The morning assembly is near to an end. The whole chapel echoed with 300 adolescent voices singing the England’s Hymn.

“Bring me my bow of burning gold!

Bring me my arrows of desire!

Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!

Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight!

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hands,

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In England’s green and pleasant land.”

                “Let us pray,” said by Mr. Kim Dongwook. “father please guide us all, your servants gathered here. Bless us with you holy power and deliver us from evil.” The students  were told to pray for their own intentions. They were sent off after praying to prepare for their first period class.

                Some of them walked towards the wooden pavements which will lead to HeatherField Dormitories and Monmouth Dormitories, that is hidden by vast trees. Other made their way to concrete pavements that will lead to Abby house. And lastly the dirt road that will lead them to the Old School house. They filed their dorms and house to prepare for their different classes, to gather books that they will need.

                Kim Jaejoong, A fourth-year pupil, joined with the other Old School house boys as they filed through the cloister and on towards the classrooms. Jaejoong is slim boy, attractive boy with a black raven hair and delicate features. He was three months past his birthday.

                Jaejoong got inside their room, which is filled by boys chatting talking about horrible their school year is. Jaejoong sat in front of his study desk and prepared his book, Latin it is. He is also waiting for his friends, Yoochun and the Perrimans.

                His attention was caught by the Kims when they got inside. They are chatting about Junho’s bruise on his left eye. “How did you get that?” asked by Jaejoong to Junho. Junho replied that Junsu was bullied but instead he took it for his twin brother. Jaejoong did not ask further for he know how terrible it is when Shim does it to him. Junsu told jaejoong to visit Yoochun for he is ill.

                They proceeded to their Latin class with Mr. IL.  Jaejoong noticed the same arrangements of seats. Their seats are unoccupied while there is one seat unoccupied on the double desk. The seat next to Jung, yunho that school’s loner. He sees the school unimportant. He is a boy who need no company.

                This behaviour jaejoong found strange because his mother told him that loner suffers from inferiority. That they need help cause they have problems.

                They proceeded to their seats and sat up straight as Mr. IL came inside. Jaejoong stared on his book, strangely he found planes. He was alarmed, he brought the wrong book! He started to sweat like mad. “class I will call randomly to translate each sentences.” Mr. Il stated. He became frightened, he has no book and he at latin subject. Number one was given to Changmin, who answered correctly but with out ease; number two was given to Junsu, answered with little hesitation. Three to Siwon, a hard one but answered almost okay. Four a hard one, it made Jaejoong sweat more cause he knew Mr. IL doesn’t want him so much. “I’m sorry to disturb you YUNHO but do you mind to translate number four or you would like to stare at the people outside?” Mr.IL asked, most likely with a smirk and sarcasm. “I’d rather stare at the people outside sir.” Yunho stated  boringly. Mr.IL asked to repeat his answer again cause he thought he misheard Yunho. “I’d rather stare at the people outside sir.” Replied by yunho. “Are you trying to be funny?” “I am just answering your question sir.” “Are you trying to make me look stupid Yunho?” “certainly not sir.” Mr IL gritted his teeth. “sentence four yunho!” “what about it sir?” “translate it!” yunho sighed as he translated Number four, which he got correctly.

                Jaejoong was relieve but he need to get his book, he raised his hands. “yes Kim?.” “I brought the wrong book sir.” “you know this is latin right? Why did you brought the wrong one?!” “math book and latin are almost the same sir. So I have mistaken sir.” Laughter develop inside the room making jaejoong blush.  Mr.IL found seat next to yunho. “share book with Yunho.” Jaejoong stopped blushing and made his way next to yunho. He saw sympathetic smile from junsu. Jaejoong sat next to yunho and gave a shy smile, which was replied with a disinterested nod and place his book on between them. “number five jaejoong, translate it.” Jaejoong started hardly and stopped cause he didn’t knew what comes next. “I am waiting Kim.” “I don’t know sir.” “Jaejoong how could you be stupid?” jaejoong became crimson at the statement. Then he saw junho mouthing something which he could not understand. He starred at the book again. “I am waiting Jaejoong.” To jaejoong’s surprise he saw yunho slipping a note in front of him. He answered correctly. “correct jaejoong now sit down.” For the commotion between yunho and Mr.IL and jaejoong’s question time was consumed fast. The bell rang and all of them got off for their next lesson. Jaejoong wasn’t able to thank yunho for he left already.

                “what was that? Why did that yunho helped you huh?” asked by junho. “I don’t know.” Replied by jaejoong.

Jaejoong visited Yoochun cause of sickness. He found him reading a book. He also told him that there is a conference for a visitor and Yoochun said “I will attend so you must” they both laughed.

                Jaejoong left Yoochun a prepared for rest. He entered the dorm after preparing for bed. He removed his sleeping gown and rested down. He saw the gang of changmin talking about something, maybe about bullying tonight again. Jaejoong hope he is not the target. He saw the eyes roaming. “don’t look. don’t look. don’t look. don’t look. don’t look.” Jaejoong thought and slept. He reflected his thought on how yunho come to his aid in latin class. He thought making a connection with yunho will help a lot. He thought  that yunho needs no one and that killed his dream. He wants to be like him. “oh God I will give everything to be like him” he thought.  He listened to the silence and stared up the ceiling wishing he was not here, but very far, far away.


short update after releasing this fanfic...


hope it get well :D...


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seeing my view are low......and i almost got no time to update.....i will try to decide if i need to delete this story....:(


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mickeycute #1
Chapter 7: hmm pls update..
finally u r back!!!!
i was looking around but i didnt see u anywhere
geezzzz oppa~!
i know i rare online now
but never thought u have gone missing too TT.TT
well, nice update :) need to reread them back since i think i lose track ;) be back soon ㅋㅋㅋ
skullboy #3
Chapter 6: is so good..haha..can't wait for the vacation..I'm sure it will be very interested..
Chapter 2: O_O I love Yunho already, and I don't even know why. lol
i'm gonna read this one well
but i want to apologize first ne oppa??
Cz i'm rarely logged on into aff now
so i'll read n commenting when i got time

lots of love,

ps: thnx for dedicating this fic to u too, n yanie ;)
looks good to me please update soon ^__^
Yunho is good in latin? He seems smart in this fanfic. *nod nod* Lookng foward to read it, oppa. ^^