
We swung our hands back and forth as we walked down the road. I turned to my left and studied Luhan's features.

His flawless skin shone in the sunlight,his on point nose and perfect plump lips. Not to mention his fluffy brown hair. I could stare at him all day if I could. 

"Gosh babe,you really ought to stop this staring issue you have with me." Luhan interupted my thoughts. 

I punched his arm,"Yah.who has issues?" I growled. 

"We both do." He replied. I titlted my head and arched my eyebrows,confused at what he just said. 

"Cause we're both crazy for eachother." He smiled. I laughed and hugged his arm,that isn't deniable. 

"So what are our plans for today?" I asked. 

"Hmm,let's go pick up some food for a picnic at our favorite park!" Luhan said. I grinned at the idea,"Sounds good! Gaja!" 

We made our way to nearest supermarket to pick up some things. I threw in almost everything I was craving at the moment into my basket: some gummyworms,gummybears,sweet bread,chips,etc;etc;

"Woah there I thought we were on a tight diet." Luhan came up behind me. I glared at him,"I've been holding myself in for a long time alright!" He nodded and lead me from behind to the check out counter.

We finally arrived at the park and I ran to plop myself down on the grass. "Wahhh,feels like forever since I've been here!" I sighed.

"We were just here lask weekend silly." Luhan sat down next to me and started taking out our snacks. I stuck my tongue at him and continued enjoying the park's fresh air. Once luhan was done setting everything up,I propped myself on my elbows and started digging in.It's been a while since I've ate this much sweets,my sweet tooth was going crazy.

Luhan laughed and ruffled my hair,"You should just give up on your diet babe,it'l probably all come back after this." He clapped his hands.

I growled and continued chewing on my gummy worms. "Well you'll have to love me forever anyway. So deal with it." We laughed and continued eating. 

I mustve ate so much and fell alseep,because I woke up on luhans lap,and it was getting pretty dark.

"You awake? Perfect timing babe,couldn't get any better." Luhan chuckled. I stuck out my tongue and started shifting around.

"Ah mianhe why did you let me fall asleep!?" I murmured.

"Because you looked so fat and adorable,I just couldn't disturb you." He pinched my cheeks. I scrunched my eyebrows and squated his hands away,"Yah! You still were suppose to wake me up!" 

"Why are you mad!? I'm the one that had to watch my girlfriend sleep on me on our anniversary!" Luhan said. I pouted and sat up,"Wah,Mianhe Luhan" I smiled and gave him a small peck. 

He pulled me into his arms,"It's okay babe,as long as I was with you,it didn't matter." I scoffed at his cheesiness and we both laughed it off. 

We both sat in silence and stared at the beautiful stars,his head resting on my shoulder and I can feel his warm breath down my neck.

"It's beautiful isn' it." He whispered. I nodded and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "It'll always be you that I'll be sitting here and watching the stars with.Only you,until we grow old." He smiled. 

My cheeks turned pink and I turned around to pull him in,"Thanks for everything Luhan." I smiled.

He gave me a warm smile as he leaned in to kiss me, and it felt like it's the first time we've ever kissed. Just like the first time he swooped me off my feet and showed me that he really loved me.

It was just like that,just perfect. 

We soon pulled away and he asked me,"Do you want to take a walk around?" He smiled.

I nodded and he went ahead and pulled me up,"It's dark babe I'm scared." I whispered. He squeezed my hand tight,"Don't worry,I'm right here with you. Besides,this place is like our second home. Nothing's going to happen." He gave me an assuring smile and we headed down the pathway. 

Hand in hand,despite the scary darkness,it was the best feeling in the world. I felt safe nowhere else but with Luhan. I smiled to myself as we continued to walk in complete darkness. We soon reached a bright lit lamp with a bench next to it and I ran towards it to sit down.

"Wah,feels so good!" I stuck out my arms and enjoyed the slight breeze. Luhan chuckled and plopped down next to me.

"You chose a great place to sit babe." He smiled. I cocked my head, "What do you mean?"

