of the potential culprits are sitting in the Latin classroom, listening to Mr.IL.  just as he should be.

It was no good he’d have to take the math book for show and share with Yoochun. He rushed out. Then he stopped. He saw something like a book. There , lying halfway the empty corridor was a red book. Jaejoong walked towards it and looked for the inscription of the flyleaf JAEJOONG KIM. FORM IVM. SEPTEMBER 1954. What was it doing here? Jaejoong questioned and questioned himself then remembering the class of Mr. IL making him rush.

He was only halfway to his room till he realize that every Monday Mr.IL would be late fifteen minutes so the rush was unnecessary. Fat chance.

He walked down the corridor, his footsteps echoing  on the stone floor. He walked past each classroom, seeing each occupants with own rhythm: third year reciting linguistics in a bored English drone; fifth year mathematics marvelling at the myriad uses of logarithms; sixth-form philosopher contemplation Hamlet’s mental state and insight it gave on the human condition. He walked past them all, on towards a half open door of his room. As he approached he heard a multitude of voices;  talking in the same time, like chickens clucking for feeds. When he got inside all of them stopped, like crickets startled in the middle of the night.

He looked around and found all the his classmates staring at him while others are smiling, he blushed and smiled an apologetic look to no one. He sat on his seat and looked for a random page from the book he found. Then he looked u and saw that students are still boring their stares on him. Jaejoong got nerved and looked at Yoochun who is also staring with a mute apology. Jaejoong gave a questioning look so Yoochun signalled him to look on what’s on the chalk board.

A drawing covered the smooth, dark surface: two boys, sketched in white crisp chalk.

The first boys could be anyone, with just a bored look to the other boy. While the second would most likely be him, feminine features are included with a hay straw sticking out from his mouth. It resembles to a farmer, and jaejoong knew that changmin drew it. He knew that the drawing was like the award winning drawing of the year from changmin, so jaejoong assumed.

He stood up and went to get the rubber eraser, but as soon as he did his classmate went cheering.


It was Mr.IL, agitated with the noise, he soon found jaejoong in front of the chalk board holding onto the eraser. “jaejoong! How dare you do this!” Mr.IL shouted with his nose widening and face with disgust.

“me?” jaejoong shouted back defensively trying to save his holiday.

“how could you violate the school’s property with your filthy-…” “but it wasn’t me! I was just trying to erase it!” and with that Mr.IL became beet red from his anger. “and you expect me to believe that?!” he scoffed back. “sir it wasn’t him!” someone shouted. Yoochun. “silence!” “but it really wasn’t him!” Mr.IL glared towards Yoochun silencing him thoroughly. “but it wasn’t me, sir! Honestly it wasn’t me!” jaejoong again pleaded “so who was it then?” Mr.IL slapped back to that statement.

Jaejoong remembered Mr.IL’s warning ‘don’t ever tell tales. No matter who does whatever to you ,don’t ever, ever tell tales.”

“I do not know sir.” Jaejoong soon replied. All force sound empty, beaten. “it was you right Kim? I thought as much.” Jaejoong shook his head again. “so who was it?” “I don’t know sir.”

Mr. IL breathed out sharply “enough! Jaejoong you’ll be punished for this. At break I will see you house master. I will tell him what you’ve done and I will ask him to cancel your half-term holiday. Perhaps that will teach you to respect you school more.”

There was collective gasped inside the room. And jaejoong couldn’t say anything.

“get out of my sight! Go to the corridor and stay there!” “sir you can’t do that to me!” jaejoong shouted again, trying to regain his composure. “how dare you tell me what to do?!”  “it wasn’t me really so you don’t have any right to do that!” “then again who was it?”  jaejoong did not answer instead he looked at the far corner of the room where shim changmin was located. “I am waiting Kim, who was it?” “I can’t say sir.” “well if you insist that you should not be punished. You have whole day to say to your house master who was it and if you don’t, expect that you half-term holiday will be collected. No get out of my sight!”

Jaejoong couldn’t say that to his house master that it was really changmin. But he would also risk his only chance to be with his father. He looked to Mr.IL eyes and saw them gleaming. He knew. He knew that it was changmin but he just wanted jaejoong to be trapped for the holiday cause he hated the student so much. Jaejoong got out.

After the subject with Mr.IL jaejjong rushed to changmin. “you have to tell them!” he shouted to the guy. “I don’t want to.” He said coolly to jaejoong. “please, you have heard what he’d do!” changmin glared to him. “I don’t care!”

“listen Kim, if you tell anything to Mr.IL or to the house master, you’ll see your life miserable that you’d wish you were never born. Understand?!” “back off monster!” Yoochun defended jaejoong.

Siwon then slapped yoochun’s eye glasses “stupid four eyed monster…” “you’re the monster!” jaejoong shouted and help Yoochun to save his glass before being crushed.  Changmin carried jaejoong by his collar and bumped him to the wall. After that he released jaejoong.

