
Assuming kills

 As streaks of sunlight shone into the room through the window, Changmin slowly opened his eyes, only to shut them back due to the sudden glare. He felt the bed pressure changing, knowing that his partner was there, he turned around and started to open his eyes again.

To his dismay, he was greeted by his lover’s shirtless back.

He sighed.

Every night has been the same, after their night activities though they don’t go beyond helping each other realised, Yunho never fails to hug the fellow throughout the night. It was said that he felt sorry towards Changmin for calling out the certain person’s name every single time during their night activities. Changmin doesn’t mind, as long as Yunho’s warmth surrounds him, everything else doesn’t matter.

Yunho must not have felt guilty anymore, cause every time he tried to control himself from calling out that person’s name, still… Changmin can feel and see it on his face.
Depressed he felt, but he wants their relationship to go on smoothly.
In other words, he’s willing to suffer any pain to be with someone he assumes to be in love with.

Changmin sighed heavily when he walks out of the supermarket. It has been three months since he felt coldness from Yunho. He felt lost, he felt unwanted.

“But I can’t picture life without him. I really can’t. I love him too much, that I can’t live on without him.” He sat on a fountain edge.

“You look sad. Here’s a chocolate for you. You know when you’re sad, eating chocolate is the best. I remember this one time when I was feeling sad, chocolates actually brought my mood back up. So…” this random girl came forward to him and started speaking.

Changmin was actually afraid, annoyed to be exact. This random girl just came to him and started blabbering without even introducing herself. Annoyed definitely, Changmin mentally slapped himself as he took a piece of chocolate from her palm.

“Alright, see you tomorrow! I will bring more chocolate!” She smiled and waved to him.

Wait, did she just make an appointment with him? Was he even listening? He was there physically, but not mentally. Before Changmin could answer her, she was out of sight.


Why did I even come back? Changmin flopped himself on a nearby bench. Maybe because his schedules were lesser now, compared to before, that he found himself some free time and decided to meet the girl up.

“You came back!” the girl beam widely and sat next to him.

“You’re surprised that I’m back?” Changmin was confused. The girl was beaming with excitement.
Wasn’t she the one who invited him back?

“Usually, people just don’t remember or bothers me. But I always tells myself that I would find new people and soon, someone will bound to come back for me.” She stared into the skies; raising her hand up to block out the sunlight.

Changmin, for once, was amazed. He was amazed at how the girl actually moved on and looked forward to another day happily. She knew the person would not wait for her, or come back for her but she kept hope.

Hope, was something Changmin wants but never achieved.


Days went by just by a snap of a finger, Changmin never fails to meet this particular girl at that very foundation. Jaemi was what she’s being called.

Soon, Weeks went by and so did months.

It has been 8 months since Changmin met Jaemi

“Min Oppa~” Jaemi pouted.

She’s having a bad day. Changmin, just let her spill the beans. Don’t ask her. Changmin warned himself. It’s like they have known each other for years, every word they say, every movement they made seems to connect instantly with one other.

In another words, they knew what and how the other felt just by each other’s movements.

Jaemi spilled the beans, at last. But Changmin wasn’t paying attention. His attention was spent on some couple behind her. The couple was ‘eating’ up one and another’s faces, but Changmin was furious.

The Couple was none other than his beloved with that particular person. Changmin felt his whole world crashing down, like a black hole has opened up just below him, suddenly, and him in.

His Yunho was cheating him with his previous bandmate; JaeJoong.
To make matters worse, it was right in front of him.

“Are you alright?” Jaemi was concerned when she saw anger and sadness going around Changmin’s face.

Only did Jaemi’s hand touches his face, Changmin’s tears flowed down his cheeks like a stream.
Changmin had finally cried. Finally, after all these years, months, he doesn’t keep track.

Jaemi wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

Changmin felt warmth once again, he was still crying, the pain was unbearable. He snuggled himself on her shoulder and heard her whispered those words.

Those relaxing words yet it didn’t came at the right time, don’t cry. I will always love you.
Changmin crashes his lips on hers and started nibbling on her lower lips…
Changmin wants to erase his foul memory, he wants to get rid of what he had just saw.

He just wants to escape…


A/N: I'm going to add another chapter for you guys. So total of 4 Chapters for this one shot.
Hope you guys like the story so far. I have been busy, but i would be finishing this story soon, so next week, get ready for a double update!
Btw, Miharu_92 i don't know what's your korean name, so let's have it as Jaemi.

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Iminthezone #1
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
Chapter 5: dear Homin shippers dont read this fanfic... the tags here are wrong, this is yunjae!!!!
Chapter 5: minnie,,.
i hate yunjae in this fic,,
serve u right jung when minnie punched you,,
and even though i m jj biased, i don't like jj here,,he is so meanie,,
poor minnie,,luckily he found someone
Chapter 1: wait,,changmin and yunho are cuddling,,
daebak,,Mian jae umma,,
Chapter 5: I really love the end *happy till crying*. changmin finally gets to be the best one for him.

thanks dear for adding another chapter with this happy ending one. love love loooooooooooove. :-) <3
Chapter 5: Yeay!!! Changmin go straight!!! Thankyou for this short story but full of emotions :)
Chapter 4: Chp4 : whyyyyy you made me hate yunjae in this fic???

so happy when Min punched Yun on the face.YEAY!!!
Chapter 3: Chp3 : why Jaejoong why??? Go find another manly man, let yun with changmin. oh poor my handsome and tall Shim Changmin....