Impressive? No.

Mission Exo: Become Kris' lover?


I was still laughing at their expressions. If you saw them. Aigoo. That was funny.

"Hm... 526...." I said as i went around the building from before. 

After i turned the corner, i found number 523.

"Hm... 523, 524 is on that side... and next to 524... IS 526!" I said as i twisted the key. When i opened the door i almost screamed.

"THIS IS A DORM?" I shouted.

"Oh my gosh. Who is shouting in here?" I heard a voice say through a door. Then the door opened. "ARE YOU MY NEW ROOMMATE?" She yelled when she saw me. "OHMYGOSH. I'M LEE HAE MOON." 

My first thought was that she was way too pretty.... were all rich people that pretty? 

"Oh Annyeong!" I didn't expect anyone else here. "I'm Kim Tae An." I flinched at the way i said my own name. 

"Taean.... I'll call you Tai-chan!" She said.

"Uhm. What?" I asked. Tai-chan? What was that?

"Oh sorry. I'm from Japan. My parents sent me here when they realized i wasn't really studying. Lee Hae Moon is my Korean name. My actual Japanese name is Mutika Hikari." (omg i cant make up japanese names) 

"Oh i see. I know a little Japanese." I was actually completely fluent in Japanese. It was one of the mandatory languages you needed to learn to become a spy. 

"Oh i see." She said. "LET ME SHOW YOU AROUND!" She took my hand and led me upstairs. "This room is yours. This room is mine." My room had a tag that said 526B and hers said 526A. 

"Oh by the way.... uh.... Hikari-chan." I was hesitant to call her that.

"OMO! YOU DO KNOW SOME JAPANESE. You can call me that, don't worry." 

"Oh ok." I smiled. "Are all the dorms like this?" I asked.

She laughed. "Haha you wish. You paid a lot of money to get this dorm."

Omo. A lot of money? Thank you boss. I smiled to myself.

"Oh yeah i remember filling in the form with my dad." I lied. "I'll just get settled in. I didn't even look at my schedule yet." 

"Oh don't worry. Classes don't start until 9 o'clock. It's only 8:20. You have plenty of time." Hikari-chan reassured me. 

I opened my suitcae of "normal clothes" and hung them up on the racks. I found two sets of my uniform in the closet already. I took out my bag and put a few books in them. Then i finally took the time to look at my schedule.

AP Calc. AP Japanese. AP English. AP World History. AP Chemistry. AP Physics.

"Lee. Seung. Ki." I whispered with a murderous tone under my breath. WHAT DID HE HAVE TO SAY FOR ME TO GET 6 AP'S? 

I dialed his number on my phone.

"What is it my lovely daughter?" He said when he picked up.


"Oh you must have just looked at your schedule. I honestly just said, 'she's an outstanding student, put her in whatever class has availible seats.' i swear thats all i said."

"And of course all the classes that have availible seats are AP's." I said while giving a death stare to the phone, pretending i could see my boss. I hope he could feel the hatred waves coming through.

"Omo. I can feel the hate coming from the other end." You see? He can. "Well. I have another eye witness coming in. Come over after your classes and i'll tell you about it. Oh by the way. Did you find out who he was?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. Kris Wu. That's his name." I said.

"KRIS WUUUUUUUU?" said Hikari-chan as she came bursting into my room. "DID YOU TALK TO HIM ALREADY? OMO. YOU LUCKY GIRL. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE." 

"ooooooh~~. You hear that Taeri? He's popular." I could hear his eyebrows wiggling.

"Ah ok Appa." I hated pretendng he was my dad. "Annyeong! Love you!" I said. I tried to hide the hate from my eyes.

"So this Kris Wu is popular?" I said to Hikari.

"OMG SOOOOOOOOOO POPULAR." She said. "Every girl wants to go out with him. You know the fall dance is coming up and everyone wants to go with him." 

"What's attractive about him? The hair?" I asked.

She laughed. "Now Taean. Sit down. And let me tell you about Kris Wu." She said as she plopped down on my bed. "Kris Wu has had the highest GPA since freshman year and is maintaining it." Highest GPA? We'll see about that. 

"He knows 3 types of martial arts." 3 types? I know all of them.

"He speaks 4 languages fluently." 4 languages? I know 8 languages. 

"And he's just plain hot." Oh please. I'm definitely hotter. 

"Ah i see." I pretended to sound impressed.

"You don't sound impressed at all." Hikari-chan said. 

"Yeah honestly i'm not." I said.

"You're from the States aren't you." She said.

"Yeah i am." Well i wasn't, but if being from the States meant you were better than Kris Wu then sure.

"Ah so thats why. OMO. HELP ME WITH ENGLISH WHEN U GET THE CHANCE. Let me see your schedule." She said as she took the piece of paper out of my hands. "OMOOOOOO. 6 AP'S?" She looked up at me and gapped.

"Ah look its 8:50, i should get going... haha." I said as i took my schedule back from her. 

So its a Monday. 9:00 is AP Chemistry. What a great way to start the week. 

I slipped on my uniform and went out the door. 

"Building 2 Room 321. Maigawd. How big is this school?" i said as i walked around. 

Someone bumped into me. I was about to say something but he apologized.

"Oh gosh i'm so sorry." He said with an embarassed smile. Omo. He was cute. (cuter than Kris if i could say myself.) 

"Oh it's alright." I said as i helped him pick up the things he dropped. I saw an AP Chemistry book.

"Are you going to AP Chemistry right now?" I said. 

"Yeah are you?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I hesitantly replied.

"Oh. You must be new. I'm Kim Hyeo Seung." He smiled. "Well you're in front of Building 2." 

"Oh really? How can you tell them apart?" I asked.

"Oh. The pointy one with all the corners is Building 1. This fat one is Building 2. The tall skinny one is Building 3. That's all there is. Once you get inside its simple." 

"I think i got it." I said. Honestly i didn't need someone to tell me twice. I had to remember quite a lot of things by myself. 

"Let's go in." He said. 

And you know what he did? He held onto my hand. 


haha i'm lovin the boss. and Hikari. XD 

sorry for my terrible japanese name. lol. guess i need to go back to anime for a while. >.< 

i might update later tonight. 

i hope you enjoyed it!! 

my dear subscribers....


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Chapter 39: Probably gonna read this one too !!
Chapter 38: nah not interested in the spin off sorry ;)
nerdyviv #3
Chapter 36: wahhhh I have to say this is indeed one different story with an interesting plot, i really like it!! good job authornimmm! :D
xoxoxo8 #4
Chapter 38: I'll read your story for sure Author-nim! I can't wait :D
exowufs #5
Chapter 37: geeezzz;; i love it. <3
Doubtful #6
Chapter 37: This is so good! Definitely one of the best fanfics I've ever read and now one of my all-time favourites.
Chapter 37: This was one of the best fanfics I've ever read.
Chapter 18: Lee Jin Pyo. I could recognize that name anywhere....
Chapter 3: Oh my god, when I saw the link for the background music, I was thinking of City Hunter because I just finished watching it. I was totally spazzing out when the OST i thought it would turned out to be correct, because I thought I was the only one who watched it!