 One o’clock, lunch time. Students line up to get their usual food, if not tasteless pasta it would be plain bread with water like soup. Jugs with sour lemonade, the jugs have moss on their sides that make others thinks twice before getting drinks. The bad smell of food stick like glue in the air.

“you’d be mad if you sneak up on changmin.” The twins try to insist. “why?  He will have his holiday cancelled if I tell the house master, ha!” jaejoong said. “yeah~ like they will.” Yoochun said boringly. “they will!” jaejoong eat his pasta while insisting.

After the whole day jaejoong told the house master. After telling he saw changmin being called by the house master. He saw changmin face him and mumbled something before getting in. but luckily for jaejoong changmin got his holiday cancelled and he will join he student who are overseas that cannot travel far.

After that day jaejoong haven’t seen the three devil so he knew that they planned something painful. Jaejoong came to his study and found changmin with his two friends. Heechul has combing his hair while siwon was looking at him, heechul was vain on his looks. They the three went to their bed and slept when the house master turned off the light. Jaejoong tried to sleep but he felt his blanket was pulled. He knew that he would see siwon and he did. Siwon carried him to the was room and dumped him there where changmin and heechul was waiting.

“I told you that you’ll be begging to be unborn.” Changmin said while cracking his knuckles. Changmin kick jaejoong several times on his stomache making jaejoong wince. Then heechul twister his wrist making jaejoong shout that made changmin to gag jaejoong with dirty clothe. Siwon they hung him and punched him mercilessly. After the torture changmin asked the most hated question of jaejoong’s life. “are you scarred?” jaejoong tried to say yes but there was a sparking fury at the injustice from him.


 Jaejoong became scared after saying that but it was relieving. It also triggered the three to their limit. They pushed down their zippers and urinated on jaejoong after that they dumped him in a hamper and closed to only to roll it multiple times making jaejoong gain few more cuts and bruises. The three got tired and left jaejoong, with a stench and wet closed hamper to sleep in. jaejoong too got so tired that he passed out.

Jaejoong woke up, with his body aching from  the rough night he had, but it was worth it for he could see his father. He say a lot of cuts and bruises from his body but luckily he saw almost none from his face. He could cover them to his uniform when going to class. He convinced himself that it was worth it for his father. After he got up he showered to remove the stench from his body. He smelled like worst comfort room. He winced as he went to the corridor seeing only his seniors who decided to miss breakfast. Jaejoong was sleepless but he could have careless. He went to his study and gathered all his books for the morning but what took his attention was a white envelope. The post had arrived. Jaejoong knew it was his father’s hard writing. Arrangement for his holiday, at least he was expecting that from it. Jaejoong took the letter.

It says:

“              My dear Jaejoong,

                I have bad news. Your stepmother is unwell. She caught a flu a couple of weeks ago. She seemed to make a full recovery but now the bug has made a sudden reappearance. She will not allow me to call a doctor but has confined herself to bed and seems very under the weather.

                Naturally I have insisted that she cancel her trip to DEVON. She insists that you and I should not alter our own plans because of her, but every time I see her she is shivering and coughing and I know she is not up to having visitors.

                This means, I’m afraid, that you will not be able to spend half term with us. I’m sure this will be as much disappointment to you as it is to me but obviously your step mother’s health must come first. I know that you will understand.

                I will contact your mother and tell her that she will be seeing you for your half-term. I know that she will be delighted if she knew that.

                Thank you for your last letter. I am happy that you  term continues to go well. Your step mother sends her love. Be sure to write to us if you need anything.

                                                                                                                                                Love as always,



                jaejoong ran and reached the door of his room, only found out that his books had their covers cut, letters torn and his family picture crumpled. He saw the window drawn and found a small note saying

                                                this is just the start.

Jaejoong closed his door and slid down seating with his knees being hugged by his arm. Outside he could hear the noises of his neighbours as the returning from breakfast and prepared for morning chapel. His tears started to flow down his eyes slowly and silently. He crushed his father’s letter into a ball. He just sat there for ages. He didn’t bother to wipe his tears even if the whole world sees them.

There was a soft knock on the door be he didn’t care. He ignored it.

“hey jaejoong it’s me, yunho.”

He didn’t say anything. The door opened anyways. Yunho stepped inside and saw the destruction, all of it to jaejoong’s face. “Jesus!” yunho closed the door and crouched down in front of jaejoong and next to torn books and paper that covered the floor. “are you alright?”

He nodded

“I heard people talking at breakfast. Why didn’t you tell me? The funeral was at lunch time. I was back by half past six. I was around. You should have told me.” Yunho said worryingly.

“what difference would that have made?” “I could have protected you.” “how?” “I would have found a way.”

Jaejoong sighed deeply. “why did he draw that picture? What does he think that about me? I don’t understand.” “I do,” yunho replied back.

A bell rang and jaejoong knew it was time for morning chapel. He heard  footsteps hurrying towards the chapel’s direction. The prospect made him physically sick the tears came again. He hid his face ashamed of himself displaying weakness.

