
Assuming kills

Jaemi was walking towards the fountain, nervously.
It had been two years since she last saw Changmin. Finally, he's back and wanted to see her.
She just wants their friendship to be back on track, nothing else. She misses him a whole lot even though she knows he uses her as a substitute.

She was just a few metres away when she saw a tall guy sitting patiently at the fountain side.

He was still breath-taking as usual.
He was holding on to red roses.

Was those for her?

Then she saw Yunjae couple walked forward, her heart dropped when Changmin gave the roses to Yunho.

It was too good to be -wait-
why are they laughing?
shouldn't Changmin be mad?

she took a few steps forward and Changmin caught sight of her.

"jaeminnie~" he waved eagerly.

Jaemi couldn't step out or run away, so she went forward.

"good luck and all the best." came from the Yunjae couple.

Jaemi was confused.

"hello?" Changmin smiled.

Jaemi threw her thoughts aside and admired at the flawless, talented soul standing in front of her.
The devil angel has just fallen from the sky again.


After catching up with Jaemi during dinner, Changmin suggested to go and take a look at the Hans River.

"Jaemi." Changmin called out as he stated into the horizon of the Han River.

Jaemi turned around and came face to face with the most sparking, beautiful and flawless face she ever seen, and she blushed.

“Jaeminnie~” Changmin hold on to her shoulders and faced her body to him.

Jaemi frozed.

“I…I have something to say.” Changmin stuttered as his hand went into in coat’s pocket.

He pulled out a necklace with a ring on it and brings it up to Jaemi’s face.

“I know I made a mistake; and a huge one too. That night, the first time we slept together. I shouldn’t have avoided you. I treated you so badly yet you always come back to me. I hated myself for not facing to the problem. Months later when you’re back, I treated you the same way and have forgotten what had happened before. I’m ashamed of myself. I hope you give me another chance as I have figured out that I loved you. So would you…”

Before Changmin could finish his sentence, Jaemi landed a kiss on him.

“Anything for you, my love.” Jaemi whispered.  

And they kissed again under the sparkling moonlight…



A/N: I know i've 'ended' the story.
But i want to give this a proper ending
and it is dedicated not only to miharu_92 but also, beloved-changmin55.

Hope EVERYONE love this!

Please do check out my other stories!

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Iminthezone #1
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
Chapter 5: dear Homin shippers dont read this fanfic... the tags here are wrong, this is yunjae!!!!
Chapter 5: minnie,,.
i hate yunjae in this fic,,
serve u right jung when minnie punched you,,
and even though i m jj biased, i don't like jj here,,he is so meanie,,
poor minnie,,luckily he found someone
Chapter 1: wait,,changmin and yunho are cuddling,,
daebak,,Mian jae umma,,
Chapter 5: I really love the end *happy till crying*. changmin finally gets to be the best one for him.

thanks dear for adding another chapter with this happy ending one. love love loooooooooooove. :-) <3
Chapter 5: Yeay!!! Changmin go straight!!! Thankyou for this short story but full of emotions :)
Chapter 4: Chp4 : whyyyyy you made me hate yunjae in this fic???

so happy when Min punched Yun on the face.YEAY!!!
Chapter 3: Chp3 : why Jaejoong why??? Go find another manly man, let yun with changmin. oh poor my handsome and tall Shim Changmin....