He looked up at the sky and smiled,I followed his gaze only to see beautiful fireworks exploding in the air. All different kinds of colors and designs,bursting in the air. 

I let out small gasp and Luhan took me in his arms,"Yup,this ones just for you." He read my thoughts. I smiled when I saw my name and Luhan's burst in the sky followed by beautiful hearts. I laid my head on his chest and smiled.

"That was amazing babe,thank you so much." I smiled. Luhan looked down and whispered,"But that's not all." 

I looked up at him,"There's more?" Luhan stood up and pulled me up with him. "Close your eyes." He ordered.

I obeyed and closed my eyes,"What now?" I asked.  He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and I grew impatient,"Yah! Can I open my eyes now!?"

Luhan laughed and turned my body a bit,"There,open them now." My eyes eagerly shot open,and there it was,the best thing that ever happened to me,bursting out in beautiful fireworks in the air. I held in my breath and let a tear fall down my face.

I looked at Luhan and he was on his knees,holding out the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"You look too shocked,so just in case you couldn't read the fireworks,will you marry me,love?" He asked. 

Tears streamed endlessly down my face as I nodded,I couldn't even crack a sound,I was just nodding until my head could fall off. Luhan slipped the ring on my finger and stood up to bring me into his arms.

"Don't cry babe,aren't you happy?" He asked. I nodded and wiped my tears,"Pabo,of course I am.Too happy" I giggled.

He gave my body a squeeze and let me go,"I've been waiting to ask you that forever,life feels so complete now." He laughed.

"Tch." I grinned. I sat back down on the bench to admire the ring. "Wah,it's so shinee!(A/N ;) )" I gasped. Luhan shook his head at me and went off somewhere.

"Yah! Where are you going?" I asked him. He didnt' reply and came back with a stick and a goofy smile. 

"What's that for?" I scrunched my eyebrows together. He gave me a sly smile and bent down next to the bench.

I peeked over to see what he was doing,"Wah,that's such a good idea!" I exclaimed.

Luhan was slowly carving our intials in a little heart on the side of the wooden bench. I examined him as he drew,taking every single little flawless detail of his face in. Not believing that in a few months,he's going to be my husband. And we're going to spend endless happy days together. I loved the thought of that,waking up to Luhan would make me happy forever.

"Done staring?" He asked,snapping me out my thoughts. "Cause I'm done carving." He laughed. I punched his arm and made a face at him. 

"So this is our bench okay?" He stood up and clapped his hands. "The bench that marks us,as one." He gave me a cheesy smile.

I scoffed,but nodded happily anyways. This bench meant a lot to me,and to us. I looked down at my beautiful ring and smiled. 

"Lets go now. It's getting too dark." Luhan grabbed my hand and we started walking back. 

My ring glistening in the moonlight. 

"I love you cupcake." Luhan said.

His sweet soft voice brought butterflies to my tummy,and it felt like the first time he's ever told me he loved me.

"I love you too Luhan."

We both smiled,hand in hand,continued to walk through the darkness.Together. 








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Mei-Lien #1
Chapter 6: Sequel! Make her somehow sprang up back to life or something?! Please make them be together!
EunHan #2
Chapter 6: I really like your story <3
Chapter 6: loved it!!! :) i'll b looking forward to ur other story!!
Chapter 6: AHHHHH I LOVE THIS. I am bawling omg. This is amazing! I love stories that make me cry. LOL Please continue writing stories like this! :)
Chapter 5: AJDJAJHSHDH NO WHY. Poor Luhan! :(
Chapter 5: omg!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!! ahhh!!! update soon!!!!! >.<
Chapter 4: You write wonderfully! Please update, I hope my comments motivate you! :)
Chapter 4: ok..why do i keep thinking that she died or something?!?! *shakes head* she's not dead right?! SHE BETTER NOT BE!! >.< i absolutely love it! this chapter made my eyes water TT^TT please update soon author-nim! <3
Chapter 3: ...hopefully...what ever has happen between them better be fixed...but i have a feeling something horrible has happened that caused them to be apart! >.< hopefully whatever i am thinking is not true.. o.o i love it so far!!!!!!! update soon! <3