“it’s alright,” yunho said gently like it was a touch of cloud. “cry if you want to. I don’t care”

Jaejoong wiped his tears “what happened to Shim? Has his half-term been cancelled?” “for now.” Yunho told jaejoong. He looked up yunho “for now?” “he is shim changmin, remember. His mother spent thousands to get that gym refurbished and looked new. He’ll just phone his mother and tell what injustice the whole thing is and the his mother will phone your house master and hint that her patronage of the school just might stop if his darling changmin isn’t allowed home for his half-term break.”

“you think that’ll work?” yunho raise an eye brow. “trust me. He’ll be packing his suit case on fridat just like the rest of us.”

The words, innocently said hurt jaejoong even more. He held out a ball of paper to yunho. Yunho uncrumpled it and read. “what will you do? Go to your mother’s?”

“where else?” “you could come and stay with me.” “with you?” yunho nodded. “if you’d like to.”

 Jaejoong didn’t say anything. “would you?” yunho asked gently. Jaejoong didn’t know what to say. He found the prospect exciting yet alarming. “would you?” yunho asked again.

“I couldn’t” “why not? Would you rather see your mother?” jaejoong shook his head. “I’d understand that you would rather see her. It’s not that we are very close is it?” yunho looked for something.

“it’s not like that. It’s just that it’s only three days away. It’s too short to notice your family.” “not it’s not” “it would be inconvenient. I don’t want to put them out.”

Jaejoong knew he was trying to talk himself out of going, yet he was relieved that yunho persevered. “it’ll  be fine don’t worry. I’ll call them at lunch time. And arrange it. Will you come?” jaejoong nodded and yunho smiled. “good.”

The intense stare studied him, making jaejoong feel self-conscious. He lowered his head and stared at the paper that yunho held. “she is going to win isn’t she? Just like you said to me.” Yunho said “she hasn’t won yet.” “she will though” “not if you let her.” “you think it’s too easy do you?” “it is easy.”

“you keep saying that but it’s not true. I didn’t want Mr. IL to win, he knew I hadn’t drawn that picture but he didn’t care. He wanted me to be punished. And changmin was just going to sit there let it happen. I told on him because I won’t let him get away with it. But changmin get off scot-free and ackerly has the satisfaction of knowing what happen to people who tell tales. So they win after all.”

“and you just accept it.”yunho said calmly. The words stung. “I’m not just accepting it!” “yes you are. Just like you always do.” Frustration swept over jaejoong. “well what else am I supposed to  do? They have all the power. It’s the way system is. You can’t fight it.” “yes you can. I do. I do it all the time.”

“but that’s you!” “it could be you too.” “no it couldn’t. I’m not like you.” “No,” yunho said softly. “ but you want to be.” “wanting won’t make any difference.” “it will. You just have to want it enough. If you don’t, then just accept things as they are and let them keep on winning. It’s up to you.”

They starred at each other. “so what do you want?” yunho asked. “what do you really want?”

The eyes bore into jaejoong. Their intensity was hypnotic. Jaejoong stared deep into them, feeling the power they generated.

“I want to be like you.” He whispered. “I’d give anything to be like you.” “then I’ll help you. I will show you how to win. And then no one, IL or changmin or your stepmother or anyone, will be able to hurt you again.

Yunho’s eyes were shining, alive with light and suddenly they made jaejoong feel afraid.

Then yunho smiled at him; a smile that said everything would be alright. And because he trusted yunho he pushed the fear and smiled back.


ahm......please tell me if you like yunho being like that.......ahehehe...and please do not hate changmin.....he is just a character hating to the real world okay?....siwon and heechul too...........NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE ABOUT THE HALF-TERM VACATION OF YUNJAE IN YUNHO'S FAMILY.....FEELS LIKE THEY ARE TOGETHER LIKE COUPLE VISITING YUNHO'S PARENTS RIGHT?................PLEASE ANTICIPATE MORE.....AND COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBING DON'T HURT ME ALOT......:D

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seeing my view are low......and i almost got no time to update.....i will try to decide if i need to delete this story....:(


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mickeycute #1
Chapter 7: hmm pls update..
finally u r back!!!!
i was looking around but i didnt see u anywhere
geezzzz oppa~!
i know i rare online now
but never thought u have gone missing too TT.TT
well, nice update :) need to reread them back since i think i lose track ;) be back soon ㅋㅋㅋ
skullboy #3
Chapter 6: is so good..haha..can't wait for the vacation..I'm sure it will be very interested..
Chapter 2: O_O I love Yunho already, and I don't even know why. lol
i'm gonna read this one well
but i want to apologize first ne oppa??
Cz i'm rarely logged on into aff now
so i'll read n commenting when i got time

lots of love,

ps: thnx for dedicating this fic to u too, n yanie ;)
looks good to me please update soon ^__^
Yunho is good in latin? He seems smart in this fanfic. *nod nod* Lookng foward to read it, oppa. ^^